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Never Impressed

Survival stats

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First off thank you for listening to your community. I honestly believe this game would get a lot more attention with some simple stats such as kills, successful encounters, safes accessed, etc. 

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Hi Never,

Just wondered if you wanted the statistics to be open to all or just yourself?

I'm ambivalent about either to be honest, but feel a majority would maybe prefer to have stats limited to themselves and friends.

I would certainly be interested in seeing mine.

The only downside I can foresee, is that the statistics could expose your playing style. And some outlanders might not what that out there.

Interesting discussion point though.

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Private viewing yes but nothing public part of the fun is not knowing what your up against. If you see a lobby with adr people with like a 5.1 kd your gonna bounce from that game 😂 if your a scrub with common weapons with a 0.87 kd your gonna have a bad time when everyone hunts you for an easy kill. 

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1 hour ago, Matthew Aiken said:

Private viewing yes but nothing public part of the fun is not knowing what your up against. If you see a lobby with adr people with like a 5.1 kd your gonna bounce from that game 😂 if your a scrub with common weapons with a 0.87 kd your gonna have a bad time when everyone hunts you for an easy kill. 


I understand shooting in this Game for Self-Defense not for Attack.

Don't make this Game another random Shooter

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I feel it would be better for just yourself and maybe friends as well to be able to view your stats. I can definitely understand how other players seeing stats could intimidate a lobby of new players.

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