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Does anyone know how I would open a weblink via a GUI button?

The weblink is split due to needing to add the missionName in it for the link to go to the current mission.


_orbat = "https://unitedtaskforce.net/operations/auth/" + missionName + "/orbat";


if I hint _orbat it spits the correct url out. I just need that url to open a webpage.


Anyone know or a way to do this?


For reference the button is running this action 

action = "execVM 'Menu\Weblinks\OpenOrbat.sqf'";

Thank you in advance.

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You can't just open a website via script (cuz security).

You maybe can use structured text, to add a link into existing text.

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I do this for my public server mission in a briefing, the "execute expression" stuff isn't necessary for a button:


player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",[

"Muh Site",

"<execute expression='copyToClipboard ""https://www.CoolWebsite.com"";'>Copy URL</execute> (Click link and press Ctrl+V into browser)"




In the action of a button, could just do:

"copyToClipboard 'http://www.MyCoolSite.com';"



What it does is simply copies the URL to the player's "clipboard" so they can paste the link into a browser easily. Can't pull up sites anymore. (Think it was doable in early A3 and A2?)


You CAN make YouTube videos open through the Steam overlay via the openYoutubeVideo command

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This is your answer.... Inspired by larrows post

All kudos and credit goes to him. I just improved on his original concept


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