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Passing arguments/params when spawning ai

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Hi, I try to learn abit about passing arguments/params through scripts when spawning ai. This code below is just one of my attempts of doing so. What would you change to make it better?


call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "Functions\Units.sqf";

[5,getMarkerpos "Marker1",500] spawn Patrol;

My function

Patrol = 

params ["_howmanyai","_markerpos","_spawndistance"];

private _pos = [_markerpos, 0, _spawndistance, 5, 0, 0.4, 0, [],_markerpos] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

for "_i" from 1 to _Howmanyai do


private ["_grp1","_unit"];

_grp01 = grpNull;
_grp01 = createGroup [east, true];
_unit = _grp01 createUnit [selectRandom ["uns_men_VC_mainforce_AS1","uns_men_VC_mainforce_HMG","uns_men_VC_mainforce_LMG"], _pos, [], 0, "FORM"];

_unit setSkill 1;
_unit setSkill ["AimingAccuracy",0.01];
_unit allowFleeing 0;

_grp01 enableDynamicSimulation true;
_grp01 setSpeedMode "LIMITED";
_grp01 setBehaviour "SAFE";
_grp01 setCombatMode "Red";

{_x addCuratorEditableObjects [units _grp01, true];} foreach allCurators;

sleep 2;


Seems to work pretty good, but is it a correct way of spawning them this way? How could i improve it? If you spot useless code lines please point it out.

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There's no sense to writing a new spawn soldiers script every time we begin a new mission...

With MMF_fnc you can add your soldiers to the configurable array or just add a custom array and spawn however many you want, wherever you want, whenever you want, with half a dozen other options, all with a single function call. Yours would look like this,

[_pos, 3, INDEPENDENT, MMF_custom, "SAFE", _pos, 0, 0, 0, 1] call MMF_fnc_soldiers;

Have fun!

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Is it possible to change group size through param? Since my spawngroup already have 5 units in the group.


[2,getMarkerpos "Marker1",500] spawn Patrolgroup;

Patrolgroup =
params ["_patrol","_markerpos","_spawndistance"];

for "_i" from 1 to _patrol do {

private ["_grp1"];

private _pos = [_markerpos, 0, _markerSize, 5, 0, 0.4, 0, [],_markerpos] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

_grp01 = [_pos, east, ["uns_men_NVA_65_MGS","uns_men_NVA_65_LMG","uns_men_NVA_65_AT","uns_men_NVA_65_AA","uns_men_NVA_65_HMG"],[],[],[1,1],[1,1]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;

sleep 2;



What's the difference in using

Cfgfunctions library - class Unithandler{preinit = 1;};


call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "Functions\Unithandler.sqf";

What is the best way to activate the fnc that have all the variables of units?

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Is it possible to change group size through param?

[_pos, 5, INDEPENDENT, MMF_custom, "SAFE", _pos, 0, 0, 0, 1] call MMF_fnc_soldiers;


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When is it good to [] spawn a compile like this vs a regular call compile.

[] spawn {_this call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "Functions\fn_Units.sqf";};


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1 hour ago, Robustcolor said:

When is it good to [] spawn a compile like this vs a regular call compile.

Never. Declare it in cfg functions and then spawn it.

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8 hours ago, Mr H. said:

Never. Declare it in cfg functions and then spawn it.

Ok, so if i have a script with alot of other functions inside of it that i want to call. How would i activate that function through cfg functions?

Since this won't find my functions inside that script called Aihandler. Should i use preinit?

class CfgFunctions
	class Robust
	class Mission
		file = "functions";
		class Aihandler{};


_m1 = [_inf,_markerpos,_range] spawn Test;
waitUntil {scriptDone _m1};

_m2 = [_inf,_markerpos,_range] spawn Test2;
waitUntil {scriptDone _m2};


Test =

Test2 = 


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But why to you do that since you have a cfg functions? Why not just declare them along the others?

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7 minutes ago, Mr H. said:

But why to you do that since you have a cfg functions? Why not just declare them along the others?

Could you explain more, maybe a example? 🙂

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class CfgFunctions
	class Robust
	class Mission
		file = "functions";
		class Aihandler{};
        class test;

[Some params] spawn Test 

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18 minutes ago, Mr H. said:

class CfgFunctions
	class Robust
	class Mission
		file = "functions";
		class Aihandler{};
        class test;

[Some params] spawn Test 

Gives error, can't find test.sqf. So apparently it does not search inside the Aihandler.sqf for the test function.

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Your file has to be named fn_test.sqf and placed in the directory named functions 


Same for your aihandler the sqf has to be prefixed with fn_

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So using Inline functions is not a way to go? Instead i should be doing Functions-as-files with everything?

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Depends on what you aim for. Security wise it's better to have them declared in the cfgFunctions. I also find that separate files for each function is clearer and easier to maintain 

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