razzored 37 Posted May 15, 2020 Hi Awesome scripters of this great community. I have an issue, i have been trying to get a dynamic spawn script to work with a trigger in multiplayer, however.. i only want the trigger to run it ONCE when any player enters (it then spawns x-x squads). However instead, it runs for EACH player, which means that when i do ops with 40 players, it spawns ect 3 squads per player which kills the fps and is all around terrible. So far i tried to set the Trigger to "Server Only", which works fine in local multiplayer, but on dedicated server it simply breaks the script so it wont run at all. Trigger setup Type: None Activation: Any player Act Type: Present CONDITION: Player in thisList ONACT: Nul = execVM "DynamicAISpawnISS.sqf"; Below is the script itself (In short, Script runs for each player, instead of only running once upon being triggered) private ["_min_groups", "_max_groups", "min_group_size", "_max_group_size", "_number_groups", "_man_type"]; private ["_this_speed","_speed","_this_formation","_formation","_formation_count","_this_group","_this_man_odds","skill_odds","_skill_index"]; _group0 = Creategroup EAST; _group1 = Creategroup EAST; _group2 = Creategroup EAST; _group3 = Creategroup EAST; _group4 = Creategroup EAST; _group5 = Creategroup EAST; _group6 = Creategroup EAST; _group7 = Creategroup EAST; // ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** // Costumization stuff. _min_groups = 2; // The mimimum number of groups that will be created _max_groups = 5; // The maximum number of groups that will be created. This number CANNOT exceed 8 _min_group_size = 3; // The minimum number of people a group can contain _max_group_size = 8; // The maximum number of people a group can contain. _start_distance = 200; // This is the minimum spawn distance for a group from the trigger point _max_distance = 800; // This is the maximum spawn distance for a group from the trigger point _max_enemy_distance = 200; // This is the maximum distance a group can be from the player as the group follows the player around // ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** // // This array contains the type of enemy soldiers that a group can contain. _man_type=["isc_is_squad_leader_o","isc_is_grenadier_o","isc_is_rifleman_o","isc_is_autorifleman_o","isc_is_machinegunner_o","isc_is_sniper_o","isc_is_at_o","isc_is_medic_o","isc_is_irregular_o","isc_is_militaman_o","isc_is_sapper_o"]; // The man odds give the chances of what type of soldiers the enemy group will contain. 100 is 100% // // For example, if _man_odds_group1=[100,70,60,10,5]; it means that the chances of O_Soldier_F being created are 100 - 70, which is 30%, for // O_officer_F, the chances are 70 - 60 which is 10% chance. And so on. Each group can have different odds. _man_odds_group0=[100,90,60,20,10]; _man_odds_group1=[100,70,60,10,5]; _man_odds_group2=[100,50,40,10,5]; _man_odds_group3=[100,95,40,30,25]; _man_odds_group4=[100,80,20,15,5]; _man_odds_group5=[100,50,40,10,5]; _man_odds_group6=[100,50,40,10,5]; _man_odds_group7=[100,50,40,10,5]; // ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** // // These numbers represent the time BEFORE each group will be spawned in. Times are in seconds. // // _group_spawn_delay_min=[30,45,30,60,60,30]; // _group_spawn_delay_max=[40,60,60,80,65,40]; // // The initial delay before any groups are spawned will be 30 seconds + random time of (40 - 30), so 30 seconds + random of 10 seconds. // The next group will spawn at 45 seconds + random time of (60 - 45), so 45 seconds + random of 15 seconds, and so on. _group_spawn_delay_min=[60,60,60,60,60,120,120,120,120]; _group_spawn_delay_max=[80,120,120,80,240,240,240,240,240]; _sleep_delay = 20; // This MUST be at least two times less than any of the _group_spawn_delay numbers // ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** // // The _speed_type array contains the various types of speed the group can operate at. _speed_type=["LIMITED","NORMAL","FULL"]; // The _speed_odds array uses the same chance principles as the man odds. // For example, _speed_odds = [100,60,30]; will give 100 - 60, which is 40% chance that the group will have LIMITED speed, and so on. _speed_odds = [100,60,30]; // The _formation_type array contains all the types of formations that each group can move to a waypoint with. _formation_type=["NO CHANGE","COLUMN","STAG COLUMN","WEDGE","ECH LEFT","ECH RIGHT","VEE","LINE","FILE","DIAMOND"]; // The _formation_odds array uses the same chance principles as the man odds. _formation_odds = [100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10]; // ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** _group_skill=[0.2, 0.3, 0.4 ,0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]; _group_skill_level=["Novice","Rookie","Rookie","Recruit","Recruit","Veteran","Veteran","Expert"]; _skill_odds=[100, 95, 85, 70, 50, 30, 15, 5]; // Must contain the same number of entries as _group_skill // ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** _all_groups = [_group0, _group1, _group2, _group3, _group4, _group5, _group6, _group7]; _all_man_odds = [_man_odds_group0, _man_odds_group1, _man_odds_group2, _man_odds_group3, _man_odds_group4, _man_odds_group5]; _number_groups = floor(random (_max_groups - _min_groups)) + _min_groups; //hint format ["Groups %1", _number_groups]; _man_number = count _man_type; _formation_count = count _formation_type; private ["_i", "_j", "_k", "_odds", "_table_odds", "_this_man", "_skill_level"]; //hint format ["Position %1, %2",_spawn_position, _number_groups]; _skill_count = (count _group_skill) - 1; // ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** _group_counter = 0; _wait_time = 0; _delay_min = _group_spawn_delay_min select _group_counter; _delay_max = _group_spawn_delay_max select _group_counter; _delay_time = (random (_delay_max - _delay_min)) + _delay_min; _wait_time = _wait_time + _delay_time; _skill_index = 0; // hint format ["Initial Delay: %1", _delay_time]; while {alive player} do { if ( time > _wait_time) then { if ( _group_counter < _number_groups) then { _this_group = _all_groups select _group_counter; _this_man_odds = _all_man_odds select _group_counter; _group_size = floor(random (_max_group_size - _min_group_size)) + _min_group_size; _spawn_position = position player; _xpos = _spawn_position select 0; _ypos = _spawn_position select 1; _zpos = _spawn_position select 2; _distance = _start_distance + random (_max_distance - _start_distance); _angle = random 360; _xxpos = (_distance * cos _angle); _yypos = (_distance * sin _angle); _xpos = _xpos + _xxpos; _ypos = _ypos + _yypos; _spawn_position set [0, _xpos]; _spawn_position set [1, _ypos]; _spawn_position set [2, _zpos]; _odds = random (100); for "_i" from 0 to _skill_count do { _table_odds = _skill_odds select _i; if (_odds < _table_odds) then { _skill_index = _i; }; }; // hint format ["_skill_index %1, _skill_count %2", _skill_index, _skill_count]; _skill_level = _group_skill select _skill_index; _skill_level_name = _group_skill_level select _skill_index; for "_i" from 0 to (_group_size - 1) do { _odds = random (100); for "_j" from 0 to (_man_number - 1) do { _table_odds = _this_man_odds select _j; if (_odds < _table_odds) then { _this_man = _j; }; }; _man = _man_type select _this_man; _man createUnit [_spawn_position, _this_group,"this allowFleeing 0", _skill_level, "Private"]; }; // hint format ["ENEMY SPAWNED: Group size %1, Skill: %2", _group_size,_skill_level_name]; _formation = _formation_type select floor random count _formation_type; _wp1 = _this_group addWaypoint [position player, _max_enemy_distance]; _wp2 = _this_group addWaypoint [position player, _max_enemy_distance]; _wp3 = _this_group addWaypoint [position player, _max_enemy_distance]; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; _wp1 setwaypointtype "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointFormation _formation; _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "Normal"; _wp1 setwaypointstatements ["True", ""]; _wp2 setwaypointtype "MOVE"; _wp3 setWaypointType "Cycle"; _group_counter = _group_counter + 1; _delay_min = _group_spawn_delay_min select _group_counter; _delay_max = _group_spawn_delay_max select _group_counter; _delay_time = (random (_delay_max - _delay_min)) + _delay_min; _wait_time = _wait_time + _delay_time; // hint format ["Initial Delay: %1", _delay_time]; }; }; for "_i" from 0 to (_group_counter - 1) do { _this_group = _all_groups select _i; _odds = random (100); for "_j" from 0 to ((count _speed_odds) - 1) do { _table_odds = _speed_odds select _j; if (_odds < _table_odds) then { _this_speed = _j; }; }; _odds = random (100); for [ {_j=0}, { _j < _formation_count}, { _j =_j+1 } ] do { _table_odds = _formation_odds select _j; if (_odds < _table_odds) then { _this_formation = _j; }; }; _speed = _speed_type select _this_speed; _formation = _formation_type select _this_formation; // hint format ["Speed: %1, Formation: %2", _speed, _formation]; [_this_group, 1] setWaypointSpeed _speed; [_this_group, 1] setWaypointFormation _formation; [_this_group, 1] setWaypointPosition [ getPosATL player, random (_max_enemy_distance) ]; [_this_group, 2] setWaypointPosition [ getPosATL player, random (_max_enemy_distance) ]; }; sleep _sleep_delay; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opusfmspol 282 Posted May 15, 2020 Checking "Server Only" is correct. Condition breaks it on dedi because Player is objNull on a dedicated server. Try using: ({_x In thisList} count AllPlayers > 0) as condition. -- edit: Also check the script for "player", that would have to target a _unit instead on dedi. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
razzored 37 Posted May 15, 2020 @opusfmspol I will test that now, in anycase thanks for the hella fast reply 😄 You're a godsent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
razzored 37 Posted May 15, 2020 Update It sadly does not work, using the condition you provided @opusfmspol gives the same results, nothing spawns and nothing happens. 😞 EDIT I haven't tried changing player to _unit, i will try that 🙂 EDIT 2 Does not work, even after changing player to _unit Note that it worked fine without server only ticked, except ofc that it went crazy and spawned for every player, but with the changes you reccomended it spawns nothing at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
razzored 37 Posted May 16, 2020 @opusfmspol Any idea as to what might be causing it to not react, to players? Im dumbfounded at this point, its like whenever "server only" is ticked, no matter what changes i make to the script or trigger, it won't do anything.. 😒 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opusfmspol 282 Posted May 16, 2020 If all that was done was change "player" to "_unit", that wouldn't work. To "target a _unit" means a unit has to be selected from the activated trigger's list or thisList and defined in the script as _unit. Once you have a _unit defined in the script, changing the player references to _unit should work. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Soapbox0331 17 Posted June 28, 2020 @razzored did you get this to work? This was a great, versatile script I used for quite a while and won't work for me in MP dedicated any more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luft08 27 Posted June 29, 2020 razzored, this may be clunky but if you only want the trigger to execute once, have you considered deleting the trigger as part of the activation code? deleteVehicle _trigger; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites