Chuc 83 Posted January 23, 2019 I use a rating system that gives you rating or takes it away depending on who you kill. not sure where i got it from. Rating.sqf Spoiler // Rating System to improve your standings within the world. null = [] spawn { while {true} do { sleep 2; { if (isNil {_x getVariable "oldSide"}) then { _x setVariable ["oldSide",side _x]; } } forEach allUnits; } }; if (isServer) then { addMissionEventHandler ["Entitykilled", { params ["_victim","_killer","_zombie"]; if (!isPlayer _killer or _victim == _killer) exitWith {}; if (_victim getVariable "oldSide" == west) exitWith { [_killer,{_this addRating -3000}] remoteExec ["call",_killer]; parseText "<t color = '#ff9900'>You just killed a friendly unit!<t/>" remoteExec ["hintsilent",_killer]; }; if (_victim getVariable "oldSide" == civilian) exitWith { [_killer,{_this addRating -1000}] remoteExec ["call",_killer]; parseText "<t color = '#A990D4'>You just killed an innocent!<t/>" remoteExec ["hintsilent",_killer]; }; if (_victim getVariable "oldSide" == east) exitWith { [_killer,{_this addRating 50}] remoteExec ["call",_killer]; parseText "<t color = '#ff0000'>You just killed an Enemy Man<t/>" remoteExec ["hintsilent",_killer]; }; if ((_this select 2) isEqualTo player) then { [_killer,{_this addRating 10}] remoteExec ["call",_killer]; // parseText "<t color = '#ff0000'>You just killed a Zombie<t/>" remoteExec ["hintsilent",_killer]; }; }]; }; Added the zombie part with help form Haleks. Ravage mod. Added with one a couple i have made. A script that checks your rating and promotes or demotes you depending on your rating Rank.sqf Spoiler [] spawn { while {alive player} do { waitUntil {sleep .5; (rating player == 1000)}; if (rating player == 1000) then {[]execVM "Scripts\Rank\Promoted.sqf";}; waitUntil {sleep .5; (rating player == -1000)}; if (rating player == -1000) then {[]execVM "Scripts\Rank\demoted.sqf";}; }forEach allUnits; }; Promoted.sqf Spoiler PromoteUnit = { private _rks = ["PRIVATE", "CORPORAL", "SERGEANT", "LIEUTENANT", "CAPTAIN", "MAJOR", "COLONEL"]; private _old = rankId _this; if (count _rks - _old > 1) then { _this setUnitRank (_rks select _old + 1); systemChat format ["Unit %1 promoted to %2", _this, rank _this]; } }; player call PromoteUnit; Demoted.sqf Spoiler DemoteUnit = { private _rks = ["PRIVATE", "CORPORAL", "SERGEANT", "LIEUTENANT", "CAPTAIN", "MAJOR", "COLONEL"]; private _old = rankId _this; if (count _rks - _old > 1) then { _this setUnitRank (_rks select _old - 1); systemChat format ["Unit %1 demoted to %2", _this, rank _this]; } }; player call DemoteUnit; Now the problem i have encounted and cant seem to fix is that the rank.sqf only fires one time. As in you will be promoted one rank or demoted one rank. So you can go form private to corporal but not any higher. Then you can go back from corporal to private. If you get demoted back to private you can still get promoted up to corporal again. The problem may lie in the fact that if you get promoted or demoted your rating goes back to 0. You can also start the game as a Sargent and get promoted once and demoted once. Not sure what is going on. The promote and demote scripts work fine one there own but the rank.sqf is what im having problems with. Any help would be awesome thank you 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted January 26, 2019 On 23/1/2019 at 12:57 PM, Chuc said: Any help would be awesome thank you I think after our private chat everything now it's ready to publish ! What is your plan ?!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chuc 83 Posted January 29, 2019 yeah sorry. If you reckon its ready go for it 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted January 29, 2019 Just now, Chuc said: If you reckon its ready go for it Ok Chuck ! This shall be done !!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted January 29, 2019 Hello there to Everyone ! Custom Rank and experience point system based on kills , with 3d icons available option : available soon ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Texeiro 15 Posted April 4, 2019 Looks good! Is there a way to give more points for killing tanks or planes? Or completing a task? Or give points to the complete side? I know, i m asking too much...sorry 🙂 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted April 4, 2019 17 minutes ago, Texeiro said: Looks good! Hello there and thanks Texeiro ! This script isn't still published , unfortunately i have a lot of work that stays in my pc ! Your idea is very nice and if i continue sometime this script i will check this as well. For more news generally , you can follow here : PS : + if you remind me this again i can definitely check it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted January 25, 2020 On 4/4/2019 at 10:51 PM, GEORGE FLOROS GR said: PS : + if you remind me this again i can definitely check it. Somebody else did , so here is what i 've got so far : File created: 2020-01-25 11:00:24 PM | File expires in: 29 days 21:59:02 | File Size: 12.8 KB | have fun ! GF_Draw3D.sqf Spoiler //________________ Author : GEORGE FLOROS [GR] ___________ 24.01.19 _____________ /* ________________ GF Ranks Script - Mod ________________ Not yet published Please keep the Credits or add them to your Diary Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ ArmA 3 | Notepad ++ SQF tutorial and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colors to be able to detect ex. problems ) or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: */ GF_Rank_allPlayers = allUnits select {isPlayer _x && {!(_x isKindOf "HeadlessClient_F")}}; //________________ Settings ________________ //________________ Set true or false ________________ GF_Rank_Show = allunits; // allunits or GF_Rank_allPlayers (Players only) GF_Rank_Color = { _unit = _this select 0; _Health = round ((1 - (damage _unit)) * 100); //________________ Colors ________________ // _color_Default = [1,1,1,1]; _color_Blue = [0,0,255,1]; _color_Blue_light = [0,144,255,1]; _color_Green = [0,128,0,1]; _color_Yellow = [255,255,0,1]; _color_Red = [255,0,0,1]; //________________ Changing Color based on health ________________ _Health_color = _color_Default; switch true do { case(_Health >= 80) : {_Health_color = _color_Blue;}; case((_Health >= 60) && (_Health < 80)) : {_Health_color = _color_Blue_light;}; case((_Health >= 40) && (_Health < 60)) : {_Health_color = _color_Green;}; case((_Health >= 20) && (_Health < 40)) : {_Health_color = _color_Yellow;}; case((_Health >= 1) && (_Health < 20)) : {_Health_color = _color_Red;}; case(_Health < 1) : {_Health_color = _color_Default;}; }; _Health_color }; GF_Rank_Rating = { _unit = _this select 0; _rating = rating _unit; _Rank = ""; switch true do { case(_Rating < GF_Rank_FUGITIVE) : {_Rank = "FUGITIVE";}; case((_Rating >= GF_Rank_PRIVATE) && (_Rating < GF_Rank_CORPORAL)) : {_Rank = "PRIVATE";}; case((_Rating >= GF_Rank_CORPORAL) && (_Rating < GF_Rank_SERGEANT)) : {_Rank = "CORPORAL";}; case((_Rating >= GF_Rank_SERGEANT) && (_Rating < GF_Rank_LIEUTENANT)) : {_Rank = "SERGEANT";}; case((_Rating >= GF_Rank_LIEUTENANT) && (_Rating < GF_Rank_CAPTAIN)) : {_Rank = "LIEUTENANT";}; case((_Rating >= GF_Rank_CAPTAIN) && (_Rating < GF_Rank_MAJOR)) : {_Rank = "CAPTAIN";}; case((_Rating >= GF_Rank_MAJOR) && (_Rating < GF_Rank_COLONEL)) : {_Rank = "MAJOR";}; case(_Rating > GF_Rank_COLONEL) : {_Rank = "COLONEL";}; }; _Rank_picture = ""; if(_Rank isEqualTo "FUGITIVE")then{ _Rank_picture = ""; }else{ _Rank_picture = format["\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\%1_gs.paa",_Rank]; }; _Rank_picture }; addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { { if((player!=_x) && ((side _x) isEqualto playerSide)) then { if(_x distance player < 1000) then { if((((vehicle _x)!=_x)&&(_x isEqualto effectiveCommander (vehicle _x)))||((vehicle _x) isEqualto _x)) then { drawIcon3D [ [_x] call GF_Rank_Rating, [_x] call GF_Rank_Color, // Position if(((vehicle _x)!=_x)&&(_x isEqualto effectiveCommander (vehicle _x))) then {(vehicle _x) modelToWorld [0,0,3] } else { if((vehicle _x)isEqualto _x) then {_x modelToWorld [0,0,2.3]}}, // Width if(_x distance player > 500) then { 0.05 } else { if(_x distance player > 100) then{ 0.10 } else { 0.40} }, // Height if(_x distance player > 500) then { 0.05 } else { if(_x distance player > 100) then { 0.10 } else { 0.40} }, // Angle 0, // Text if(_x distance player > 500 ) then{""} else{ if(((_x getHitPointDamage "HitHead") >0.1) || ((_x getHitPointDamage "HitBody") >0.1) || ((_x getHitPointDamage "HitHands") >0.1) || ((_x getHitPointDamage "HitLegs") >0.1)) then { format ["%1[Injured]",name _x]}else{name _x}}, // Shadow 1, // Text size if(_x distance player > 250) then { 0.01 } else { if(_x distance player > 100) then { 0.02 } else {0.04} }, // Font "PuristaMedium" ]; }; }; }; }forEach GF_Rank_Show; }]; GF_Ranks.sqf Spoiler //________________ Author : GEORGE FLOROS [GR] ___________ 24.01.19 _____________ /* ________________ GF Ranks Script - Mod ________________ Not yet published Please keep the Credits or add them to your Diary Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ ArmA 3 | Notepad ++ SQF tutorial and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colors to be able to detect ex. problems ) or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: */ //________________ Settings ________________ //________________ Set true or false ________________ GF_Rank_Notification = true; GF_Rank_Rating_Civilian = -4000; // Civilian Killing Penalty GF_Rank_Rating_West = -2000; // Friendy Killing Penalty for a mission with the west side friendy GF_Rank_Rating_East = 10; // add rating GF_Rank_Rating_Zombie = 5; // add rating //________________ Set your Rank rating ________________ GF_Rank_PRIVATE = 2000; GF_Rank_CORPORAL = 4000; GF_Rank_SERGEANT = 6000; GF_Rank_LIEUTENANT = 8000; GF_Rank_CAPTAIN = 10000; GF_Rank_MAJOR = 12000; GF_Rank_COLONEL = 14000; //________________ GF_Rank_Zombie_List ________________ GF_Rank_Zombie_List = [ // Ravage zombies "zombie_bolter", "zombie_runner", "zombie_walker" ]; // add this in the initserver addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", { params ["_killed", "_killer", "_instigator"]; _side = side group _killed; _sideColor = [_side, true] call BIS_fnc_sideColor; if (!isPlayer _killer or _killed == _killer) exitWith {}; //________________ civilian ________________ if ( (side group _killed isEqualTo civilian) && (!((typeOf _killed) in GF_Rank_Zombie_List)) )exitWith{ [_killer,{_this addRating GF_Rank_Rating_Civilian}] remoteExec ["call",_killer]; if(GF_Rank_Notification)then { // parseText "<t color = '#A990D4'>You just killed an innocent!<t/>" remoteExec ["hintsilent",_killer]; systemchat "You killed an innocent!"; }; }; //________________ west ________________ if ( (side group _killed isEqualTo west) && (!((typeOf _killed) in GF_Rank_Zombie_List)) )exitWith{ [_killer,{_this addRating GF_Rank_Rating_West}] remoteExec ["call",_killer]; if(GF_Rank_Notification)then { // parseText "<t color = '#ff9900'>You just killed a friendly unit!<t/>" remoteExec ["hintsilent",_killer]; systemchat "You killed a friendly!"; }; }; //________________ east ________________ if ( (side group _killed isEqualTo east) && (!((typeOf _killed) in GF_Rank_Zombie_List)) ) exitWith{ [_killer,{_this addRating GF_Rank_Rating_East}] remoteExec ["call",_killer]; if(GF_Rank_Notification)then { // parseText "<t color = '#ff0000'>You just killed an Enemy<t/>" remoteExec ["hintsilent",_killer]; systemchat "Enemy Kill"; }; }; //________________ GF_Zombie_List ________________ if ( ((typeOf _killed) in GF_Rank_Zombie_List) )exitWith{ [_killer,{_this addRating 10}] remoteExec ["call",_killer]; if(GF_Rank_Notification)then { // parseText "<t color = '#ff6000'>You just killed a Zombie<t/>" remoteExec ["hintsilent",_killer]; systemchat "Zombie Kill"; }; }; }]; //________________ _Rank ________________ GF_Rank_Rank_color = [1,1,1,1]; GF_Rank_Rank_position = [16,13,25]; GF_Rank_Rank_width = 1; GF_Rank_Rank_height = 1; GF_Rank_Rank_angle = 0; GF_Rank_Rank_shadow = 2; GF_Rank_Rank_textSize = 0.05; GF_Rank_Rank_font = "PuristaMedium"; //________________ _Rating ________________ GF_Rank_Rating_color = [1,1,1,1]; GF_Rank_Rating_position = [15,12,25]; GF_Rank_Rating_width = 1; GF_Rank_Rating_height = 1; GF_Rank_Rating_angle = 0; GF_Rank_Rating_shadow = 2; GF_Rank_Rating_textSize = 0.05; GF_Rank_Rating_font = "PuristaMedium"; //________________ addMissionEventHandler ________________ addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { //________________ _Rank ________________ _rating = rating player; _Rank = "PRIVATE"; switch true do { case((_rating >= 0) && (_rating < GF_Rank_PRIVATE)) : {_Rank = "PRIVATE";}; case((_rating >= GF_Rank_PRIVATE) && (_rating < GF_Rank_CORPORAL)) : {_Rank = "CORPORAL";}; case((_rating >= GF_Rank_CORPORAL) && (_rating < GF_Rank_SERGEANT)) : {_Rank = "SERGEANT";}; case((_rating >= GF_Rank_SERGEANT) && (_rating < GF_Rank_LIEUTENANT)) : {_Rank = "LIEUTENANT";}; case((_rating >= GF_Rank_LIEUTENANT) && (_rating < GF_Rank_CAPTAIN)) : {_Rank = "CAPTAIN";}; case((_rating >= GF_Rank_CAPTAIN) && (_rating < GF_Rank_MAJOR)) : {_Rank = "MAJOR";}; case(_rating > GF_Rank_COLONEL) : {_Rank = "COLONEL";}; }; _Rank_picture = format["\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\%1_gs.paa",_Rank]; _Rank_format = format ["RANK: %1",_Rank]; _Rank_Pos = positionCameraToWorld GF_Rank_Rank_position; drawIcon3D [ _Rank_picture, GF_Rank_Rank_color, // color _Rank_Pos, // pos GF_Rank_Rank_width, // width GF_Rank_Rank_height, // height GF_Rank_Rank_angle, // angle _Rank_format, // text GF_Rank_Rank_shadow, // shadow GF_Rank_Rank_textSize, // textSize GF_Rank_Rank_font // font ]; //________________ _Rating ________________ _Rating_format = format ["Rating: %1",rating player]; _Rating_Pos = positionCameraToWorld GF_Rank_Rating_position; drawIcon3D [ "", GF_Rank_Rating_color, // color _Rating_Pos, // pos GF_Rank_Rating_width, // width GF_Rank_Rating_height, // height GF_Rank_Rating_angle, // angle _Rating_format, // text GF_Rank_Rating_shadow, // shadow GF_Rank_Rating_textSize, // textSize GF_Rank_Rating_font // font ]; }]; 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Casio91Fin 31 Posted July 5, 2020 This is just fine and functional, but how should it be added [player, ranks?] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia? would appear even, if the player changed uniform. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites