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-A scenario built on Drongo’s Area of Operations-


2035 –Tensions are rising between NATO and CSAT.  CSAT’s allies, the AAF, occupy the strategic island nation of Malden.  A local CIA funded and trained group known as the FIA has been tasked with conducting an insurgency in Malden to weaken the AAF military capability, erode CSAT’s confidence in the AAF and strengthen the case for NATO peacekeeping intervention in Malden. 


This mission has been built around Drongo’s Area of Operations, a mod which provides a highly customisable dynamic campaign system.  Area of Operations generates missions which need to be achieved in order to accumulate victory points to win the campaign. Area of Operations is easy to use and allows anyone with little experience with the Eden Editor to create engaging and fun campaigns.  My intention with this scenario is to demonstrate some of the possibilities of Drongo’s mod and give a true sandbox experience where the player has lots of freedom in how they want to play. 


Drongo is actively working on Area of Operations and I will update this scenario with new releases of AO.  Check out Drongos other mods too at https://steamcommunity.com/id/DrongoMods/myworkshopfiles/ and https://www.patreon.com/DrongoMods.



  • Dynamic campaign generated by Drongo’s Area of Operations.  100 points are required to win this campaign.  Successfully completing a mission earns you 10 points.  Killing an enemy unit earns you 0.5 points. You also have 100 political will points. Failing a mission costs 10 political will points and killing a civilian costs 3 points.  Upon reaching 0 political will points the campaign will be a failure.
  • Asymmetric warfare against a superior enemy force.  Each task will need to be planned thoroughly with the means of achieving it limited by your imagination.
  • Unit switch – upon death switch to a surviving group member and continue the fight from there.  Regular saving is recommended though.
  • Undercover – blend in as a civilian or infiltrate by posing as an enemy soldier.
  • Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) – A truck bomb is available at the FIA base with the detonator triggered via radio. When destroyed the truck will respawn at base after 10 minutes.  Combine this truck with undercover to complete objects and eliminate enemy patrols but be careful of collateral damage. 
  • Unit recruitment.
  • Vehicle spawner
  • BI Arsenal – All equipment available so how you play is up to you.  Lead a ragtag squad of ill-equipped rebels, a well-armed militia using the latest in CTRG equipment, disguise yourself as a civilian and discreetly plant bombs or use the bomb truck to cause maximum carnage. 
  • Optional objectives to capture enemy assets including a helicopter, a jet and tanks (extremely difficult). 


Future plans:

  • A separate COOP version of this scenario. In extensive SP playtesting I found that the scenario was initially way too difficult due to the incompetence of the friendly AI so I have tweaked it to help offset this disadvantage which includes all items being available through the virtual arsenal and several “captured” AAF vehicles to start with.  The COOP version will require players to scavenge for and capture AAF assets (if they want more than the standard FIA assets) and will be generally harder in order to meet the capabilities of a group of human players.
  • An optional objective to assault and capture the USS Freedom thereby enabling cruise missile fire support. 


Required Addons:


Recommended Addons:





Arma Public License No Derivatives (APL-ND)




I want to know what you love and what you hate about this mission as I intend on working on it and improving it.

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Thanks for sharing Jayrad_1 , congratulations for the release and welcome to Bis Forums !

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