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Quick finish

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I posted about this topic before but wanted to keep it fresh in the devs mindset...


The option to use crowns to auto complete upgrades and gun production would be a huge plus for gamers like myself.


The gamers that can not play more than 2 hours or so can not complete certain challenges before getting offline. (Local time zone challenge refresh timer would be great also)


We would also benefit from being able to quick finish an upgrade to start a new upgrade before bed to obtain the time that we go to work towards our progress.

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I support the sentiment and reasoning behind your request. However, if we look at one potential scenario relating to the ultimate use of food. Which has not yet been established, I'm not sure other outlanders or the Devs would.

For instance, and depending on what the ultimate endpoint for food is. Using crowns to allow you finish a food related upgrade could help you win any future food donation related reward, and could be considered as pay to win. Small point, but relevant.

If the the current food donation system isn't to be used for anything useful or to offer future rewards in some fair and balanced way, then why not.





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I understand your opinion. But honestly  for the gamers that can not play hours upon hours, the ability to quick complete an upgrade before bed keeps us in the competitive game play.


If food is going to be something worth while, then drop the ability to quick complete. Same as any other building.


For a gamer like myself to lose 12hrs of upgrade time for not being able to stay up until 3am to start another upgrade sucks big time. Even if the generator is fully maxed. Lost time is lost time.


The devs could certainly exclude whatever they deem necessary.


And on top of this addition, it makes them more money to operate.

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I can see this getting out of hand real d.quick.. ie.

The guy who's got unlimited funds just maxed out their shelter over night.

Wouldn't be cool as all of us have gone through the long upgrades and had to endure days of waiting.

Plus this would make the shelter in my opinion completely obsolete and that would suck big time!

I get on every single day, but some days all I have time for is grabbing my materials and then off to bed without being able to enjoy even 1 encounter. Life sucks that way..

Goodluck, see you out there!

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You guys do know that when the game is fully complete, all of the shelter upgrades and what not will be reset right? This is not a complete game yet.


And honestly, if you want to be a free gamer so be it. There are thousands of people that are willing to pay a little bit to keep a competitive status. And that is what the game devs want. They make games for profit, not enjoyment.

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And you can’t max out anything without the required materials. No one is getting 200,000 anything in one night. You can be the greatest player in the world. Not happening 

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I see your point Cry. Still need to grind for the resources before you can upgrade.

Maybe adjust the upgrade that decreases build time to a higher percentage. Say to 90% (or even 100%) at level 13. So a one day upgrade takes 2.4 hours instead.

Would be very disappointed with another reset!

I'm not a free gamer Cry, after all I am a founder. Just don't like games where cash gives you a material advantage. I prefer games that offer a level playing field where skill and tactics matter.

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And that is what this game does. It is a very even playing field.


there are many times I have the materials to start an upgrade and have to wait 3-4 hrs to get the 2 day upgrade began but can’t due to real life.


it would be great to be able to spend 2-300 crowns to quick finish the 3-4 hour upgrade so that I do not miss the 14hrs due to work and sleep. That’s pretty much a 1/4 of the total time of the new upgrade.


And the quick finish guns will allow players in different time zones the ability to build let’s say the 15 machine guns challenge in the 2hrs of game time before the reset. It currently takes me at least 2 days to complete that challenge due to my time zone being different from the devs.


Which is why I suggested the challenge reset be integrated with different restart times for eastern and Western Hemisphere 

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I understand your issue better now, and would probably have the same thoughts had the time zone been more than one hour different to mine.

Perfectly reasonable request regarding time zone correlation with challenge reset times. Must be technically possible.

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I will completely disagree with this. I work almost 14+ days and still have alot to do when I get home some days I dont even get the chance to get on. Guess what? I missed out.  This shouldn't be a pay to win kinda game, it's a game that currently, you have to get on  a lot to play. If you want pay yo win, to to the store and find other game to waste your few moment of game time. I get your point man but still. Find another game, or like your tag go cry to your mom.

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You obviously have no clue what I am saying. This option would not make the game a pay to play...


you can not buy materials! You have to have them in your inventory to upgrade.


The quick finish is only to finish an upgrade to start another. That my friend is not a pay to win.


glad you like the gamer tag. 👍

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That sort of at least makes it pay to get ahead, I am currently waiting 4+ days to complete my next antenna upgrade, why should you be able to just knock it out instantly... there are ways to increase the amount of improvements you can upgrade at one time with the generator and true you still need materials but the whole idea that you can pay to make 4 days disappear to make the game easier for you is in my opinion by definition pay to play, win, etc...

Which I am sure none of us outlanders want.

I was not a big fan of making this game free to play in the beginning because of the fear that something like that could happen.

Again, real life sucks but that shouldn't affect in game.. I'm 35, real life dictates I have a choice whether to go to sleep early or stay up an extra hour to knock out some "important shit" in game..ha

About the time zones.. you know they are based in Prague. Do we even know where the games servers are located.. 

How bad is it really?

Challenges don't disappear...it's nice to get in on new ones but again life is unfair...

Maybe get a different job if you care enough.. 

Goodluck out there!


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Lol yeah quit my career for a video game. I’m 37 not an 18 year old.


Its a a suggestion that should be considered along with the time zone refresh.

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Nice to see alternative points of view shared and no one fell out!!

I remember working so will not pontificate.

Good work guys.

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