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How would you config a Hovercraft?

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I have found relatively good reference pics of a Murena Class Hovercraft and I'm thinking about modelling it and add it to the game.


But.... I remember the old LCAC mod and I just don't want to code it as a boat.


Anyone knows alternatives, specially if they don't rely on scripts?

I was thinking about configuring it as a Carx and set low speed in land but using waterspeed coefficient values to make it go faster on water.


I think @Sakura Chan mentioned that there was a simulation="hovercraftx" in the game (supposedly taken from VBS3's LCAC) but I think it is something unconfirmed...


Any ideas??

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I have been experimenting and I can confirm that simulation= hovercraftx does indeed exists in the game….


it can move over wáter but as soon as you land…. nothing Works... I wil continue experimenting

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I've just come across this thread, so I apologize if someone else has mentioned this....however, is there any chance that you can reverse engineer what Gnat has done? By that, I only mean, that he took a seaairplane that he had, somehow created either an invisible boat model where the floats are located, or he made a very, very small boat model and wrote a config so that the boat class took over as soon as the height of the seaplane was at a certain level above the sea.


For the hovercraft, could you make it so that when the hovercraft comes into contact with land, or is at a certain height above the sea level, you can create either a small or invisible car, plane, or tank classed config to take over land travel. 


Hopefully, that makes sense and I haven't repeated what someone else has stated.

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GNAT left the community arround six years ago.... He's not in these fórums anymore….

I sincereously hope he's well and alive… If I remember well he was from Perth (west Australia)...

I want scriptless solutions whenever it is possible.  I know simulation=xhovercraft Works because I have a vehicle ingame But I don't know how to make it move overland… I'm experimenting with simulation=xcar but the solution is much more complicated….


Thanks for the answer and don't worry… It made sense and I know how he did the trick with the sea plane...

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Hovercraft was supposed to be disabled until recently. I brought it up in Arma Discord about a year back, maybe it was enabled since then but there is no documentation.

Yes its a leftover from VBS that was never used for Arma. I can check the code, but I don't know enough about vehicle creation to know what you would need to know.

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I can check the code, but I don't know enough about vehicle creation to know what you would need to know.


Well… the portions of the config.cpp relative to PHYSx values (engine, torque, etc...) plus other memory points would very useful but….. The really important thing is how to set things in the GEO Physx LOD and Memory LOD which I supose Will be impossible to release....


Thanks for the effort anyway @Dedmen


Thanks for trying it… I'll put the Project on hold


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On 5/4/2020 at 6:45 PM, mankyle said:

I know simulation=xhovercraft Works

well thats weird, because it doesn't. xhovercraft doesn't exist.

But there is hovercraftx



It inherits from shipx so it has their config entries (also specifies the engine that provides the thrust and stuff, two propellers) and specific ones


shipx main one is

engineShiftY defines the distance of the propellers from center... though I don't think that is actually enabled. Maybe you only have two propellers, that are both in center.


config entries specific to it:


dustEffect - string

waterEffect - string

I think they are CfgCloudlets? Probably something similar in the other vehicle types.


hoverPressure - scalar - default 9 - pressure of air cushion kPa

lowerHoverElevation - Scalar - Default 0.4 - air cushion height at 100% inflation
upperHoverElevation - Scalar - Default 0.6 - air cushio height at 0% inflation
bounceSpeedStab - Scalar - Default 1.0 - bouncing stabilization max speed of something on the air cushion m/s
bounceAngVelStab - Scalar - Default 0.1 - max angular vel of element on air cushion m/s
waterSmoothingCoef - Scalar - Default 1.0 - 0 ignores waves, 0.5 waves smoothed, ignore half wave, 1.0 full waves
airCushionInflateTime - Scalar - Default 1.0 - time after engine start to fully inflate air curshion
airCushionDeflateTime - Scalar - Default 1.0 - time to deflate after engine off

resistanceCoefs - array of scalars - default {20,20,20}

They are air resitance I think? or something like that. Based on angle of attack... something





requires a phys lod for the air cushion.

I think the phys lod contains ONLY the cushion. The bounding box of the lod are also the bounding box of the cushion


Hovercraft won't work properly with AI, I think they'll only drive on water maybe.


The air cushion inflate/deflate you have to do with animation source.. not sure which you'd use for that... its time since engine start/stop...



If  this really works, please make something fancy out of it.

  • Thanks 1

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after some very preliminary testing hovercraftX behaves like regular shipX, the debug tools in diag exe show the physx forces are applied at the two propeller points in water like any other boat.

if there's some visual things that are supposed to happen like the vehicle sinking in water and bouncing back up when the engine is on, im seeing none of that.

also, most importantly, it doesnt seem to work on land, only in water.

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