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Adding ambient civilians

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Hi guys,


I've been trying to add ambient civilians via various methods, Madin_AI just works fine when not on the dedicated server but when on the server nothing happens, no errors mod loads fine just does nothing. So I scrapped that idea, went looking for something else.


Tried ALiVE and that wasn't working, though I think there's some that have kinda got it working with Exile and I do have a copy of an old Cherno PBO given to me that has it kinda working... but now I'm working on a Livonia server ALiVE hasn't indexed Enoch yet so that kinda ran into a dead end.


I found TPW Mods

Adding tpw_core and tpw_civs to init.sqf using the methods noted in the readme section at the top of their scripts does nothing... however things like the fire script works (just also seems to light up log piles outside houses so perhaps not so keen on that one). Also the car script tends to work with unexpected results. Also, there's no warnings or errors in the logs to give a hint as to why this does not work. I just wonder if InfiSTAR is somehow blocking these things - how would I even check?

I'm running A3XAI and blckeagles for random encounters and missions and that seems a great combination.... the adding of civilians into the mix seems elusive. Has anyone figured out how to add ambient life to their servers?


Any thoughts, hints or directions much appreciated!


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I managed to get this working through the Arma 3 ambient civilian module. Build it out in Editor and copy into mission file if i remember correctly.  Can be tricky to get it working right (lots of testing), but had some nice guards and ambient civs wandering/patrolling the traders.

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Heh , good to hear. Do you use Headless Client for your AI? I'm asking because, I'm kinda struggling to balance the total AI number , without making the performance drop & without HC. My approach is: every AI unit must have some role in a dynamic missions/static mission/patrol or other... and you just add module for ambient civs , which is nice , but should eat your performance up...

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On 9/3/2019 at 1:54 PM, chernaruski said:

Heh , good to hear. Do you use Headless Client for your AI? I'm asking because, I'm kinda struggling to balance the total AI number without HC. My approach is: every AI unit must have some role in a dynamic missions/static mission/patrol or other... and you just add module for ambient civs , which is nice , but should eat your performance up...

No headless here. The civ module only triggers when a player is near, and is a very light module (if you believe BI 🤣) so shouldn't  be too hard on performance as long as you don't overdo it. You will need to balance where and how many civ modules/civs you have against player numbers on the server. I deliberately kept the locations small (e.g. only within/around the traders) and with just enough civs to make it seem busy because of that, then used occupation for general roaming AI. I was going to go back and try to get TWS working for general civ population but haven't gotten around to it yet. Will let you know if i have any luck.

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