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I am currently making a helicopter. I don't understand how i can change speed of my helicopter in config. I tried to change all the parameters which seemed to me to be able to modify the speed, without success. I can't find the solution maybe due to the fact that I don't speak perfect English.


can someone who has the solution help me

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Have you tried adjusting this line?



maxSpeed = 300; /// what is the maximum speed of the vehicle


Had this same issue, but your post made me poke around and found this on this page



The config maxspeed value is only really used by the AI and the engine as a base variable in some calculations.

You can change the acceleration though by using the envelope command. This will change the vertical speed relative to the maxspeed in the config in steps of 10% of the stated max speed.

This is the envelope from the RKSL Lynx AH7:


Maybe someone smarter than me can point you in a better direction, but the above do give you some ideas to fix your problem.

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Have you tried adjusting this line?

 Yes, it's exactly only for IA.



Had this same issue, but your post made me poke around and found this on this page

thx, in this page i Found that



The top speed is set via the mass. So you will need MLODs to alter it. So it is the same issue as the original OP.

The config maxspeed value is only really used by the AI and the engine as a base variable in some calculations.

You can change the acceleration though by using the envelope command. This will change the vertical speed relative to the maxspeed in the config in steps of 10% of the stated max speed.

This is the envelope from the RKSL Lynx AH7:

envelope[] = {1.7, 2.50, 3.50, 4.50, 5.50, 5.50, 5.15, 5.15, 5.15, 5.15, 4.15, 3.15, 2.15, 2.15, 1.15};


I managed to increase the max speed by increasing the mass in lod Geometry, but I think it's more of an alternative solution. In my opinion it is in the RTD file that we configure the power but I can change the parameters, it has no influence

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First, engine power exists in two iterations - for Standard FM in config.cpp (enginePower=, which is combined power of all engines, in kW) and for AFM in XML file (emergencyPowerHP=, in HP units). Obviously, it helps if there's consitency between those values. Changing the helo's max speed within the AFM isn't that simple. Sure, changes in envelope may have positive effect as the faster you fly the more lift is added to the force vectors (if you set it to be this way). You can then exchange the lift for speed via deeper nose-dive fligth profile. If you need it for AI only, forget about AFM, they don't use it. If you need the helo for casual pilots, I would recommend tinkering with the max weight as you already did and left it there. Few would notice there's something wrong with the helo. If you need it for AFM lovers, you will have to learn a lot, I guess. RTD libraries are in fact military grade simulation of an air flow. You cannot simply take out 1-2 parameters, change them, put them back to the simulation and believe it will work realisticly. Actually, the whole XML file is about flying performance in AFM, except the GroundContact classes (to some extent). There are some ways you can alter it changing few things in the model as well. Do you mind telling us what type of helicopter you work on?

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Oh, I see. Nice rhino. It's gonna be difficult task to verify the quality of its AFM as the flight manual of this guy is still classified in whole (or at least partially), I suppose. A lot of the crucial information required to do the task properly was not disclosed as well - some of the helo parameters, NACA profile, characteristics of the rotors blades, etc. Once, I was asked for help in developing its AFM some time ago, but shortly after I withdrawn from that help due to the above limitations, and to be on a safe side too. I do like my (uninterrupted) nice long sleep 😉 

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