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Zeus problem [zeus module dosen't work]

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okay, here is the problem, i have my own RP mission that was made for ravage with some mods in it:



also running everything on dedicated server, here is my server:


-INTEL CORE i3 -8100 CPU 3.60GHz
-16 gb memory
-SSD 200gb and HDD 4 terabyte

so the problem: after 1 hour and 6 minutes the zeus become almost broken, i can still place units and objects on map but modules dosen't work (like smoke and other) when i place them nothing happens, the icon stays on the map and that's it, only restart is helping... no RPT errors, only this one when i trying to place module
22:50:09 Cannot create object 10:313 with type[AIUnit], param[unit], NMT code[113] (not even sure if it zeus problem or note) server fps is staying on 46-50, client fps is 60+
i also tried to test the problem on vanilla map, still the same... can someone help or tell me how can i fix it? because i can't play without modules, maybe i can restart the zeus somehow? via script maybe? because i also have infistart on my server so i can run scripts via console.

Maybe it's because ravage zombie module spawning a lot of zombies, i have some people who are playing on my server 6 right now and the zombie module is set to 20 zombies per player and the max amount of them is 10000 but they are despawning anyway when the player is away from the cites and other places so... not really sure.

or maybe VANDEANSON APOCALYPSE is causing the problem because it's spawns a lot of assets... but i can't play without that mod because its bound with my mission, so the question is it possible to reset zeus without restarting the mission?

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The server is using up a lot of resources and you most likely have a ton of scripts looping and slowing it down, ensure your mission is not too cluttered and that the scripts are somewhat performance-friendly and up to date.
Like each looping, script can take a few ms of loading time, and a server actually has a limit for current running functions ect. So once a poorly scripted or heavily cluttered mission has been running for a while, zeus will be slowed significantly to the point where you have to spam 100 modules for just 1 to maybe work.

Your mission is a mess, most likely the scripts used in it.
Vanderson is also a WIP, could be that mod also has some scripts that may slow stuff down over time.

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