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HELP With respawn waypoint

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So i have a mp map where the ai respawns and have to move on a specified location.

I want that if the ai respawns check if the waypoint is completed.If it is completed then copy the previous waypoints when they respawn.

The problem was that if their waypoint is completed after respawn they dont have waypoint,

Thew group's name is group1 and i tried copywaypoint but i cant do group1 cpyWaypoint group1;

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Could you give some hints on what script you are using? SP/MP?

With Arma vanilla and editor,  the respawn works in MP for all playable units (AIs and players). If a group of full AIs is killed, the waypoints still work if you don't delete the group...  So, difficult to understand what you're doing exactly.

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If the ai reaches its waypoint.The waypoint is completed but if the ai dies while the waypoint had been completed after respawn the ai moves nowhere since its waypoint was completed.I want a script that checks if the waypoint of this group is completed and then with a respawm eventhandler i would give them another waypoint.


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Basically in arma 3 when a unit in mp completes its waypoint then respawns it will have no waypoint.


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Use Jebus it allows you to respawn editor placed groups and it keeps all waypoints that you setup for the group. 



However be aware  that AI groups will lose its waypoints regardless if you have it on a cycle or not once heavy contact takes place with enemy forces once the AI combat behavior is initiated it will lose its waypoints it's a arma thing with the FMS but if the AI gets killed Jebus will respawn the AI group with all it's waypoints back. I would suggest also using some AI behavior script like Vcom AI  LAMBS ect



Good luck Avibird

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17 minutes ago, avibird 1 said:

Use Jebus it allows you to respawn editor placed groups and it keeps all waypoints that you setup for the group. 



However be aware  that AI groups will lose its waypoints regardless if you have it on a cycle or not once heavy contact takes place with enemy forces once the AI combat behavior is initiated it will lose its waypoints it's a arma thing with the FMS but if the AI gets killed Jebus will respawn the AI group with all it's waypoints back. I would suggest also using some AI behavior script like Vcom AI  LAMBS ect



Good luck Avibird

Thanx, i think i will figure it out by myself

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Hey Spriterfight

if it helps to have a huge reference, there is a section for respawn and triggers and waypoints

in my AI Compilation list seen here

Also scripts, and mods, some of them already linked by previous posters.

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