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El' Rabito

A3EX_CMAT - Serverside Custom Mapping and Traders

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What it does:  It spawns the traders and additional mapping server side.
The advantage is people can't steal your mapping and the traders are created once on the server and not for every client which should help with FPS.

# A3EX_CMAT - Arma 3 Exile Serverside Custom Mapping and Traders - v0.10
# 2020 - El Rabito
# Thanks @ DB for the initial ExileServer_object_trader_create.sqf


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1. Copy the ExileServer_object_trader_create.sqf into @ExileServer\addons\exile_server\code

2. Add the line below at the top of @ExileServer\addons\exile_server\bootstrap\fn_preInit.sqf

['ExileServer_object_trader_create', 'exile_server\code\ExileServer_object_trader_create.sqf', false],

3. Configure your map content and traders in A3EX_CMAT\content\
- Remember to add them in fn_load_mapContent.sqf like the examples.
- TRADER.sqf is the trader configuration with additional information !
- Remember to remove your old trader NPC's from missionfiles initPlayerLocal.sqf!

Example trader config with comments

_trader_equip =
    "Exile_Trader_Equipment",             	// TRADER CLASS
    "Exile_Trader_Equipment",             	// TRADER CLASS
    "WhiteHead_04",                         	// HEAD
    ["InBaseMoves_HandsBehindBack1"],  		// ANIMATION
    [8204.36,14231.8,0.2],              	// POSITION
    232.455,                         		// ROTATION
    [["arifle_MX_GL_Black_F","","","",[],[],""],[],[],["U_BG_Guerrilla_6_1",[]],["V_I_G_resistanceLeader_F",[]],[],"H_Watchcap_khk","G_Combat",[],["","","","","",""]] // LOADOUT


4. Add this below to missionfiles initServer.sqf (This is better for spawning the mapping since it's initialized earlier (imho))

[] execVM "A3EX_CMAT\content\fn_load_mapContent.sqf";

5. Put the A3EX_CMAT.pbo into @ExileServer\addons\

6. Done

# License Info: If you server is named KFB (Kentucky Fried Bambi) you have no permission to use this. Any violation will result in a DMCA.

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Try to increase the sleep time for each trader to maybe 0,20 or 0,25.

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On my server, this is not configurable. Increasing sleep time to 0.55, some traders begin to work, but others cease to work. Also, their work changes if I mix them in the order of the list in the TRADERS.sqf file.

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22 hours ago, DEH4NK said:

On my server, this is not configurable. Increasing sleep time to 0.55, some traders begin to work, but others cease to work. Also, their work changes if I mix them in the order of the list in the TRADERS.sqf file.

I don't know then, for me it works with a standard amount of traders. Not sure if anyone else has this problem.

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I went back to installing traders on the server side and am still trying to do it, I installed a new clean server, but the problem is the same as it was. Here's what I also noticed,
I have ten standard traders, all have the same animation, I don’t give them any clothes or equipment 
[["", "", "", "", [], [], ""] , [], [], ["", []], ["", []], [], "", "", [], ["", "", "", "", "" , ""]]  but some traders still load it, it is not clear from where 
(I deleted all traders in initPlayerLocal.sqf, there are also no traders in mission.sqm).


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That's the "default clothing" of these traders. If you leave the loadout empty this happens.

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