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Slow mission download

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When I join the server I'm running on my PC i get quite slow mission download time and sometimes the download even freezes for over 30 seconds and then continues. Is this normal? And is there possibility to make the download go faster? I'm using TADST to setup the server.


I would think the download should go faster because it's same PC



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-loadMissionToMemoryServer                                                                           will load mission into memory on first client downloading it. Then it keeps it pre-processed pre-cached in memory for next clients, saving some server CPU cycles,


I had good experience with this. Try it out even if the description does not fit perfect to your case.

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17 hours ago, sarogahtyp said:




I had good experience with this. Try it out even if the description does not fit perfect to your case.


Not sure I get it but trying that parameter didn't speed up the download. It got stuck again at 112 / 752 KB


Maybe it's because I'm not downloading a PBO but the mission is as folder?


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17 hours ago, gc8 said:

Maybe it's because I'm not downloading a PBO but the mission is as folder?


no you can't.
The server packs the mission into a PBO on demand, and then sends you that packed version.


17 hours ago, gc8 said:

even freezes for over 30 seconds and then continues

Might be server's preInit scripts running. Some unscheduled stuff that blocks everything else.

  • Thanks 1

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I run my server in a 1000 Mbps (upload and download) internet but mission download is quite slow.

The file basic.cfg is configured for 50 mbps minSpeed and 100 mbps maxSpeed.

I remember i joined a server some time ago and the 38 mb mission downloaded really fast, but i have no clue what they did to archieve that!

I tried -loadMissionToMemory and joined many times the server deleting the cached mission on client, but no change.

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