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Arma 3 won't start: System Error without info

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Error: https://ibb.co/DVBNT52

(English: **System Error** the code execution cannot proceed because (Here must be missing file name but in error here is just nothing) was not found)

I already have 1000 hours in arma 3, I have never seen such a mistake. I have reinstalled arma, Visual C++ and NETframework, nothing helped. It began to appear after I removed Visual Studio 2017 using VScleanUnistall (found it on the GitHub) and installed it again. Other games work properly.

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  On 7/7/2019 at 2:52 PM, byalexeykh said:

Visual C++ and NETframework

did you install the correct version? I think you need vcredist 140 or 120

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  On 7/9/2019 at 8:49 AM, Dedmen said:

did you install the correct version? I think you need vcredist 140 or 120


Yep, I installed exactly the version that I had before

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Alright, i deleted all versions of visuall C++ and installed 2015-2019 visual C++, now arma forces my computer to reboot. After rebooting arma disappeard from "installed games" list (I still have arma in steam library but it unistalled itself somehow).

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  On 7/26/2019 at 12:39 PM, byalexeykh said:

Alright, i deleted all versions of visuall C++ and installed 2015-2019 visual C++, now arma forces my computer to reboot. After rebooting arma disappeard from "installed games" list (I still have arma in steam library but it unistalled itself somehow).

Same problem after reinstallation... I dont know what to do. Most likely the only solution to the problem is reinstalling Windows. 😕

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I don't even have crash logs, in the error itself there is not a single clue because of what it happens.


My сomputer:

Processor: Intel Core i5 2400 3.10 GHz
Video card: GTX 660


In general, I tried:
1) Complete removal and subsequent reinstallation of Visual C ++
2) Complete removal and subsequent reinstallation of NET framework
3) Complete removal and subsequent reinstallation of Arma 3
4) Updating graphics drivers
5) Updating processor drivers


None of the above helped.


Probable solution to the problem:
Reinstalling Windows


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