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Random Guerilla Fighter Gear v4

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Hello everyone!
I made a small mod with adds a new unit to the Vanilla FIA factions on all sides. If you just place the "Fighter" down and start the scenario, then the script will randomize the gear based on hand made list. The soldier will have random weapons with ammo as well, with chance to have a launcher too.
I really like the randomness of the gear, it can make your guerillas look more varied.
The script was made with CUP in mind, but it will detect if CUP Units and Weapons are loaded and it will work without them and use Arma 3 stuff only instead. No, I do not plan making RHS version, it took me long enough to make this one.
Each of the FIA factions (BLUFOR, OPFOR and INDFOR) have a new soldier called "Fighter". You just place him on the map and start the scenario. When the scenario starts the script will randomize the gear. If you change the gear in the editor using arsenal, the script will not overwrite your changes and leave the unit as it is.

* Some clipping between gear can happen.

V4 - current version
* fixed group sides for OPFOR and INDFOR guerilla groups, they spawned on BLUFOR side in zeus.

* added groups (sentry, fire team and squad) made out random fighters to each FIA on each side

* now actually works, sorry about the mess up

V1 - initial release

DOWNLOAD: https://www.mediafire.com/file/cgh6vuakkiglynp/@taro_random_fighterV4.zip/file


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@taro8, getting this error when previewing scenario...



CUP isn't loaded, just vanilla Arma + CBA3

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4 hours ago, EO said:

@taro8, getting this error when previewing scenario...

CUP isn't loaded, just vanilla Arma + CBA3

Damn, I uploaded a wrong version. I'll post a new one right away.

EDIT: V2 fixed version released

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Just reporting that V2 is working well.

Cool mod.


Edit: A patrol, sentry or fire team of fighters would/could be a neat addition. 

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Yeah, I've been planning to do the groups as well. This whole script was mostly for giggles.

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@ReptilienskiYeah, it should, the script is set to fire off when the unit is initialized, with should also work when getting spawned in the game.

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v4 released
* fixed group sides for OPFOR and INDFOR guerilla groups, they spawned on BLUFOR side in zeus.

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