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Scripts that used to work freezes at loading now.

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Hey All,


This is a script I used for a stealth mission where "sleeping" enemies were considered civilians until they woke up and armed themselves. The script worked about 6 months ago, but as of today, it stopped working. When I disable the script on the units that had it, my mission loads, so there is something specific in this script that is freezing my loading now, and wondering if anyone has any ideas.


Here is me launching it in the unit.

_nul = [this] execVM "testing.sqf"

I have it running on only 10 units. 

_unit = _this select 0;

_knows = False;
_knowsabout = 0;
_active = False;

if (captive _unit) then {
	_EHkilledIdx = _unit addEventHandler ["killed", "execVM 'civilian_killed.sqf'"]

while {!_knows} do {{

if ((side _unit) == East AND (_unit knowsabout _x) > 3.5)
		_active = True; 
		_knows = true;

} foreach units squad1;

{if ((_unit knowsabout _x) > 3.5 AND (captive _unit) AND (_unit distance _x) <= 3)
		_unit setcaptive false; 
		_active = True; 
		_knows = True; 
		_unit removeEventHandler ["killed", 0];
		_unit switchmove "AidlPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_AI";
		sleep 1;
		_unit enableai "ANIM";
		_unit enableai "TARGET";

} foreach units squad1;


if (_active) then {
	sleep 5;
	if (alive _unit) then {alarm = True}


Civilians killed is also on civlians,  but here it is, just in case.


if (isServer) then {
civilian_count = civilian_count + 1;
officer1 sidechat "Stop killing civilians!";


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Do you have error reporting on? no error messages?


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No error, the loader just, freezes.


Here is a sample end of an RPT when it starts to hang.



18:49:41 [ACE] (common) TRACE: 81375 setSettingMission from module: _settingName=ace_medical_AIDamageThreshold, _value=1 z\ace\addons\common\functions\fnc_readSettingFromModule.sqf:49
18:49:41 [ACE] (common) TRACE: 81375 setSettingMission from module: _settingName=ace_medical_enableUnconsciousnessAI, _value=1 z\ace\addons\common\functions\fnc_readSettingFromModule.sqf:49
18:49:41 [ACE] (common) TRACE: 81375 setSettingMission from module: _settingName=ace_medical_remoteControlledAI, _value=true z\ace\addons\common\functions\fnc_readSettingFromModule.sqf:49
18:49:41 [ACE] (common) TRACE: 81375 setSettingMission from module: _settingName=ace_medical_preventInstaDeath, _value=true z\ace\addons\common\functions\fnc_readSettingFromModule.sqf:49
18:49:41 [ACE] (common) TRACE: 81375 setSettingMission from module: _settingName=ace_medical_bleedingCoefficient, _value=1 z\ace\addons\common\functions\fnc_readSettingFromModule.sqf:49
18:49:41 [ACE] (common) TRACE: 81375 setSettingMission from module: _settingName=ace_medical_painCoefficient, _value=1 z\ace\addons\common\functions\fnc_readSettingFromModule.sqf:49
18:49:41 [ACE] (common) TRACE: 81375 setSettingMission from module: _settingName=ace_medical_keepLocalSettingsSynced, _value=true z\ace\addons\common\functions\fnc_readSettingFromModule.sqf:49
18:49:41 [ACE] (common) TRACE: 81375 setSettingMission from module: _settingName=ace_advanced_fatigue_enabled, _value=false z\ace\addons\common\functions\fnc_readSettingFromModule.sqf:49
18:49:41 [ACE] (common) TRACE: 81375 setSettingMission from module: _settingName=ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor, _value=1 z\ace\addons\common\functions\fnc_readSettingFromModule.sqf:49
18:49:41 [ACE] (common) TRACE: 81375 setSettingMission from module: _settingName=ace_advanced_fatigue_recoveryFactor, _value=1 z\ace\addons\common\functions\fnc_readSettingFromModule.sqf:49
18:49:41 [ACE] (common) TRACE: 81375 setSettingMission from module: _settingName=ace_advanced_fatigue_loadFactor, _value=1 z\ace\addons\common\functions\fnc_readSettingFromModule.sqf:49
18:49:41 [ACE] (common) TRACE: 81375 setSettingMission from module: _settingName=ace_advanced_fatigue_terrainGradientFactor, _value=1 z\ace\addons\common\functions\fnc_readSettingFromModule.sqf:49
18:49:41 [ACE] (common) INFO: Settings initialized.
18:49:41 [ACE] (common) INFO: 119 delayed functions running.


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Your while loop has no sleep inside, might be causing it since it will run at full speed, didn't look much further though.



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You are also using ACE and maybe other mods. An update may have broken something. ACE module conflicting? Most likely the missing while loop sleep as @Grumpy Old Man stated. Always a good idea to have one, even if it is low.

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