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Create marker on random map loc

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hello. I have problem to create marker on absolutely random location I can create marker but I want create it on random location on map  I use this:


 BLACK_SITE1 = createMarker ["BLACK_SITE1", [6859,7318,0]];
BLACK_SITE1 setMarkerType "hd_dot";
"BLACK_SITE1" setMarkerSize [0, 0];


and I need some number somewhere what put this marker randomly enywhere on map or at least at random distance from its created location.. 

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I try this many times its just not working … I mean I cant implement it. don't know what im doing wrong ..


BLACK_SITE1 = [] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;  does nothing  

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_randomPositionOnMap = [] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;

BLACK_SITE1 = createMarker ["BLACK_SITE1", _randomPositionOnMap];
BLACK_SITE1 setMarkerType "hd_dot";
BLACK_SITE1 setMarkerSize [0, 0];	//	Are you sure you want the marker to be 0 size?

- Or -

_randomPositionAroundPosition = [[[[6859,7318,0], 1500]], ["water"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;

BLACK_SITE1 = createMarker ["BLACK_SITE1", _randomPositionAroundPosition];
BLACK_SITE1 setMarkerType "hd_dot";
BLACK_SITE1 setMarkerSize [0, 0];	//	Are you sure you want the marker to be 0 size?


Edited by Maff
I always miss out brackets in the second example. Always!
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For an absolutely random position as stated in the first post one could use something like this:

_rndMapPos = [(worldSize / 2),(worldSize / 2),0] getPos [random (worldSize / 2) * 1.4142,random 360];

//simple test
for "_i" from 1 to 100 do {
	_rndMapPos = [(worldSize / 2),(worldSize / 2),0] getPos [random ((worldSize / 2) * 1.4142),random 360];
	_markerstr = createMarker [str _rndMapPos, _rndMapPos];
	_markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
	_markerstr setMarkerType "mil_dot" ;

Again, this will return a position that can be anywhere on the map, can be on water, far away from any landmass etc.



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Thank you so much guys  really appreciate your help. Sometimes I just don't understand scripting 

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