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Respawn Module spawns players on top of building, not inside

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Each side has a respawn location inside of a building(Land_Dome_Small_F). The players are able to respawn but they are spawned on top of the building, directly above the module's location. However, the players spawn directly on the module if I move the module outside of the building, but if its inside the building, the players spawn on top of the building. I've tried placing the module inside different buildings to see if it does the same thing, and yes, it spawns them on top of every building I place the module inside of. Is this usual behavior for the vanilla respawn module? I've never placed a repsawn module inside of a building before this mission. Is there an easy fix for this?

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Create a respawn point using code, you can specify an exact location, here's an example:

[west, getMarkerPos "BASE", "Main base"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;


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9 hours ago, stanhope said:

Create a respawn point using code, you can specify an exact location, here's an example:

[west, getMarkerPos "BASE", "Main base"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;


Well, that made it easy. Thanks a lot, @stanhope. I usually use the vanilla respawn modules since I place the respawns outdoors. One would think that using them indoors, one would be able to set the height of the module to respawn on a second story or such. After all, it says in the module information that position "Affects module function", but I guess thats just in 2D space(x,y).

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17 hours ago, Alleged Accomplice said:

You can set the height but when I saw this post I set it to 7 but I still spawned on the ground. It only raises the module up in the editor.

@Alleged Accomplice, if you use the respawn module in the editor, you will respawn on the ground if the module is placed outdoors, but if you place it inside a building you will respawn on top of that building regardless of the height of the module. If you need to respawn indoors or at a specific height outdoors(like on a carrier), you can use what stanhope mentioned above and instead of getMarkerPos you can use an array for the location with height. 

On 1/23/2020 at 10:16 AM, stanhope said:

Create a respawn point using code, you can specify an exact location, here's an example:

[west, getMarkerPos "BASE", "Main base"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;


For instance:

[west, [1000,1000,5], "West Respawn"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;

...should get you to respawn 5 meters in the air.

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silly question where would you put this line of code


[west, getMarkerPos "BASE", "Main base"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;


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nvm i found a different way i did the respawn the old school way by using an empty marker and adding respawn_west as the name and it fixed the spawning into the roof 

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