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Make Infantry Ignore Helicopters?

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The title is pretty much the question.


I would like OPFOR and BLUFOR Helicopters to duke it out in the skies without causing the infantry to be distracted from their ground battle. As of right now, having ground units trying to fight each other pans out kinda awkwardly when air units are fighting nearby because they'll stop paying attention to the enemy squad in front of them and start staring/firing at the helicopter 

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You could try making the helicopters fly high enough with flyinheight command but I'm not sure how well that works

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Try making your units forget target.

Probably this one:

onEachFrame { enemyBob forgetTarget player };
onEachFrame { _unit forgetTarget _helo };

I don't know if that will be processor intensive. Maybe depending on how many NPC's.

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