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Unstuck command please

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Please add a function that allows us to ‘unstuck’ our character. 


I have this option in Warframe, we type /unstuck to release ourselves when we are stuck in the terrain. I would think this would solve our issues, maybe it’s just a button we have in our inventory or at map. With a 5 minute cooldown so it isn’t abused. 

It would just need to pop you 5m to the left or right, something to get you out of tight situations.


I had a match last night where I was doing well, a change for me, and had cleared map to claim a green crate for myself. Then a rock grabs me and I cannot get released. I took a video of my inventory and the crate grade, as well the video proof to show I would have grabbed it an extracted fine as it was untouched while the radiation wave consumed me. 

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My buddy gets stuck all the time on the outskirts of the maps. Unless you have a teammate, stay off the rocks. I can melee him to get him free but he is screwed in single player.

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This issue appears to be quite common.

I would suggest describing the location to help other outlanders avoid it. Also a screenshot would assist.

Devs could also use the information.


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