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Internet problem

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I have been having trouble with my internet connection, it appears to disconnect (won't open certain sites, can't play OFP MP) The odd thing is that I can visit certain sites, this site for example.

It doesn't happen as soon as I switch the network on, usually around 2 - 3 hours after. I can't play any OFP MP games as I get connection lost from server after around 5 minutes of playing (or waiting in the setup lobby), this problem is not dependant on how long the network has been connected to the internet.

As far as I know it is not a problem with my PC because I get the same problem on all the PCs on the network. This problem has only been happening recently (over the last 2 weeks or so) I don't think I have changed any setting on the router that would make this happen.

The router reports to be connected when this problem occurs. ICQ still works when this happens, my guessing is that programs/websites that I have visited before it happens can still be used.

Some information that might be of use:

3 computers have Win 2000 installed (with the latest service pack), 2 have Win 98 (with the latest service packs)

I have BT ADSL

The router is a Netgear DG814

Any help that could be given will be greatly appreciated, I wasn't sure which forum to post this in as it is not completely related to OFP I thought offtopic would be the best.


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Ask your ISP if your router's firmware is up to date, if not, they should be able to upgrade for you remotely.

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That sounds like a problem with BT's network.

What happens when you try to access a website and it won't open? Do you get an error message from the browser? Does the server name still resolve through DNS? When that happens, can you still PING the server? Does TRACERT show any packet loss?

Also, scan for Spyware using LavaSoft's Ad-Aware. I recently helped someone get her Internet connectivity back after a plethora of Spyware components on her system completely narfed her network connections. I ran Ad-Aware and had it remove all that crap and restore the original Winsock configuration, and things were back to normal.

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Check to see if a Firewall has been accidentally turned on. The same thing happened to me once, and it turned out that a firewall was on.

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Ok well i know this sounds really weird but i had a similar problem with my old dial-up connection and believe it or not it was driver related!!! lol i installed the latest driver for my graphics card and no online games would work... Some sites wouldnt either. whenever i tried it would simply d/c me. Well eventually my twisted mind told me to reinstall them(8 months later) and it worked fine!!!

I doubt wether this is your problem as my computer is far beyond weird... biggrin.gif

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I got the same problem a couple of times and it was because my company assigned a wrong ip to my machine. THis usually happened when I left the pc on for a long time or when my ip was changed for a lan party or sometime just cuz it felt like it. But whenever this happened, I am sure that the ip was not my usuall. but after a couple of hours or at 12 am the they reassign the right ip and it works. so check if the ip of the gateway/router machine change when u cant go all over the net and If i am right contact bt as why it does that ( mine just stopped)

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Another possibility is that your MTU size is too large, which can cause problems due to packet fragmentation with PPPoE connections.

You can go to DSL Reports and use the Tweak Test on the Tools page to check for this.

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Thanks for the help guys, I ran adaware and updated my router firmware.

I will post more info + screen shots when/if it happens again.

My router has 2 options for Encapsulation, PPPoE and PPoA. It is set at PPoA, is this the correct setting?



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My internet has died again, no other website is working but this one.

I tried to ping google.com, my ISP, the OFPEC + other websites but got no reply from them, apart from www.flashpoint1985.com .

The websites are working on my other PC’s now, this suggest it is a problem with this PC. I don't really want to format until I get my new motherboard though.

My MTU is 1500, is this too high? Or too low?

P.S. I haven't slept in 2 days now and still feel hungover so I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of what I write today won't make a huge amount of sense.


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I had a similar problem, and the cure was (probably a very messy way, but hey, I aim for results) to enter the DNS servers in my network settings or reboot the router. Obviously, I went for option A in the end.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RED @ Jan. 02 2003,02:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">My MTU is 1500, is this too high? Or too low?<span id='postcolor'>

If you are in fact using a PPPoE connection, a MTU of 1500 is too large, which will cause packet fragmentation. Ethernet uses a MTU of 1500, while PPPoE uses 1480. Even though you can use 1500 internally on your network, you will have to go with the lower of these two values to communicate successfully with the outside world.

When a packet gets fragmented, an ICMP packet is sent to the server from which the packet came to ask it to resend the data using a smaller packet size. The problem is that many servers and firewalls/routers block ICMP packets, because they are frequently used for Denial Of Service attacks. Thus, the server will never resend the data, and the client gets nothing.

Download the DrTCP utility from DSL Reports, and lower your MTU size to 1480.

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I have made the changes to the settings, I will wait and see if it happens again.


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