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Unpack PBO to list all *.paa and *.pac files

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Hello everyone,

I have been trying to add custom materials to kenoxite's OFP Materials 1.2. I've added quite a lot of stuff successfully by unpacking pbo's, writing down all the PAA and PAC filenames and added to the config.cpp for OFP Materials.

However, I do have problems with two particular addons; SPD Jungle Special Forces and SPD Desert Special Forces. For some reason I cannot unpack these. I've tried UnPBO, PBOTool, WinPBO to no avail. Either I get an empty folder or just a logfile.

The creator of the two addons have provided a config.cpp for each of them which lists some of the texture files, but only for wounds. In other words, some parts of the models (backpack and part of the boonie hat for instance) are not impacted by OFP Materials and are therefore much brighter than anything else.

I haven't dabbled with these things before, and I was hoping that someone could give me an advice on how to get the list of PAA and PAC files in these two addons respectively.

Many thanks in advance. Cheers.

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"moveObject -P folder/PBO > filelist.txt"

from paid mikero tools. otherwise extract the the pbo an do on cmd: "dir /B/S > filelist.txt"

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  On 3/19/2019 at 11:01 PM, tkullander said:

However, I do have problems with two particular addons; SPD Jungle Special Forces and SPD Desert Special Forces. For some reason I cannot unpack these. I've tried UnPBO, PBOTool, WinPBO to no avail. Either I get an empty folder or just a logfile.


done, packed 7z



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  On 3/20/2019 at 3:33 PM, mcslavko said:

done, packed 7z

Wow! Thank you for helping out an internet stranger, much appreciated. Dzienky bardzo. 🙂

  • Thanks 1

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