BRPVP 69 Posted January 29, 2019 BRPVP in Discord: BRPVP gameplay in Crazy Life USA server: BRPVP is a world set in Altis. As a player you need to survive and fight for the goals bellow: 1 - Arm yourself with good weapons and protect yourself with good equipement. 2 - Have a vehicle to transport yourself. 3 - Learn how to take care of zombies and techniques to avoid then. 4 - Know the safe and not safe areas of the map (due to missions, or enemy bases). 5 - Construct a base. 6 - Grow your base. 7 - Stock vehicles and armed vehicles (car, tank, APC, heli, plane/jet, boat, drone). 8 - Stock Items. 9 - Invade bases. 10 - Steal vehicles, items and money from other players or bases. 11 - Master all BRPVP threats/missions: 12.1 - Bravo Point. 12.2 - Blocked Street. 12.3 - Guarded Military Areas. 12.4 - Convoys. 12.5 - Patrol Units. 12.6 - Plane Accident. 12.7 - EV Missions or Super Missions: 12.7.1 - Fort of Light. 12.7.2 - Junkyard Incident. 12.7.3 - Chelonise Alert. 12.7.4 - Fear Refinery. 12.8 - Besieged City. 12.9 - Fort Defend: fight against a horde of enemyes and zombies. 12.10 - Transport Mission. 12.11 - Demolition Mission. 12 - Help other players. 13 - Fight bad players. 14 - Defend your base. What you have in BRPVP to help you in these goals? 1 - Traders to buy Items and construction pieces. 2 - Shops to buy vehicles. 3 - Illegal Items Shop: 3.1 - Master key to open locked vehicles. 3.2 - Master key to open inacessible base doors. 3.3 - Master key to open enemy loot boxes. 3.4 - Tool to hack players bank account. 3.5 - Service to search and spot enemy players. 4 - Fedidex Services: cheap, on demand, items and temporary vehicles to help you in bad times. 5 - Money rewards for killing zombies, killing armed enemyes and destroying convoys. 6 - Items and money rewards in all BRPVP threats/missions, especially Super Missions. 7 - If you make friends, they can help you. 8 - Abandoned vehicles on Altis, you can use then until server restarts and cal sell then. 9 - Virtual Garage, a place to store some vehicles (amount limited). 10 - Information of the ofensives you take, like base invasion, to allow you to hit back the right persons. 11 - Base radar to detect base invasion iminence. 12 - Loot inside houses. 13 - Collectors to buy items you find on Altis world, earn doing missions or steals from other players. 14 - Dismantle areas where you sell vehicles. 15 - Turrets operated by robots to defend your base, even when you is offline. Technical info: BRPVP saves everything in MySQL. BRPVP is made of 122 new sounds, 185 new images and 35000 lines of code. BRPVP have configuration variables you can change to your tastes. BRPVP have zombies! Site: You can download BRPVP to create your own server in this link: Servers: Images: Base invasion, it lasted for more than 2 hours. Some disabled defence turrets. A Event done in my server. A player Beautifull base. A "Blocky" base. A Water Base. A Big Base. 2 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BRPVP 69 Posted January 29, 2019 CHANGELOG FOR THE NEXT RELEASE: More to come... CHANGES FROM V106 TO V108: Now players can't dismantle a respawn when it's not raid day. When you use super jump in a base area you is pushed back and don't fall in the base. Safezones don't push back jets that are in combat making them crash. Dead zombies are deleted faster. Tweaked Fort Defend mission to avoid lag! All items of a dead player are moved to a box near hin, to avoid loss of items. Changed the kill message sound to a less loud one. You can use vehicles master keys even on no-raid days if outside an enemy bases. You can choose the hours in raid days where raid is possible, example: saturday and sunday from 8 pm to 12 am. Players now can use vehicle master key inside the Traveling Aid Area. Now the rules screen can have many pages, each with 10 rules. In no-raid days, players inside bases can't hurt players outside and vice versa, an extra 100 meter radius is used. Players inside a base can't hurt AI units outside, no matter if is raid or no-raid day. Fixed AI unit damage set to 0 when shot by another AI unit of the same side, the correct is do no aditional damage. When a base bomb is used everyone is notified and it is loged in the "Who invaded my base?" menu. Use a base bomb in the PVE area makes you a bandit. Added anti collision protection on safezones! Invisible admins in the PVE zone don't have the PVE icon anymore. Everyone is notified when a player became a bandit. When a player became a bandit he stays whitout access to any vehicle for 2 minutes. Tow Bob tweaked, consuming less processor, avaliable until 10 km and more responsive. Possible fix for the 10 fps bug, thanks to Avocado Guy. CHANGES FROM V104 TO V106: Added admin option to draw a player from the player list. Hulkus Pills tweaked on the release of the carrying vehicle. Virtual garage time now resets if you fires from the vehicle. Master key effect on gates now remains for 45 minutes only. Added a item to restores buildings destroyed by the base bomb. You can configure BRPVP to not allow building on raid days. Thug and Movement construction kits now can be destroyed by the base bomb. Fixed: Floating vehicle when you pull it from the virtual garage (1.98 bug). Removed BRPVP simulation system to use BI dynamic simulation system. Fixed spawned vehicles unable to move due to initial spawn on water. Added admin check on how many objects/vehicles have simulation on and off. Fixed player wrong save when leaving server making he born in the spawn area on next join. Fixed case where drone don't damage AI units. Added the Falcon and Sentinel drones. Server owners can configure the personal vault to be opened anywhere. CHANGES FROM V102 TO V104: Added Kill List that show in detail all kills on the server for all players. Safezone protection against run over changed to disabled collision. The vehicle and gate master keys are now rare items that appears on dead AI. Moved some questionable items from normal traders to the obscure trader. Fixed unable to connect to a UAV after server restart. Now when controling an air drone the view distance is set to fly distance. Fixed the Base Sign not saving or showing the message incorrectly. BRPVP now says if you are missing the DLC of the buying item or vehicle. Added item that make a map house invincible. Now you can transfer all items to the last acessed base box. Now all squad members have name and distance in the 3D screen and name in map. Player names in 3D screen does not jump in Z axis anymore. Malden: Changed Fort Defend zombies spawn to more near the fort. Now the special PVP city never will be an infected area. CHANGES FROM V100 TO V102: Decreased the number of zombies screams. Added Personal Tracer item to help players detect his bullet. Decreased price of farm on private mines. Tweaked Vehicle Mission to avoid vehicles to explode on placement. Player now can carry two primary weapons (weapons on key 1). Added Kill Map that show on map the density of the last 100 kills. If you run over a not friend player in safezone you is killed. Fixed safezone repulsive force making damage on players. Increased size of friends names on 3D screen. Now you can identify any player if you is near hin or zoom in his face. The option to show buildable area now covers all the map. Fixed convoy helis not sell on Dismantles. CHANGES FROM V098A TO V100: Now you can choose in what week days players can raid bases. Added 6 new gates. Gates now have it own construction Kit. The personal vault can only be opened in safezones and bases. Added a F2 menu option to show buildings with good loot on map. Fixed Bomb mission not finishing when a turret is overthrown. Siege mission now always have tree towers. You can't repack ammo when into a vehicle. AI units can drop special items (alt+i menu). Added a bomb to destroy base walls (they back after restart). Jets and Arty are only acessible by admins (configurable). On server shutdown pushed vehicles have the new position saved. Added medium tanoan hangar in each Travel Aid Area (Altis). Increased the change to find Titan AT and AA launchers and missiles. CHANGES FROM V095 TO V098A: (V098A) Fixed: Can't put a flag in the Destroyer because of the ship flag. (V098A) Fixed: Fedidex vehicles called on water spawning on the ocean floor. (V098A) Fixed: Destroyer big door not opening. Added plane armed drone in the Black Traders (no insurance). Added item that find drones around and spot his operator. Now you can configure jets, helis and air drones pylons. Now you pay a small price when you open the personal vault. Personal Tower added (alt+v menu). When a player disconnects his character stays in game for 30 seconds. Removed the invisible wall on Altis desert. Added a no-build area 500 meters around the black trader. Now you can see bases turret kills. Artillery range increased. Added 8 big, fixed ships that can be used as a base by players. Added personal shield on the alt+v menu. Fixed possibilitie of iventory not opening after you die. The personal vault now closes if someone shot it. CHANGES FROM V090 TO V095: Added Chinese translation, thanks to Jiren_WuYaoMao. Completed russian translation, thanks to zhaleks. Now you can carry the loot droped by destroyed vehicles. Removed redundant code due to existence of HC and No-HC modes. Improved anti-dupe to avoid false positives when moving items. Now when you buy a identifier you can use it 5 times. Teleports now can be used to teleport to a remote friendly base. Now you can bury items and they are saved in the database. Added Black Trader where you can buy armed vehicles (no insurance possible). Items put out of bags and weapons dismantle doesn't happens in most situations now. Now you can move the base flag without the need to repack it. CHANGES FROM V085 TO V090: More work on zombies, making then better and simplier. Fixed itens player is carrying dissapears when AI got deleted. Random respawn on suicide is now off by default. By default now players born with basic itens. Many changes and inprovements in the Fort Defend mission. Limited the number of gates in a base by flag size. View distance configurations now saves on database. Added Mobius Zombies, a tank zombie that give tons of ammo. Added Hulkus Pills that allow players to carry a vehicle for 35 seconds. Added Headless Client support (can be turned on/off, default is off). Fixed item loss when manipulating items in water bases (AGL x ATL thing). Removed the flag wall (yes, no flag wall anymore). Removed the automatic ceil (yes, no auto ceil anymore). Flags, even from friends, must be 500 m away from each other. Fixed anti dupe deleting items from player gear and personal vault. Multi part buildings now auto assembly when parts are near. Removed chance of restarts with fog. Hangar tent and medium dome is not in the Special Kit anymore. Removed fuel station feed from construction objects. Fixed ThingX objects dissapearing when created as simple objects. Increased price of spot services. Now on server start, boxes spawn after building objects. Tweaked vehicles simulation on and off. Fixed copy of players and dead bodies appearing on the spawn area. Fixed frozen world when using a drone far from player. Now you can just carry itens on the ground and not boxes anymore. Added signs you can add to your base with any text. Bases on the water can't be more than 1000 m away from the coast. When in admin or moderator mode you can't kill players by shooting. When a base get deleted by lack of payment all vehicles in it get deleted. CHANGES FROM V003B TO V085: Players can step on constructing objects but can't surf on then away from flag. Loot system redone: no login wait for loot calc. Transfer from unit to cargo and from cargo to cargo is now instantly. Missions was spawning too fast: tweaked mission spawn delay. You can use a hydraulic jack to push vehicles. Added item to change any private vehicle ownerity. Added fuel gallon item to refuel vehicles. You can plant fuel gallons and shot then to explode. Added scaner item to verify near persons and vehicles. Added anti zombie item players can carry and use. Optimized cargo save on database to consume less data. Added farm tools and farm system. Added craft machine and craft system. Thermal scopes are removed from dead AI units. Craft menu don't close after you craft, so you are ready for another craft. You can give items from alt+i inventory to other players. Added cities with high zombie spawn rate. Removed fixed zombies city. Zombie code completely reworked, more simple and efficient. Helis virtual garage can be used in airports and travel aid places. Planes can be moved in and out virtual garage without cool down wait on his areas. Added convoy with Angara tanks. Mission AI now can have heavy guns and snipers. Increased chance of good vehicles in the Vehicle Mission. Removed car wrecks from EV mission to avoid mega farm on then. Created payd mines with specific ores (iron, coal...). Created Private mines where you pay to farm exactly what you want. Created a sphere that freeze enemy vehicles for 12 seconds. Added anti-dupe check when acessing inventory. Fixed vehicles jump after spawning then. By default, restart time is now 6 hours. Added cleaner to fix the 5 fps bug. Fixed loop error in RPT related to vehicles map icons. Decreased price of Fedidex vehicles. CHANGES FROM V001 (old V071) TO V003B: (V003B) Fixed constructing items category on traders without name. (V003A) Added random PVE area. (V003A) The mine detector now can find buried money and boxes. (V003A) Added mission: Buried Loot and Money. (V003A) Reworked the 3D icon agregator code, more optimized and simple. (V003A) Player can carry one mission loot box. (V003A) Players can bury mission boxes (not base boxes). (V003A) You can transfer itens from boxes and vehicles to the ground. (V003A) Fixed delay when buying a item on the weapon items menu. Some optimizations on zombies. Was not possible to sell one Qillin vehicle, fixed. Removed wrong items from the construction catalog. Added Kajman back to EV missions. Tweaked zombies explosive attack and jump. Decreased general AI acurracy. Removed TS and Discord link from the status bar. When map show is needed, map is show centered. Now you can set Ctrl + 1, 2 and 3 marks on map. Fixed not be able to mark from drones and vants. Fixed show links box size, when 2 links only. Now you can set planes facing direction. Fixed a bug in static turrets simulation on/off. Added turrets to the vehicle missions. Fixed boxes and vehicles cargo changes not saving. Fixed a bug that can duplicate items in containers inside boxes. Added a Insurance trader in main airport for planes/jets. AI loot tweaked and now liberated by default. Get over action (usually key v) disabled on enemy bases. Vehicle mission start time is now aleatory. Vehicles get in vehicle mission can't go immediately to virtual garage. Missions rare loot rebalanced. Zombies gives exactly the magazine you used on then. Fixed different access types to the teleport stone. The flag owner have complete acess to objects on his flag. Added animation to the bus service. Decreased price of the bus service. Insurance is now transfered to the new vehicle owner. Fixed wrong use of addWeapon when linkItem is the correct. Removed the use of createVehicleLocal command. When choosing bus destine zombies will not hit you. When spawning on base the helper quadbike does not appears. Remove a flag wall give you 70% of the wall price. Reworked system that checks if player is inside a key area. Admins now have a 100% separated character from their no-admin character. CHANGELOG FROM V065 TO V071: Tweaked missions loot and money reward in general. Tweaked rare items in missions loot. Changed the transport mission vehicle to a non-DLC vehicle. Removed CTRG anti-thermal uniform from houses loot. The altis wall now is draw on map. Loot box with rare itens now make a sound when you open then. Increased the cargo of the personal vault in 75%. Many AI units now drop a money suit case when die. Can't sell some vehicles in Dismantle trader: fixed. Added bus services on the Altis main road. Fixed bipod duplication due to a change in BI function. Random respawn is not lost when the player reconnects. Die to zombie explosion don't generate random respawn. Flag wall remade, this can require a wipe. Base ceil is now made of a new object, thanks to Helion4. You can choose the size of the flag wall doors. Traders can show you only items for your current weapon. Fixed log explosion when a flag is deleted for no payment. Player dead body now can be moved 35 meters away. Ctrl 1, 2 and 3 put the mark exactly where you are looking. Pilot and copilot can now eject from the vehicle. Base ladders don't need to be hacked anymore. Added Teleporter Device to put on bases. Optimized infected city to consume less fps. CHANGELOG FROM V060 TO V065: Virtual garage have different prices for each vehicle type. AI loot blocked by default. Snipers, Machine Guns, Launcher and big backpacks only in missions now. AI dificult set to maximum by default. Player life multiplier changed from 1.5X to 1.0X. Increased number of convoys from 3 to 4. Removed convoys icons on map (admins still can see). Increased prices when players sell items. Players born with no items by default. Increased pistols on houses loot. Techniques to avoid missing weapons and body when player dies. Increased reward when killing AI. Decreased dificulty of EV missions. Road Block missions now renew in another place when completed. Try to fix dissapearing boxes when moving then. Items and vehicles prices arrays can be overhide in generalVariablesChanges.sqf. Added var BRPVP_bornWithItems to set if players born with items. Fixed problems when player name have some special char. New flag areas can't be put near enemy flag areas. A flag area locked by a enemy flag can still grow 125 meters. Mission vehicles have god mode in safe zones and no collision damage. The respawn quad have god mode in safe zones and no collision damage. The convoy vehicles don't stop anymore after some time. Var BRPVP_fixedZombiesRun to turn the infected city on/off. Var BRPVP_virtualGarageEverywhere to allow virtual garage anywhere. Var BRPVP_useRandomRespawnWhenSuicide to turn random respawn on/off. Zombie spawn hint is now off by default (BRPVP_showZombieSpawnHint = false;). Increased number of spawn zombies. Increased the chance of zombies give magazines when die. Vehicle now can be insured by half the buy price. Var BRPVP_defendFortRun to turn on/off the Fort Defend mission. Reworked the zombies give magazine code. Each vehicle has an option to check if it's insured. CHANGELOG FROM V055 TO V060: Fixed objects destroyed with the destroy option coming back after server restart. Fixed destroyed public permanent vehicles coming back after restart. Players can add a circular ceil in their bases that fits with the flag wall. Transport Helicopters now can carry any type of land vehicle. Fixed non-admin players be able to small fly with keys 4 and 5. Fixed interspace in the flag wall that allow players to bug inside. Added configurable areas where first person view is forced. 0.50 turrets defending bases now attack hunter, ifrit and strider vehicles. Admins now can delete players dead bodies. Admins now can copy his loadout to other players. Fixed admin teleport moving player to wrong position. Admins now can add negative values to players bank account. Fixed wrong behaviour when hacking a player with negative bank account. Admins can now increase or decrease their own money in bank and wallet. When players give an object it's share config is not reseted anymore. You can use the Control Center to give all your objects to another player. Limited by code the number of near aligned gates to 6. Fixed a bug in detecting aligned gates with the remote control. Rework of the map/gps icons code making it simplier and more responsive. CHANGELOG FROM V050 TO V055: Fixed balaclava disappears when player dies. Added a configurable multiplier that affects all missions money rewards. Only admins and moderators can talk in side channel, players can use text only. Great inprovement of the Fort Defend Mission. Fixed low damage on radioactive areas. OP vehicles (tanks, jets, artillery, etc) are now avaliable to admins. You must kill most AI units to be able to destroy the sunken submarine. You must kill 70% of the AI units to access the loot boxes (Bravo Point and Siege). Now players fresh respawn with the hand gun reloaded. The virtual garage works on specific areas for each vehicle type. Now you can move most of the objects without the need to repack it. You can put and remove money from underwater boxes. You can move underwater boxes to the surface to put and remove itens from it. Added a item you can use to spawn zombies. When the player suicides he respawn in a random place. Fixed player in combat mode be able to enter in safezones. The vehicle from the transport mission can't enter in safezones. CHANGELOG FROM V045 TO V050: Fixed player getting stuck in mission turrets. Position precision of constructions saved on database increased 100 times. Jets and heavy tanks removed from traders. Vehicle menu on vehicle traders now show armor and storage capacity. Sky dive and parachute works allways the player is falling above 100 meters. Respawn wait time is larger when you die for a player. Added guards defending the Altis wall passages. Time penault to respawn in PVP areas are allways 20 seconds. You can't use master keys in the Traveling Aid areas. The flag wall now goes into water if the flag is near water. Added Control Center to quickly change the share of all your base goodies. Added smart remote control to open doors Fixed kill zombies with vehicle weapons don't give money. Added sunked submarine mission. Now you need to have free space in front of you to open the personal vault. The remote control fix bugged doors when they are out of sync. Remake of admin fly mode (now keys 4, 5, 6 and 7). CHANGELOG FROM V038A TO V045: You can put all vehicle in virtual garage, but limited to a number of each type. New EV mission: Fear Refinery. Vehicles caught from Virtual Garage can be put again in it only after 15 minutes. Fixed player dynamic 3D marks stuck or not show. Player dynamic 3D marks are now visible to squad group and on map. Now you can add a wall (5 types) arround flag area with 1 to 4 entrances. Door hack on big buildings affects all building doors near the hack position but not far doors. Admins now can choose between player mode and admin mode on login. All prices was adjusted. You cannot pass your flag to another player if he already have a flag. Added Identifier item that allow you to identify the owner of a object, flag or vehicle. Sky dive code reworked. Added new mission: Bomb Mission. Added option to see avaliable slots in virtual garage. Added slightly modified Infected Village (100 zombies by default). Infected Village zombies allways appears on map as orange dots. Added a new mission: Transport Mission. CHANGELOG FROM V035 TO V038A: Dead turrets can't be removed giving space to another turret. Only after server restart. Hacked buildings and objects now stays fully acessible until server restart. Another try to avoid some spawned vehicles on traders to explode. Fixed base defense turrets sometimes stops to attack after player dies to it. Base radars are more usefull now (it see more). Created "No Item Loss" mode where players don't loose gear when die, mainly for events. Fixed player loose vault itens when BRPVP try to save a closed vault. Land vehicles and players inside land vehicles now don't receive collision damage. When you put a vehicle in the virtual garage, money is taken from the bank, and not hand anymore. Added ban and unban options on admin menu (not BE). Added "Who Invaded my Base" option on player menu. Leaving a vehicle near a building don't make you enter the building. Event Handlers now run a function and not code, for better performance. New boat trader in the north of Altis. New EV mission: Fear Refinery. You can now set view distances for ground and flying modes. AI vehicles are fully refueled each 5 minutes. V038A - Fixed players access admin menu using View Distance option. CHANGELOG FROM V030A TO V035: Jump in closed areas is less buggy now. PhysX objects do not fall slowlly when constructing in the air. When constructing you can move objects near and far with keys G and T. When a EV mission finish, it removes itself and another EV mission starts. Jets prices cut down to 50%. IDAP and Gendarmerie uniforms now can be sold in the Collectors. Enemy spawn on Fort Defend is now covered with dust smoke to allow spawn on open areas. Tweaked small missions loot and reward to make then competitive with EV missions. You cant automatic transfer money flares from a box. Error in kill messages fixed. Bank account is now limited to 15 milions. You can store 4 milions in each base storage box. Added Hack Tool on obscure trader, with it you can hack a player bank account. Increased the value of flares to allow storage of greater money with less flares. You can apply the dir and z attributes of other objects to your constructing object. You can't transport money flares but you can transform then in wallet money. Added IDAP Van to vehicle traders and Fedidex Express Service. Added artillery vehicles to traders with limited attack ranges. Fixed a bug in jump. Result: no more stuck when over no-walk objects. Translated construction keys reference to english and russian (thanks zhaleks). Fixed unstopable rotor sounds sometimes when you leave a heli. Added drones, you can put then in the virtual garage anywere on the map. Fixed vehicles exploding when you buy it. Fixed disabled player not trow money suit case when disconnect. Try to fix uniform and vest not saving on database. Fixed virtual garage spawn when player is above a ground object. CHANGELOG FROM V020 TO V030A: Fort Defend mission. Defend the fort against waves of zombies and AI units, win money and items. You can use spoting services to spot a player. This service is acquired in the Obscure Traders. You now can use jump to unstuck yourself when stuck-floating above a geometry (vehicles, walls, etc). The extra jump velocity done by surround geometry is now limited to 2 m/s. The excedent of items tranference action is now put on the foot of the player executing the action. Code optimizations to reduce the number of opened subscripts with small duration. The small Tanoan hangar now can be lock picked. Tweaked code to avoid buildings doors out of sync in different players machines. The rewards on Fort Defend mission now goes to player wallet and not the player bank account. You can construct a item that clean the trees and bushes 50 meters arround it. You can place a shovel near a tree to remove that tree. You can add trees to your base with the construction kit trees. Radioactive areas with valuable loot. Use vodka to attenuate radiation effects. Fixed weapon dissapear when player is revived (Arma 3 1.84 BRPVP bug). Fixed loss of weapon acessories when transfering items from cargo to cargo. Added a variable to turn AI blocked loot on and off easily (off by default). Added a fix for isPlayer Arma 3 function giving false negatives. Added Event Missions (EV) that you can turn on and off anytime. Fort of Light is now an Event Mission (EV). You can manualy set the box used in the player personal vault. For the ones wanting a bigger box. Each event now have 2 reinforcements, a Kajman Attack Heli and a Huron with soldiers. Turrets view angle increased. Fixed bipods and binoculars dissapearing when saving items to database or transfering items. Created a list with denied items. The list have Titans and thermal optics Denied items are automaticaly removed from mission loot and dead AI units. If you die equiped with a denied item it will be deleted and a sound will play. Fixed unable to turn off base lamps. Added virtual garage to all airports where you can store your planes, you must pay to use it. Buildings now have global simulation disabled. Simulation is enabled when needed. You can add Camonet and SLAT armour to the APCs and Tanks. Now the vehicles that spawn on map are Fedidex vehicles, they get deleted on restart. New oportunities to have vehicles simulation turned off. Added Tanoa Support. Fixed dupe related to personal vault and sell receptacle. Fixed a dupe related to item transference. Added no build area around EV events. Added option "See Buildable Area" to show on map where you can build a flag. Zombies spawn prone. Added turrets to EV event mission in Tanoa. Spot error increased to 500 m and now the spot money goes to the spoted player. Kill message now show the projectile used, not the weapon. Fixed various bugs that happens when you die with the vault or sell receptacle open. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted January 29, 2019 Thank you very much BRPVP ! It's very good to see new stuff coming up ! Congratulations for the release . 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BRPVP 69 Posted January 29, 2019 Thanks George, I have 1/4 of an eye in DayZ Standalone... just gaining forces to learn something new, and more challenger than normal because i'm no programmer. The language i somewhat mastered, SQF, is not present in DayZ SA. For me SQF is pure pleasure. I will stick in BRPVP the most i can. Right now i have in BRPVP plent of features ready. I'm out of new ideas, actual server admins are satisfied, and what i seek is players or server owners that want to promote a BRPVP server and seek players. The most i can get on that, have players, the most i will stick in BRPVP. I will try to make a small movie to show the feel of BRPVP, and may be bring some more interest. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted January 29, 2019 20 minutes ago, BRPVP said: I'm out of new ideas, It's good to hear this and i really like the creative persons ! Keep up the good work ! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BRPVP 69 Posted January 31, 2019 The next release will have the files to make a Kill Board for your server, like the one you can see here The Kill Board show all Kills on the server at the time it happens. The link above is the kill board of my server. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BRPVP 69 Posted February 10, 2019 Now you can add a wall around your flag area for 5 milions. You can choose from 5 wall types and from 1 to 4 entrances. You also can select if the wall will follow the terrain or not. Those walls are created as simple objects. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BRPVP 69 Posted March 16, 2019 RELEASED BRPVP V045 ON CHANGELOG FROM V038A TO V045: You can put all vehicle in virtual garage, but limited to a number of each type. Payer disabled and player killed messages are put in MySQL tables now. New EV mission: Fear Refinery. Vehicles caught from Virtual Garage can be put again in it only after 15 minutes. Fixed player dynamic 3D marks stuck or not show. Player dynamic 3D marks are now visible to squad group and on map. Now you can add a wall (5 types) arround flag area with 1 to 4 entrances. Door hack on big buildings affects all doors near the hack position but not far doors. Admins now can choose between player mode and admin mode on login. All prices was adjusted. You cannot pass your flag to another player if he already have a flag. Added Identifier item that allow you to identify the owner of a object, flag or vehicle. Sky dive code reworked. Added new mission: Bomb Mission. Added option to see avaliable slots in virtual garage. Added slightly modified Infected Village (100 zombies by default). Infected Village zombies allways appears on map as orange dots. Added a new mission: Transport Mission. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BRPVP 69 Posted March 28, 2019 In BRPVP bases people uses many gates is sequence, one after the other, or one inside the other, because this makes base invasion more hard. The invader needs to hack all the gates to enter. One problem that comes from that is the tedious task that is to open and close all the gates of your base when you want to move in it, leave or enters it. For that i did the Remote Control comand that detect all aligned gates or gates inside gates and open/close then: 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BRPVP 69 Posted April 9, 2019 BRPVP have many more things for you to do than Exile, it's far more complete and rich. It's completely free and it's just a mission. Create a server and bring players to it, I just ask for having "BRPVP" in server name (a must). Try it, tons of hours was put in good programing and lots of features! It's a shame we don't have tons of players, quality is all you need, so play BRPVP now! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BRPVP 69 Posted April 15, 2019 BRPVP V050 IS AVALIABLE IN CHANGELOG FROM V045 TO V050: Fixed player getting stuck in mission turrets. Position precision of constructions saved on database increased 100 times. Jets and heavy tanks removed from traders. Vehicle menu on vehicle traders now show armor and storage capacity. Sky dive and parachute works allways the player is falling above 100 meters. Respawn wait time is larger when you die for a player. Added guards defending the Altis wall passages. Time penault to respawn in PVP areas are allways 20 seconds. You can't use master keys in the Traveling Aid areas. The flag wall now goes into water if the flag is near water. Added Control Center to quickly change the share of all your base goodies. Added smart remote control to open doors Fixed kill zombies with vehicle weapons don't give money. Added sunked submarine mission. Now you need to have free space in front of you to open the personal vault. The remote control fix bugged doors when they are out of sync. Remake of admin fly mode (now keys 4, 5, 6 and 7). Tank attacked by zombies. A base inside a base. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2062825808 1 Posted April 15, 2019 Hello I use your server. I want to ask some questions. I like this very much, but I want to improve something. My English is very rubbish. I hope to understand it. 1: There are only four people in the team at most. I don't know where to modify it. I hope you can tell me.) 2: Server automatic restart is too frequent, once the automatic restart will prompt the task to complete, unable to continue the game, need to restart manually. 3: I want to join you, but I don't know what you want. 4: AI tasks in the game cannot be automatically refreshed. It needs to restart the server to refresh. 5: I'm not sure if it's the end of PVP. If so, why can I keep calling? (I'm using this now to end, my model is PVP) 6: Do you have any contact information? Talking in forums is too slow. It can't solve the problem quickly. Finally, thank you very much for doing so well. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BRPVP 69 Posted April 16, 2019 Thanks 2062825808! "1: There are only four people in the team at most. I don't know where to modify it. I hope you can tell me.)" Yes i can. "2: Server automatic restart is too frequent, once the automatic restart will prompt the task to complete, unable to continue the game, need to restart manually." You must have this exact line in config.cfg for server restart to work: serverCommandPassword = "buttas555"; "3: I want to join you, but I don't know what you want." You have a public server? How much players? You can add me in Discord so we can chat about new features and changes. "4: AI tasks in the game cannot be automatically refreshed. It needs to restart the server to refresh." What AI missions are you talking about? Most of then restarts after finish. "5: I'm not sure if it's the end of PVP. If so, why can I keep calling? (I'm using this now to end, my model is PVP)" You mean BRPVP should be BRPVE? "6: Do you have any contact information? Talking in forums is too slow. It can't solve the problem quickly." Visit and get my contacts, you will find my Discord name & code there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2062825808 1 Posted April 16, 2019 I need your permission to add your friends. My server is new, and there are only about 20 people at present. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted April 16, 2019 Looks pretty wicked 👍 What is involved to port to another terrain? What to port to WW2 setting? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BRPVP 69 Posted April 17, 2019 On 4/16/2019 at 4:18 AM, .kju said: Looks pretty wicked 👍 What is involved to port to another terrain? What to port to WW2 setting? To port most of the things you just need to fill arrays with new positions, but some of the missions have custom constructions that are tailored for Altis. For a WW2 version it's some more work, but not impossible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BRPVP 69 Posted April 20, 2019 There is a Chinese BRPVP server doing very well. It do not appears in normal searchs because names are in chinese characters. This server: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted April 21, 2019 We have people again and again asking for a WW2 Survival/Exile/RP server. Your project seems very well developed and still actively maintained. This is why I was asking. 🙂 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BRPVP 69 Posted April 21, 2019 5 hours ago, .kju said: We have people again and again asking for a WW2 Survival/Exile/RP server. Your project seems very well developed and still actively maintained. This is why I was asking. 🙂 Where can i find WW2 stuff? Can you indicate the mods i need to use? Chinese server. My FPS is caped at 30. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted April 21, 2019 IFA3: Other WW2 TCs: WW2 zombies: 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BRPVP 69 Posted May 19, 2019 BRPVP V055 IS AVALIABLE IN CHANGELOG FROM V050 TO V055: Fixed balaclava disappears when player dies. Added a configurable multiplier that affects all missions money rewards. Only admins and moderators can talk in side channel, players can use text only. Great inprovement of the Fort Defend Mission. Fixed low damage on radioactive areas. OP vehicles (tanks, jets, artillery, etc) are now avaliable to admins. You must kill most AI units to be able to destroy the sunken submarine. Now players fresh respawn with the hand gun reloaded. The virtual garage works on specific areas for each vehicle type. Now you can move most of the objects without the need to repack it. You can put and remove money from underwater boxes. You can move underwater boxes to the surface to put and remove itens from it. Added a item you can use to spawn zombies. When the player suicides he respawn in a random place. Fixed player in combat mode be able to enter in safezones. The vehicle from the transport mission can't enter in safezones. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BRPVP 69 Posted June 9, 2019 New BRPVP released in! BRPVP v055 to v060 changelog: - Fixed objects destroyed with the destroy option coming back after server restart. - Fixed destroyed public permanent vehicles coming back after restart. - Players can add a circular ceil in their bases that fits with the flag wall. - Transport Helicopters now can carry any type of land vehicle. - Fixed non-admin players be able to small fly with keys 4 and 5. - Fixed interspace in the flag wall that allow players to bug inside. - Added configurable areas where first person view is forced. - 0.50 turrets defending bases now attack hunter, ifrit and strider vehicles. - Admins now can delete players dead bodies. - Admins now can copy his loadout to other players. - Fixed admin teleport moving player to wrong position. - Admins now can add negative values to players bank account. - Fixed wrong behaviour when hacking a player with negative bank account. - Admins can now increase or decrease their own money in bank and wallet. - When players give an object it's share config is not reseted anymore. - You can use the Control Center to give all your objects to another player. - Limited by code the number of near aligned gates to 6. - Fixed a bug in detecting aligned gates with the remote control. - Rework of the map/gps icons code making it simplier and more responsive. Base ceil with 2 kinds of openings: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BRPVP 69 Posted July 6, 2019 BRPVP Server files V065 released in ATENTION: V065 reuploaded at 2019/07/06 05:05 PM with a last hout bug fix. CHANGELOG FROM V060 TO V065: Virtual garage have different prices for each vehicle type. AI loot blocked by default. Snipers, Machine Guns, Launcher and big backpacks only in missions now. AI dificult set to maximum by default. Player life multiplier changed from 1.5X to 1.0X. Increased number of convoys from 3 to 4. Removed convoys icons on map (admins still can see). Increased prices when players sell items. Players born with no items by default. Increased pistols on houses loot. Techniques to avoid missing weapons and body when player dies. Increased reward when killing AI. Decreased dificulty of EV missions. Road Block missions now renew in another place when completed. Try to fix dissapearing boxes when moving then. Items and vehicles prices arrays can be overhide in generalVariablesChanges.sqf. Added var BRPVP_bornWithItems to set if players born with items. Fixed problems when player name have some special char. New flag areas can't be put near enemy flag areas. A flag area locked by a enemy flag can still grow 125 meters. Mission vehicles have god mode in safe zones and no collision damage. The respawn quad have god mode in safe zones and no collision damage. The convoy vehicles don't stop anymore after some time. Var BRPVP_fixedZombiesRun to turn the infected city on/off. Var BRPVP_virtualGarageEverywhere to allow virtual garage anywhere. Var BRPVP_useRandomRespawnWhenSuicide to turn random respawn on/off. Zombie spawn hint is now off by default (BRPVP_showZombieSpawnHint = false;). Increased number of spawn zombies. Increased the chance of zombies give magazines when die. Vehicle now can be insured by half the buy price. Var BRPVP_defendFortRun to turn on/off the Fort Defend mission. Reworked the zombies give magazine code. Each vehicle has an option to check if it's insured. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BRPVP 69 Posted August 3, 2019 INPORTANT INFO ON FUTURE V070 UPDATE BRPVP V070 update will make use of 3 mods, they are: BRPVP Mod: A small mod with some original assets made for BRPVP. CUP Weapons: A weapons mod that bring to Arma 3 all weapons from Arma 2 + DLCs series. CBA A3: A Mod required by CUP Weapons. BRPVP code was changed to use BRPVP Mod and CUP Weapons content, also CBA, required by CUP Weapons, come with many on hand functions and we started to use some of it. Since i have no time to mantain a BRPVP with no mods project and a BRPVP with mods project, i choosed to go to the mod way definitely. Another inportant thing about V070: the flag walls was optimized to be 100% inside the flag area, and this can interfere in actual bases state because it will move the actual flag walls, also we are using a new object for the flag ceil that can change actual base ceils. Sayd that, may be V070 will require a wipe on your server to renew bases, only you can say. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites