Wiki 1558 Posted December 15, 2018 How does the armor (body and vehicle) work? Is it random? I always feel the AI is overprotected and the player is not. Playing last mission of Altis requiem. I'm with an Angara, 125mm canon. 125mm!!! I immobilized a Slammer by shooting in the tracks. Then, I needed 2 direct hits with AP round + 7 (7!!!) direct hits with HEAT to see it blow up. It means, it took 3 AP round + 7 HEAT direct hits before getting blown up, with 125mm canon! Then, we're tasked to push east. I do that, the Blackfoot fire at me and hit me. My tank has 2 yellow square (canon and turret). I repair. Then meet a Rhino which destroy my tanks with 1 direct hit. Just 1 hit!!! And when I play the tank DLC showcase with the Rhino, of course I always need more than 4 direct hits on a tank to destroy it, with AP round and 120mm... Let's swith to infantry: I can die in 1 or 2 hits. But when I shoot at the enemy, they can easily take 3 or 4 hits without getting killed. Even when they're crouched, take 1 or 2 bullets + a 40mm grenade explodes right next to them, they'll just "bounce" a little bit but can still one shot me with no problem at all. Is it random? Is the player much weaker than the AI? What is the problem with the damage system? Maybe it's just me, after all, we never know... But I'd really liked to have a decent explanation about that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wiki 1558 Posted December 15, 2018 All right, uninstalling this game. I had some good time, but seriously, I'm fed up of this shit. Me in angara facing a rhino : rhino taking me out in 1 hit Me in rhino facing angara : at least 3 DH to take it out - if i'm not dead before. I'm done with it. 3 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4933 Posted December 16, 2018 You can script for balancing all that stuff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted December 16, 2018 also fairly simple to tweak via configs - but also scripting. depends what one is more familiar with 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ex3B 267 Posted December 19, 2018 There are youtube videos covering this. In short, shot placement matters a lot. There's also local vs global hitpoints. Shots deplete both (at different rates). Global HP can be depleted when no particular component (be it a person: arms legs, chest, head; or a vehicle: tracks, turret, gun, engine, etc) is fully damaged. For vehicles, Armor thickness is not uniform. Even if armor is penetrated, not all internal areas are equally important. The game defines certain areas which are more vulnerable (fuel tanks, ammmunition magazines, etc). Generally speaking, don't expose your sides (hull or turret) to the enemy, don't expose the roof of your vehicle. As for personal armor. The armor doesn't cover everything. In particular you may wear a carrier rig special and have good protection to your upper chest, but your lower torso is generally still a 1 shot kill (in which case a grenadier's rig, or the GA carrier rig (not light) of the AAF helps cover the lower torso). Again, shots to the side are a big threat. Most of the plate armor protects front and back, but not sides. I also find it hard to tell sometimes when I've taken a hit to armor (which stopped it and didn't put me below the threshold where a FAK can be used), or simply had a round land nearby (which can still cause noise and a shake). Sometimes I think I've actually been hit before what kills me. Also note that using a FAK doesn't fully heal you (you need a medic or an ambulance/hospital for that). So you may be damaged even if you used an FAK. Shots to legs and arms can also be fatal (particularly with higher calibers... its kind of dumb... sure they could hit an artery and you could bleed to death.. .but it shouldnt be an insta-kill)... so CSAT armored uniforms are the only protection here (thus I think the armor situation isn't very balanced). I know on KOTH, players often aim below the center of mass, for the legs and lower torso, because those are unarmored for NATO and AAF (well the legs always, the lower torso often) Quote I immobilized a Slammer by shooting in the tracks. Then, I needed 2 direct hits with AP round + 7 (7!!!) direct hits with HEAT to see it blow up. It means, it took 3 AP round + 7 HEAT direct hits before getting blown up, with 125mm canon! Ignore your first shot... it hit the tracks, that won't hit any of the vital components... (but mobility kill, nice, also the AI crew should have bailed, rendering it out of action, no?) Second, HEAT rounds aren't so great against tanks, they are generally inferior to APFSDS rounds... so at most you hit it with 2 shots of the full penetrating power of your 125mm cannon... where did those shots land? HEAT is better as a multipurpose round, some splash for infantry, effective against IFVs/APCs, somewhat effective against tanks (depending on where you hit them, you should at least be able to disable the enemy tank even if its not outright destroyed). Was it a slammer UP? did it have slat armor? reactive armor? IIRC those can stop the "penetrator" projectile from being spawned from a HEAT shell... so if you spread your HEAT rounds around the target, you'll waste them (while hits to an area where the ERA has already been destroyed will be more effective) Quote the Blackfoot fire at me and hit me. My tank has 2 yellow square (canon and turret). I repair. Then meet a Rhino which destroy my tanks with 1 direct hit. Did you repair with the repair kit, or at a repair truck? the repair kit doesn't give you a full repair (but it will get components working again). Is it possible that the Rhino hit you with a missile instead of a cannon shell? Did you take any fire before that even if it didn't show damage in your display? What direction was the fire coming from? Overall, I think the Tanks update made it harder to destroy tanks. Before that there were fairly easy to hit "shot traps" (at least on the T-100 and the Kuma), where I could reliably 1 shot Kumas and T-100s by landing a shot right at the turret ring... even from the front... I haven't fully worked out where I should try to land my shots now. Even so... its really hard to find a place to hit a Rhino with a 120mm or 125mm APFSDS/HEAT round that won't kill it in 1 shot, so as an Angara, at worst, you're evenly matched (I wouldn't go the other direction... stupid tank destroyer mission) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites