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Using functions from Combat Patrol in my own missions.

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I am working on a mission on Lythium and I am wondering about the functions used in Combat Patrol for garrisoning buildings and spawning random objectives. It would be nice if there was a way to use these in any mission by referencing code functions. Is there a way to do this? It would be a cool way to spawn a side mission using the Combat Patrol functions. And as they are BI built-in functions, they would be fast and reliable.


Is this possible? Thanks.

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As you can see in editor, combat patrol is a family of modules. You can add, remove, reposition locations of the map. You need an init one to do the job.

That's the regular way to make a mission.

Now, if you want more stuffs and possibilities, using addons,... you need to remove this init module and script something equivalent in a init.sqf.


Example to have an idea (don't use it as is because some group names or variables will stay undefined):


waitUntil {time >0};

// --- parameters input init

if (count (missionNamespace getVariable ["paramsArray", []]) == 0) then {
  paramsArray = [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, -1,3,0,20];
_parent = missionConfigFile >> "Params";
_paramsClasses = "TRUE" configClasses _parent;
_defaults = [
  "BIS_CP_startingDaytime",   1,
  "BIS_CP_weather",     1,
  "BIS_CP_garrison",    0,
  "BIS_CP_reinforcements",  0,
  "BIS_CP_showInsertion",   0,
  "BIS_CP_enemyFaction",    0,
  "BIS_CP_locationSelection",   0,
  "BIS_CP_objective",     -1,
  "MGI_CP_someMore",    3,
  "MGI_CP_start",     0,
  "MGI_CP_timer",     20
  if (_forEachIndex % 2 == 0) then {
    _class = (_parent >> _x); _i = _paramsClasses find _class; missionNamespace setVariable [_x, if (_i >= 0) then {paramsArray select _i} else {_defaults select (_forEachIndex + 1)}];
} forEach _defaults;
_i = BIS_CP_startingDaytime;
if (_i < 0) then {_i = floor random 5};
BIS_CP_preset_startingDaytime = [
  [4, 15, 0.15],
  [9, 0, 0],
  [16, 30, 0],
  [19, 0, 0.1],
  [23, 0, 0]
] select _i;
_i = BIS_CP_weather;
if (_i < 0) then {_i = floor random 4};
BIS_CP_preset_weather = [
  [0, 0],
  [0.4, 0],
  [0.7, 0.05],
  [1, 0.3]
] select _i;
BIS_CP_preset_garrison = BIS_CP_garrison;
BIS_CP_preset_reinforcements = BIS_CP_reinforcements;
BIS_CP_preset_showInsertion = BIS_CP_showInsertion;
BIS_CP_preset_enemyFaction = BIS_CP_enemyFaction;
BIS_CP_preset_locationSelection = BIS_CP_locationSelection;
if (isServer) then {
  BIS_CP_preset_objective = if (BIS_CP_objective > 0) then {BIS_CP_objective} else {selectRandom [1, 2, 3]};
  publicVariable "BIS_CP_preset_objective";
} else {
  waitUntil {!isNil "BIS_CP_preset_objective"};

BIS_CP_votingTimer = if (isMultiplayer) then [{MGI_CP_timer},{3}];
BIS_CP_playerSide = WEST;
if (BIS_CP_preset_enemyFaction == 2) then {BIS_CP_preset_enemyFaction = selectRandom [0, 1]};
BIS_CP_enemySide = if (BIS_CP_preset_enemyFaction == 0) then {EAST} else {RESISTANCE};
BIS_CP_moreReinforcements = if (BIS_CP_preset_reinforcements == 2) then {TRUE} else {FALSE};
BIS_CP_lessReinforcements = if (BIS_CP_preset_reinforcements == 0) then {TRUE} else {FALSE};

// --- register proper objective-related functions

BIS_fnc_CPObjSetup = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["\A3\Functions_F_Patrol\CombatPatrol\Objectives\fn_CPObj%1Setup.sqf", BIS_CP_preset_objective];
BIS_fnc_CPObjSetupClient = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["\A3\Functions_F_Patrol\CombatPatrol\Objectives\fn_CPObj%1SetupClient.sqf", BIS_CP_preset_objective];
BIS_fnc_CPObjTasksSetup = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["\A3\Functions_F_Patrol\CombatPatrol\Objectives\fn_CPObj%1TasksSetup.sqf", BIS_CP_preset_objective];
BIS_fnc_CPObjBriefingSetup = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["\A3\Functions_F_Patrol\CombatPatrol\Objectives\fn_CPObj%1BriefingSetup.sqf", BIS_CP_preset_objective];
BIS_fnc_CPObjHandle = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["A3\Functions_F_Patrol\CombatPatrol\Objectives\fn_CPObj%1Handle.sqf", BIS_CP_preset_objective];
//BIS_fnc_CPObjHeavyLosses = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["A3\Functions_F_Patrol\CombatPatrol\Objectives\fn_CPObj%1HeavyLosses.sqf", BIS_CP_preset_objective];

if (isServer) then {

  // --- standard initial server settings

  {createCenter _x} forEach [WEST, EAST, RESISTANCE, CIVILIAN];
  EAST setFriend [RESISTANCE, 0];
  RESISTANCE setFriend [EAST, 0];
  WEST setFriend [RESISTANCE, 0];
  RESISTANCE setFriend [WEST, 0];
  // enableSaving [FALSE, FALSE];  // --- TODO: remove(?)

  // --- variables init (server-shared)

  missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_CP_targetLocationID", -1, TRUE];

  // --- register enemy group configs
BIS_CP_enemyGrp_sentry = if (BIS_CP_enemySide == EAST) then {configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "CUP_O_TK_MILITIA" >> "Infantry" >> "CUP_O_TK_MILITIA_Patrol"} else {configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "Indep" >> "CUP_I_TK_GUE" >> "Infantry" >> "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Patrol"};
BIS_CP_enemyGrp_fireTeam = if (BIS_CP_enemySide == EAST) then {configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "CUP_O_TK_MILITIA" >> "Infantry" >> "CUP_O_TK_MILITIA_Demosquad"} else {configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "Indep" >> "CUP_I_TK_GUE" >> "Infantry" >> "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Demosquad"};
BIS_CP_enemyGrp_rifleSquad = if (BIS_CP_enemySide == EAST) then {configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "CUP_O_TK_MILITIA" >> "Infantry" >> "CUP_O_TK_MILITIA_Group"} else {configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "Indep" >> "CUP_I_TK_GUE" >> "Infantry" >> "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Group"};

  // --- register enemy unit classnames to be used in buildings

  BIS_CP_enemyTroops = [];
    BIS_CP_enemyTroops pushBack getText (_x >> "vehicle");
  } forEach ("TRUE" configClasses BIS_CP_enemyGrp_rifleSquad);

  // --- register enemy reinforcement types

  BIS_CP_enemyVeh_MRAP = if (BIS_CP_enemySide == EAST) then {"CUP_O_LR_MG_TKM"} else {"CUP_I_Datsun_PK_TK_random"};
BIS_CP_enemyVeh_Truck = if (BIS_CP_enemySide == EAST) then {configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "CUP_O_TK_MILITIA" >> "Motorized" >> "CUP_O_TK_MILITIA_MotorizedPatrolBTR40"} else {configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "Indep" >> "CUP_I_TK_GUE" >> "Motorized" >> "CUP_I_TK_GUE_MotorizedPatrol"};
BIS_CP_enemyVeh_UAV_big = if (BIS_CP_enemySide == EAST) then {"O_T_UAV_04_CAS_F"} else {"I_UAV_02_F"};
BIS_CP_enemyVeh_UAV_small = if (BIS_CP_enemySide == EAST) then {"CUP_O_Pchela1T_RU"} else {"I_UAV_01_F"};
BIS_CP_enemyVeh_reinf1 = if (BIS_CP_enemySide == EAST) then {"CUP_O_BTR40_MG_TKM"} else {"CUP_I_BRDM2_TK_Gue"};
BIS_CP_enemyVeh_reinf2 = if (BIS_CP_enemySide == EAST) then {"CUP_O_BMP2_ZU_TKA"} else {"CUP_I_BMP1_TK_GUE"};
BIS_CP_enemyVeh_reinfAir = if (BIS_CP_enemySide == EAST) then {"CUP_O_MI17_TK"} else {"CUP_I_CH47F_RACS"};

  // --- hold until a group with at least one player is present

waitUntil {count allPlayers > 0};

  // --- apply selected daytime & weather

  setDate [date select 0, date select 1, date select 2, BIS_CP_preset_startingDaytime select 0, BIS_CP_preset_startingDaytime select 1];
  _fogTime = BIS_CP_preset_startingDaytime select 2;
  0 setOvercast (BIS_CP_preset_weather select 0);
  _fogWeather = BIS_CP_preset_weather select 1;
  10e5 setOvercast (BIS_CP_preset_weather select 0);
  0 setFog (_fogTime max _fogWeather);
  if ((BIS_CP_preset_weather select 0) < 0 || (BIS_CP_preset_startingDaytime select 0) >= 20) then {
    0 setRain 0;
    10e5 setRain 0;

  // --- spawn a copy of the playable group to calculate insertion positions (uneven terrain etc.)

  _slots = playableSlotsNumber WEST;
  BIS_copyGrp = createGroup CIVILIAN;
  for [{_i = 1}, {_i <= _slots}, {_i = _i + 1}] do {
    _newUnit = BIS_copyGrp createUnit ["B_Soldier_F", [100,100,0], [], 0, "FORM"];
    _newUnit stop TRUE;
    _newUnit allowDamage FALSE;

  // --- create and delete player icons for minimap upon connect / disconnedct

  addMissionEventHandler ["PlayerConnected", {
    (_this select 2) spawn {
      _name = _this;
      sleep 0.5;
      _newPlayerArr = (allMissionObjects "Man") select {isPlayer _x && name _x == _name};
      if (count _newPlayerArr > 0) then {
        _newPlayer = _newPlayerArr select 0;
        _playerIcon = createMarker [format ["playerMarker_%1", _name], position _newPlayer];

  addMissionEventHandler ["PlayerDisconnected", {
    _name = _this select 2;
    deleteMarker format ["playerMarker_%1", _name];
} else {
  if (didJIP) then {
    if (BIS_CP_targetLocationID >= 0) then {BIS_lateJIP = TRUE};

  // --- sync client weather

  _timeSkip = daytime + 0.1;
  _null = _timeSkip spawn {
    _timeSkip = _this;
    _timeBackup = time + 1;
    waitUntil {daytime > _timeSkip || time > _timeBackup};
    skipTime 4;

  // --- hold until client catches up with server-shared variables

  waitUntil {!isNil "BIS_CP_targetLocationID"};

if !(isDedicated) then {

  // --- make sure player is initialized at this point

  waitUntil {!isNull player && isPlayer player};

  // --- no need to run the system for players outside of intended patrol group

  ["System initializing for player %1 (%2)", name player, player] call BIS_fnc_CPLog;

  // --- move player to his group in case of JIP

  if (didJIP && MGI_CP_start != 0) then {
    _null = [] spawn {
      _pos = formationPosition player;
      if (leader player == player) then {
        _pos = markerPos "insertion_pos";
      if (player distance _pos > 10) then {
        player setPosATL _pos;
      sleep 0.5;
      if (player distance _pos > 10) then {
        player setPosATL _pos;
      sleep 0.5;
      if (player distance _pos > 10) then {
        player setPosATL _pos;
      sleep 0.5;
      if (player distance _pos > 10) then {
        player setPosATL _pos;

  // --- automatically open map for objective selection if it's still possible

  if (!BIS_lateJIP && BIS_CP_preset_locationSelection != 1) then {
    player enableSimulation FALSE;
    player setAmmo [currentWeapon player, 0];
    _null = [] spawn {
      sleep 0.01;
      while {!visibleMap} do {
        openMap [TRUE, true];
      BIS_blackoutHandle = [] spawn {
        while {TRUE} do {
          waitUntil {!visibleMap};
          0 cutText ["", "BLACK FADED", 9999];
          waitUntil {visibleMap};
          0 cutText ["", "BLACK IN", 0.25];
      mapAnimAdd [0, 1, [worldSize / 2, worldSize / 2]];

// --- script scope && event handler handles for termination in different scopes

_sampleTimerScope = scriptNull;
_clickEH = -1;
_hoverEH = -1;
_leaveEH = -1;

// --- location selection

// --- location types registered as objectives

BIS_CP_usableLocationTypes = ["NameVillage", "NameCity", "NameCityCapital"];

// --- register locations removed by modules

_blacklisedCoords = [];
_locationsRemoveModules = +allMissionObjects "ModuleCombatPatrol_LocationRemove_F";
  _locations = nearestLocations [_x, BIS_CP_usableLocationTypes, 1000];
  if (count _locations > 0) then {
    _coords = locationPosition ((nearestLocations [_x, BIS_CP_usableLocationTypes, 1000]) select 0);
    _coords resize 2;
    _blacklisedCoords pushBack _coords;
  } else {
    ["No locations in 1000m radius around Location Remove module at %1", position _x] call BIS_fnc_error;
} forEach _locationsRemoveModules;

// --- register location moved by modules

_movedCoords = [];
_newCoords = [];
_locationsMoveModules = +allMissionObjects "ModuleCombatPatrol_LocationMove_F";
  _locations = nearestLocations [_x, BIS_CP_usableLocationTypes, 1000];
  if (count _locations > 0) then {
    _coords = locationPosition ((nearestLocations [_x, BIS_CP_usableLocationTypes, 1000]) select 0);
    _coords resize 2;
    _newPos = position _x;
    _newPos resize 2;
    _movedCoords pushBack _coords;
    _newCoords pushBack _newPos;
  } else {
    ["No locations in 1000m radius around Location Move module at %1", position _x] call BIS_fnc_error;
} forEach _locationsMoveModules;

// --- register locations added by modules

_addedLocations = +allMissionObjects "ModuleCombatPatrol_LocationAdd_F";

// --- register all suitable locations on the map

_grabbedLocations = "getText (_x >> 'type') in BIS_CP_usableLocationTypes" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "Names");

// --- compose final locations list

BIS_CP_locationArrFinal = [];

// --- fill list with locations grabbed from config

// --- remove the blacklisted ones

// ---change the center of locaitons moved by modules

  _location = _x;
  _coords = getArray (_location >> "position");
  if ({(_coords distance2D _x) == 0} count _blacklisedCoords == 0) then {
    _i = -1;
    {if (_coords distance2D _x == 0) then {_i = _forEachIndex}} forEach _movedCoords;
    if (_i >= 0) then {_coords = _newCoords select _i};
    BIS_CP_locationArrFinal pushBack [_coords, getText (_x >> "name"), [0.75, 1, 1.5] select (BIS_CP_usableLocationTypes find getText (_x >> "type"))];
} forEach _grabbedLocations;

// --- add locations placed via modules

// --- use standardized names for unnamed locations

_locationNameID = 1;
  _locationName = _x getVariable ["BIS_CP_param_locationName", ""];
  if (_locationName == "") then {
    _locationName = format [localize "STR_A3_combatpatrol_mission_40", _locationNameID];  // --- TODO: localize
    _locationNameID = _locationNameID + 1;
  } else {
    _nameArr = toArray _locationName;
    if (count _nameArr > 6) then {
      _nameArr resize 6;
      _prefix = toString _nameArr;
      if (toLower _prefix == "str_a3") then {
        _locationName = localize _locationName;
  _pos = position _x;
  _pos resize 2;
  BIS_CP_locationArrFinal pushBack [_pos, _locationName, _x getVariable ["BIS_CP_param_locationSize", 1]];
} forEach _addedLocations;

// --- skip if already selected (JIP) or random selection is enabled

if (BIS_CP_targetLocationID == -1) then {

  // --- spawn dummy entities on locations to be used as targets for group icons

  // --- register blacklisted azimuths

  if (isServer) then {
    BIS_CP_dummyGrps = [];
    ["Final locations list:"] call BIS_fnc_CPLog;
      _dummy = (createGroup CIVILIAN) createUnit ["Logic", _x select 0, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _azimuthBlacklistModulesArr = _dummy nearObjects ["ModuleCombatPatrol_LocationAzimuthBlacklist_F", 1000];
      if (count _azimuthBlacklistModulesArr > 0) then {
        _module = _azimuthBlacklistModulesArr select 0;
        _blacklistArr = call compile (_module getVariable "BIS_CP_param_locationAzimuthBlacklist");
        if (typeName _blacklistArr == typeName []) then {
          _dummy setVariable ["BIS_azimuthBlacklistArr", _blacklistArr];
      BIS_CP_dummyGrps pushBack group _dummy;
      ["        %1 at %2", _x select 1, _x select 0] call BIS_fnc_CPLog;
    } forEach BIS_CP_locationArrFinal;

  if (BIS_CP_preset_locationSelection == 1) exitWith {
    if !(isDedicated) then {
      _null = [] spawn {
        sleep 0.001;
        debuglog format ["DEBUG :: #1 (%1)", name player];
        0 cutText ["", "BLACK FADED", 20];

        // --- center map on target location

        waitUntil {visibleMap && !isNil "BIS_CP_targetLocationPos"};
        mapAnimAdd [0, 0.05, BIS_CP_targetLocationPos];

    //sleep 1;

    if (isServer) then {
      missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_CP_targetLocationID", floor random count BIS_CP_locationArrFinal, TRUE];
    } else {
      waitUntil {BIS_CP_targetLocationID > -1};

  if !(isDedicated) then {

    // --- add clickable icons on locations

      _pos = _x select 0;
      waitUntil {count ((_pos nearObjects ["Logic", 10]) select {typeOf _x == "Logic"}) > 0};
      _dummyGrp = group (((_pos nearObjects ["Logic", 10]) select {typeOf _x == "Logic"}) select 0);
      _dummyGrp setVariable ["BIS_CP_locationName", _x select 1];
      _dummyGrp setVariable ["BIS_CP_locationID", _forEachIndex];
      _dummyGrp addGroupIcon ["selector_selectable", [0,0]];
      _dummyGrp setGroupIconParams [[0,0.8,0,1], "", 1, TRUE];
    } forEach BIS_CP_locationArrFinal;

    setGroupIconsVisible [TRUE, FALSE];
    setGroupIconsSelectable TRUE;

    // --- sound effect on icon hover

    BIS_CP_currentIconID = -1;
    _sampleTimerScope = [] spawn {
      scriptName "Hover sample timer";
      while {BIS_CP_targetLocationID == -1} do {
        waitUntil {BIS_CP_currentIconID != -1};
        playSound "clickSoft";
        waitUntil {BIS_CP_currentIconID == -1};

    // --- location selection UI handle

    _null = [] spawn {
      _locationsCnt = count BIS_CP_locationArrFinal;
      while {BIS_CP_targetLocationID == -1} do {
        _text = localize "STR_A3_combatpatrol_mission_34";
        if ((missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_voting_countdown_end", 0]) > 0) then {
          _votesArr = [];
            _votesArr pushBack (_x getVariable ["BIS_CP_votedFor", -1]);
          } forEach ((units HUBERT + units TREPEL) select {isPlayer _x});
          _mostVoted = 0;
          _mostVotes = 0;
          for [{_i = 0}, {_i < _locationsCnt}, {_i = _i + 1}] do {
            _votes = {_x == _i} count _votesArr;
            if (_votes > _mostVotes) then {
              _mostVotes = _votes;
              _mostVoted = _i;
          _text = _text + "<br/><br/>";
          if ((player getVariable ["BIS_CP_votedFor", -1]) >= 0) then {
            _text = _text + format [(localize "STR_A3_combatpatrol_mission_35") + ":<br/>%1<br/><br/>", toUpper ((BIS_CP_locationArrFinal select (player getVariable "BIS_CP_votedFor")) select 1)];
          _text = _text + format [(localize "STR_A3_combatpatrol_mission_36") + ":<br/>%1", toUpper ((BIS_CP_locationArrFinal select _mostVoted) select 1)];
          _timeLeft = ((BIS_CP_voting_countdown_end - daytime) * 3600);
          if (_timeLeft < 0) then {_timeLeft = 0};
          _timeLeft = ceil _timeLeft;
          _text = _text + format ["<br/><br/>" + (localize "STR_A3_combatpatrol_mission_37") + ":<br/>%1", _timeLeft];
        hintSilent parseText _text;
        sleep 0.1;
      hintSilent "";

    // --- set up the click action to vote for the assigned location

    _clickEH = addMissionEventHandler ["GroupIconClick", {
      player setVariable ["BIS_CP_votedFor", (_this select 1) getVariable ["BIS_CP_locationID", -1], TRUE];
      if ((missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_voting_countdown_end", 0]) == 0) then {
        missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_CP_voting_countdown_end", daytime + (BIS_CP_votingTimer / 3600), TRUE];
      (_this select 1) setGroupIconParams [[0.8,0,0,1], "", 1, TRUE];
      playSound "AddItemOK";
      _null = (_this select 1) spawn {
        scriptName "Group icon recolor upon deselecting";
        waitUntil {(player getVariable ["BIS_CP_votedFor", -1]) != (_this getVariable ["BIS_CP_locationID", -1]) || isNull _this};
        if !(isNull _this) then {
          _this setGroupIconParams [[0,0.8,0,1], "", 1, TRUE];

    // --- set up the icon hover action

    _hoverEH = addMissionEventHandler ["GroupIconOverEnter", {
      BIS_CP_currentIconID = (_this select 1) getVariable ["BIS_CP_locationID", -1];
      if ((player getVariable ["BIS_CP_votedFor", -1]) != BIS_CP_currentIconID) then {
        (_this select 1) setGroupIconParams [[0,0,0.8,1], "", 1, TRUE];

    // --- set up the icon leave action

    _leaveEH = addMissionEventHandler ["GroupIconOverLeave", {
      BIS_CP_currentIconID = -1;
      if ((player getVariable ["BIS_CP_votedFor", -1]) != ((_this select 1) getVariable ["BIS_CP_locationID", -1])) then {
        (_this select 1) setGroupIconParams [[0,0.8,0,1], "", 1, TRUE];

  // --- evaluate the most voted for location

  if (isServer) then {
    waitUntil {missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_voting_countdown_end", 0] > 0};
    if (((BIS_CP_voting_countdown_end - daytime) * 3600) > BIS_CP_votingTimer) then {
      missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_CP_voting_countdown_end", daytime + (BIS_CP_votingTimer / 3600), TRUE];
    waitUntil {daytime >= BIS_CP_voting_countdown_end};
    _votesArr = [];
      _votesArr pushBack (_x getVariable ["BIS_CP_votedFor", -1]);
    } forEach ((units HUBERT + units TREPEL) select {isPlayer _x});
    _mostVoted = 0;
    _mostVotes = 0;
    _locationsCnt = count BIS_CP_locationArrFinal;
    for [{_i = 0}, {_i < _locationsCnt}, {_i = _i + 1}] do {
      _votes = {_x == _i} count _votesArr;
      if (_votes > _mostVotes) then {
        _mostVotes = _votes;
        _mostVoted = _i;
    missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_CP_targetLocationID", _mostVoted, TRUE];
  } else {
    waitUntil {BIS_CP_targetLocationID >= 0};

// --- location selected

BIS_CP_targetLocationPos = (BIS_CP_locationArrFinal select BIS_CP_targetLocationID) select 0;
BIS_CP_targetLocationName = (BIS_CP_locationArrFinal select BIS_CP_targetLocationID) select 1;
BIS_CP_targetLocationSize = (BIS_CP_locationArrFinal select BIS_CP_targetLocationID) select 2;

if !(BIS_lateJIP) then {
  {terminate _x} forEach [_sampleTimerScope];
  removeMissionEventHandler ["GroupIconClick", _clickEH];
  removeMissionEventHandler ["GroupIconOverEnter", _hoverEH];
  removeMissionEventHandler ["GroupIconOverLeave", _leaveEH];

if (isServer) then {
  waitUntil {(missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_targetLocationID", -1] != -1)};
  BIS_CP_targetLocationAzimuthBlacklistArr = (leader (BIS_CP_dummyGrps select BIS_CP_targetLocationID)) getVariable ["BIS_azimuthBlacklistArr", []];
  ["Location selected: %1", BIS_CP_targetLocationName] call BIS_fnc_CPLog;

// --- black out

if !(BIS_lateJIP) then {
  if !(isDedicated) then {
    if (BIS_CP_preset_locationSelection != 1) then {
      debuglog format ["DEBUG :: #2 (%1)", name player];
      0 cutText ["", "BLACK OUT", 0.01];

  sleep 1;

  if !(isDedicated) then {

    // --- close map

    openMap [FALSE, FALSE];
    if !(isNil "BIS_blackoutHandle") then {
      terminate BIS_blackoutHandle;

    // --- location name pop up

    _null = [format [(localize "STR_A3_combatpatrol_mission_38") + "<br/>%1<br/><br/>" + (localize "STR_A3_combatpatrol_mission_39"), toUpper BIS_CP_targetLocationName], 0, 0.5, 5, 0.5, 0] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; //TODO: localize
    playSound "RscDisplayCurator_ping05";

  sleep 0.5;
} else {
  if (BIS_CP_preset_locationSelection != 1) then {
    debuglog format ["DEBUG :: #3 (%1)", name player];
    0 cutText ["", "BLACK FADED", 15];

_tLoading = time + 5;

if (isServer) then {

  // --- location areas are scaled based on their config properties

  BIS_CP_radius_insertion = 400 * BIS_CP_targetLocationSize;
  BIS_CP_radius_core = 200 * BIS_CP_targetLocationSize;
  BIS_CP_radius_reinforcements = BIS_CP_radius_insertion * 1.5;

  // --- identify land (get rid of angles leading into water)

  BIS_CP_landDirsArr = [800, FALSE] call BIS_fnc_CPSafeAzimuths;

  ["Land angles found:"] call BIS_fnc_CPLog;
    ["        %1", _x] call BIS_fnc_CPLog;
  } forEach BIS_CP_landDirsArr;

  // --- filter usable insertin angles

  BIS_CP_landDirsArr_insertion = [BIS_CP_radius_insertion, TRUE] call BIS_fnc_CPSafeAzimuths;

  ["Insertion angles found:"] call BIS_fnc_CPLog;
    ["        %1", _x] call BIS_fnc_CPLog;
  } forEach BIS_CP_landDirsArr_insertion;

  // --- filter usable exfil angles

  BIS_CP_landDirsArr_exfil = [BIS_CP_radius_insertion * 1.5, TRUE] call BIS_fnc_CPSafeAzimuths;

  ["Exfil angles found:"] call BIS_fnc_CPLog;
    ["        %1", _x] call BIS_fnc_CPLog;
  } forEach BIS_CP_landDirsArr_exfil;

  // --- find approach roads

  BIS_CP_reinf_approach_roads = [];
  for [{_i = 0}, {_i <= 360}, {_i = _i + 1}] do {
    private ["_pos"];
    _pos = [BIS_CP_targetLocationPos, BIS_CP_radius_reinforcements, _i] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
    _roads = (_pos nearRoads 400) select {((boundingBoxReal _x) select 0) distance2D ((boundingBoxReal _x) select 1) >= 15};
    if (count _roads > 0) exitWith {
      _road = _roads select 0;
      if ({_x distance _road < 100} count BIS_CP_reinf_approach_roads == 0) then {
        BIS_CP_reinf_approach_roads pushBackUnique _road;

  ["Reinforcements approach roads found: %1", count BIS_CP_reinf_approach_roads] call BIS_fnc_CPLog;

  // --- pick insertion & exfiltration positions

  _insDir = missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_forcerInsertionDir", [1] call BIS_fnc_CPPickSafeDir];
  BIS_CP_insertionPos = [BIS_CP_targetLocationPos, BIS_CP_radius_insertion, _insDir] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
  _extDir = [2] call BIS_fnc_CPPickSafeDir;

  _exfilposArr = [hp2,hp3,hp4,hp5,hp6,hp7,hp8,hp9] apply {[_x distanceSqr BIS_CP_targetLocationPos,_x]};
  _exfilposArr sort true;
  BIS_CP_exfilPos = _exfilposArr select 0 select 1;

 /* BIS_CP_exfilPos = [BIS_CP_targetLocationPos, 600 min (BIS_CP_radius_insertion * 1.5), _extDir] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
  _exfilBuilding = nearestBuilding BIS_CP_exfilPos;
  if !(isNull _exfilBuilding && _exfilBuilding distance BIS_CP_exfilPos < 200 && _exfilBuilding distance BIS_CP_targetLocationPos <= ((BIS_CP_exfilPos distance BIS_CP_targetLocationPos) + 50) && _exfilBuilding distance BIS_CP_targetLocationPos > ((BIS_CP_exfilPos distance BIS_CP_targetLocationPos) - 50)) then {
    if (_exfilBuilding distance BIS_CP_exfilPos < 200) then {
      BIS_CP_exfilPos = position _exfilBuilding;

  // --- insertion marker

  _mrkr = createMarker ["insertion_pos", BIS_CP_insertionPos];
  if (BIS_CP_preset_showInsertion == 1) then {
    "insertion_pos" setMarkerType "mil_start";
    "insertion_pos" setMarkerColor (switch (BIS_CP_playerSide) do {
      case WEST: {"colorBLUFOR"};
      case EAST: {"colorOPFOR"};
      case RESISTANCE: {"colorIndependent"};

  // --- AO marker

  _mrkr = createMarker ["ao_marker", BIS_CP_targetLocationPos];

  "ao_marker" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
  "ao_marker" setMarkerSize [BIS_CP_radius_core, BIS_CP_radius_core];
  "ao_marker" setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder";
  "ao_marker" setMarkerColor (switch (BIS_CP_enemySide) do {
    case WEST: {"colorBLUFOR"};
    case EAST: {"colorOPFOR"};
    case RESISTANCE: {"colorIndependent"};
  "ao_marker" setMarkerAlpha 0.3;

  // --- prepare insertion position array

  BIS_finalInsertionPosArr = [];
  BIS_copyGrp setFormDir (BIS_CP_insertionPos getDir BIS_CP_targetLocationPos);
    _pos = if (leader _x == _x) then {BIS_CP_insertionPos} else {formationPosition _x};
    _pos set [2, 0];
    _x setPos (_pos vectorAdd [0,0,100]);
    _zDiff = ((getPosATL _x) select 2) - ((position _x) select 2);
    _pos set [2, abs _zDiff];
    BIS_finalInsertionPosArr pushBack _pos;
  } forEach units BIS_copyGrp;
    deleteVehicle _x;
  } forEach units BIS_copyGrp;
  deleteGroup BIS_copyGrp;

  // --- move the squad to the insertion

if ( MGI_CP_start !=0) then {
private _armada = [];
if ({isplayer _x} count units HUBERT > 0) then {{_armada pushBack _x} forEach units HUBERT};
if ({isplayer _x} count units TREPEL > 0) then {{_armada pushBack _x} forEach units TREPEL};
    _x allowDamage FALSE;
    _pos = BIS_finalInsertionPosArr select _forEachIndex;
    _null = [_x, _pos] spawn {
      _unit = _this select 0;
      _pos = _this select 1;
      _unit setPosATL _pos;
      sleep 0.5;
      if (_unit distance _pos > 10) then {
        _unit setPosATL _pos;
      sleep 0.5;
      if (_unit distance _pos > 10) then {
        _unit setPosATL _pos;
      sleep 0.5;
      if (_unit distance _pos > 10) then {
        _unit setPosATL _pos;
      sleep 0.5;
      if (_unit distance _pos > 10) then {
        _unit setPosATL _pos;
      _unit allowDamage TRUE;
  } forEach _armada;

  //sleep 2;

  // --- spawn enemy garrison based on no. of players

  _playersNo = {isplayer _x} count (units HUBERT + units TREPEL);

  ["Spawning garrison groups:"] call BIS_fnc_CPLog;

  if (_playersNo >= 8) then {
    [BIS_CP_enemyGrp_sentry, {random 600}, 12] call BIS_fnc_CPSpawnGarrisonGrp;
    if (BIS_CP_preset_garrison == 0) then {
      [BIS_CP_enemyGrp_sentry, {random 400}, 6] call BIS_fnc_CPSpawnGarrisonGrp;
    } else {
      [BIS_CP_enemyGrp_fireTeam, {random 400}, 6] call BIS_fnc_CPSpawnGarrisonGrp;
    if (BIS_CP_preset_garrison == 2) then {
      [BIS_CP_enemyGrp_rifleSquad, {random 200}, 3] call BIS_fnc_CPSpawnGarrisonGrp;
  } else {
    if (_playersNo >= 4) then {
      [BIS_CP_enemyGrp_sentry, {random 600}, 12] call BIS_fnc_CPSpawnGarrisonGrp;
      if (BIS_CP_preset_garrison == 0) then {
        [BIS_CP_enemyGrp_sentry, {random 400}, 4] call BIS_fnc_CPSpawnGarrisonGrp;
      } else {
        [BIS_CP_enemyGrp_fireTeam, {random 400}, 4] call BIS_fnc_CPSpawnGarrisonGrp;
      if (BIS_CP_preset_garrison == 2) then {
        [BIS_CP_enemyGrp_rifleSquad, {random 200}, 2] call BIS_fnc_CPSpawnGarrisonGrp;
    } else {
      [BIS_CP_enemyGrp_sentry, {random 600}, 8] call BIS_fnc_CPSpawnGarrisonGrp;
      if (BIS_CP_preset_garrison == 0) then {
        [BIS_CP_enemyGrp_sentry, {random 400}, 4] call BIS_fnc_CPSpawnGarrisonGrp;
      } else {
        [BIS_CP_enemyGrp_fireTeam, {random 400}, 4] call BIS_fnc_CPSpawnGarrisonGrp;
      if (BIS_CP_preset_garrison == 2) then {
        [BIS_CP_enemyGrp_rifleSquad, {random 200}, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSpawnGarrisonGrp;

  // --- spawn enemies in buldings

  ["Spawning garrison in buildings:"] call BIS_fnc_CPLog;

  _allBuildings = BIS_CP_targetLocationPos nearObjects ["Building", BIS_CP_radius_insertion];
  _allUsableBuildings = _allBuildings select {count (_x buildingPos -1) > 4};
  _allUsableBuildings_cnt = count _allUsableBuildings;
  _unusedBuildings = +_allUsableBuildings;
  _cntIndex = if (_playersNo >= 8) then {10} else {if (_playersNo >= 4) then {7} else {4}};
  for [{_i = 1}, {_i <= ceil (_allUsableBuildings_cnt / 2) && _i <= (_cntIndex * BIS_CP_targetLocationSize)}, {_i = _i + 1}] do {
    _building = selectRandom _unusedBuildings;
    _unusedBuildings = _unusedBuildings - [_building];
    if (_building distance BIS_CP_insertionPos > 250) then {
      _building setVariable ["BIS_occupied", TRUE];
      _buldingPosArr = _building buildingPos -1;
      _newGrp = createGroup BIS_CP_enemySide;
      _unitsCnt = ceil random 4;
      _emptyBuildingPosArr = [];
      {_emptyBuildingPosArr pushBack _forEachIndex} forEach _buldingPosArr;
      for [{_j = 1}, {_j <= _unitsCnt}, {_j = _j + 1}] do {
        _buildingPosID = selectRandom _emptyBuildingPosArr;
        _emptyBuildingPosArr = _emptyBuildingPosArr - [_buildingPosID];
        _buildingPos = _buldingPosArr select _buildingPosID;
        _newUnit = _newGrp createUnit [selectRandom BIS_CP_enemyTroops, _buildingPos, [], 0, "NONE"];
        _newUnit setPosATL _buildingPos;
        _newUnit setUnitPos "UP";
        _newUnit allowFleeing 0;
        doStop _newUnit;
      ["        %1 occupied by %2", getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _building >> "displayName"), groupId _newGrp] call BIS_fnc_CPLog;

  // --- objective server setup

  call BIS_fnc_CPObjSetup;

  // --- trigger for players being detected by enemy

  BIS_CP_detectedTrg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", BIS_CP_targetLocationPos, FALSE];
  BIS_CP_detectedTrg setTriggerArea [BIS_CP_radius_insertion, BIS_CP_radius_insertion, 0, FALSE];
  BIS_CP_detectedTrg setTriggerActivation [str BIS_CP_playerSide, if (BIS_CP_enemySide == EAST) then {"EAST D"} else {"GUER D"}, FALSE];
  BIS_CP_detectedTrg setTriggerTimeout [5, 5, 5, TRUE];
  BIS_CP_detectedTrg setTriggerStatements ["this", "", ""];

  // --- delete dummy entities

    deleteVehicle leader _x;
    deleteGroup _x;
  } forEach BIS_CP_dummyGrps;

  // --- location prepared, stop loading

  missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_CP_initDone", TRUE, TRUE];
  BIS_missionStartT = time;

waitUntil {time > _tLoading && !isNil "BIS_CP_initDone"};

debuglog format ["DEBUG :: #4 (%1)", name player];

if !(isDedicated) then {

  player setDir (player getDir BIS_CP_targetLocationPos);

  // --- objective client setup

  call BIS_fnc_CPObjSetupClient;

  debuglog format ["DEBUG :: #5 (%1)", name player];

  // --- scene ready, fade from black

  player enableSimulation TRUE;
  player setAmmo [currentWeapon player, 1000];
  debuglog format ["DEBUG :: #6 (%1)", name player];
  0 cutText ["", "BLACK IN", 0.01];
  0 fadeSound 0;
  1 fadeSound 1;

  // --- mark player's team on map

  /*_null = [] spawn {
    waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51)};
    BIS_teamIconColor = getArray (configFile >> "CfgMarkerColors" >> "colorCLOUDS" >> "color");
    BIS_teamIconColorFaded = +BIS_teamIconColor;
    BIS_teamIconColorFaded set [3, 0.65];
    (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", {
        if (alive _x) then {
          if (_x == player) then {
            (_this select 0) drawIcon ["\ARGO\UI_ARGO\Data\CfgIngameUI\player_map_ca.paa", BIS_teamIconColor, position _x, 21, 21, direction _x, "", 0, 0.03, "PuristaLight", "center"];
          } else {
            (_this select 0) drawIcon ["\ARGO\UI_ARGO\Data\CfgIngameUI\player_map_ca.paa", BIS_teamIconColorFaded, position _x, 18, 18, direction _x, "", 0, 0.03, "PuristaLight", "center"];
      } forEach units group player;

    _alphaFaded = BIS_teamIconColorFaded select 3;
    _color = if (side group player == WEST) then {"colorCLOUDS"} else {"colorFLAMES"};

    while {TRUE} do {
      sleep 0.1;
      _drawFor = (units group player) - [player];
      if (visibleGPS && !visibleMap) then {
          _mrkrName = format ["playerMarker_%1", name _x];
          if (toLower markerType _mrkrName != "playericon") then {_mrkrName setMarkerTypeLocal "PlayerIcon"};
          if (markerAlpha _mrkrName == 0) then {_mrkrName setMarkerAlphaLocal _alphaFaded};
          if (markerColor _mrkrName != _color) then {_mrkrName setMarkerColorLocal _color};
          _mrkrName setMarkerSizeLocal [0.65,0.65];
          _mrkrName setMarkerDirLocal direction _x;
          _mrkrName setMarkerPosLocal position _x;
        } forEach _drawFor;
      } else {
          _mrkrName = format ["playerMarker_%1", name _x];
          if (markerAlpha _mrkrName > 0) then {_mrkrName setMarkerAlphaLocal 0};
        } forEach _drawFor;

BIS_CP_grpMain = true;

if (isServer) then {

  // --- tasks setup

  call BIS_fnc_CPObjTasksSetup;

  // --- players revealed - send reinforcements based on no. of players

  _null = [] spawn {
    scriptName "reinforcements handle";
    [{triggerActivated BIS_CP_detectedTrg || (missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_alarm", FALSE]) || cheat1}, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPWaitUntil;
    deleteVehicle BIS_CP_detectedTrg;

    {_x setBehaviour "COMBAT"; _x setSpeedMode "NORMAL"} forEach (allGroups select {side _x == BIS_CP_enemySide && (leader _x) distance BIS_CP_targetLocationPos <= BIS_CP_radius_insertion});

    // --- timeout if the objective hasn't been destroyed yet

    if !(missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_alarm", FALSE]) then {
      _t = time + 300;
      [{(missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_alarm", FALSE]) || time > _t}, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPWaitUntil;

    // --- wave #1

    _tNextWave = time + 300;

    _playersNo = {isplayer _x} count (units HUBERT + units TREPEL);
    if (_playersNo >= 3) then {
      [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_UAV_small, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
      [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_MRAP, if (BIS_CP_lessReinforcements) then {1} else {2}] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
      if (BIS_CP_moreReinforcements) then {
        [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_Truck, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
    } else {
      if (_playersNo >= 2) then {
        [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_UAV_small, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
        [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_MRAP, if (BIS_CP_lessReinforcements) then {1} else {2}] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
        if (BIS_CP_moreReinforcements) then {
          [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_Truck, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
      } else {
        [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_UAV_small, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
        [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_MRAP, if (BIS_CP_lessReinforcements) then {0} else {1}] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
        if (BIS_CP_moreReinforcements) then {
          [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_MRAP, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;

    [{time > _tNextWave}, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPWaitUntil;

    // --- wave #2

    _tNextWave = time + 600;

    _playersNo = {isplayer _x} count (units HUBERT + units TREPEL);
    if (_playersNo >= 3) then {
      [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_UAV_small, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
      if (BIS_CP_moreReinforcements) then {
        [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_reinfAir, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
      [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_MRAP, if (BIS_CP_lessReinforcements) then {0} else {1}] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
      [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_Truck, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
    } else {
      if (_playersNo >= 2) then {
        [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_UAV_small, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
        if (BIS_CP_moreReinforcements) then {
          [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_reinfAir, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
        [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_MRAP, if (BIS_CP_lessReinforcements) then {0} else {1}] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
        [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_Truck, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
      } else {
        [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_UAV_small, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
        if (BIS_CP_lessReinforcements) then {
          [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_MRAP, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
        } else {
          [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_Truck, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
        if (BIS_CP_moreReinforcements) then {
          [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_MRAP, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;

    [{time > _tNextWave}, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPWaitUntil;

    // --- wave #3

    _playersNo = {isplayer _x} count (units HUBERT + units TREPEL);
    if (_playersNo >= 3) then {
      [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_UAV_big, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
      [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_MRAP, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
      [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_Truck, if (BIS_CP_lessReinforcements) then {1} else {2}] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
      if (BIS_CP_moreReinforcements) then {
        [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_reinf2, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
    } else {
      if (_playersNo >= 2) then {
        [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_UAV_big, if (BIS_CP_lessReinforcements) then {0} else {1}] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
        [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_MRAP, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
        [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_Truck, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
        if (BIS_CP_moreReinforcements) then {
          [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_reinf1, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
      } else {
        [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_UAV_big, if (BIS_CP_lessReinforcements) then {0} else {1}] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
        if (BIS_CP_moreReinforcements) then {
          [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_reinfAir, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
        [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_MRAP, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;
        [BIS_CP_enemyVeh_Truck, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPSendReinforcements;

  // --- zero casualties handle (AI)

  _null = [] spawn {
    while {isNil "BIS_CP_death"} do {
        if !(alive _x) then {
          _null = _x spawn {
            sleep 3;
            if (!alive _this) then {missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_CP_death", TRUE, TRUE]};
      } forEach ((units HUBERT + units TREPEL) select {!isPlayer _x});
      sleep 3;

  // --- zero casaulties task handle

  _null = [] spawn {
    waitUntil {!isNil "BIS_CP_death"};
    if !(["BIS_CP_taskSurvive"] call BIS_fnc_taskCompleted) then {
      ["BIS_CP_taskSurvive", "Failed"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;

if !(isDedicated) then {

  // --- briefing

  call BIS_fnc_CPObjBriefingSetup;

  // --- zero casualties handle (player)

  _null = [] spawn {
    waitUntil {!alive player};
    sleep 3;
    if !(alive player) then {
      missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_CP_death", TRUE, TRUE];

  // mission start msg

  if (!(missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_objectiveDone", FALSE]) && !(missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_objectiveFailed", FALSE])) then {
    [] spawn {
      sleep 1;
      playSound selectRandom ["cp_mission_start_1", "cp_mission_start_2", "cp_mission_start_3"];

  // heavy losses msg

  if (!(missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_objectiveDone", FALSE]) && !(missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_objectiveFailed", FALSE])) then {
    [] spawn {
      waitUntil {missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_objectiveFailed", FALSE]};
      sleep 1;
      if !(missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_objectiveTimeout", FALSE]) then {
        playSound selectRandom ["cp_casualties_induced_exfil_1", "cp_casualties_induced_exfil_2", "cp_casualties_induced_exfil_3"];

  // objective done msg

  if (!(missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_objectiveDone", FALSE]) && !(missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_objectiveFailed", FALSE])) then {
    [] spawn {
      waitUntil {missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_objectiveDone", FALSE]};
      playSound selectRandom ["cp_mission_accomplished_1", "cp_mission_accomplished_2", "cp_mission_accomplished_3"];

// --- main objective handle

if (isServer) then {
  _null = [] spawn {
    call BIS_fnc_CPObjHandle;

// --- mission end handle

_null = [] spawn {
  if (isServer) then {
    [{missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_objectiveDone", FALSE] || missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_objectiveFailed", FALSE] || !isNil "BIS_CP_missionFail_death"}, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPWaitUntil;

    [{{_x distance BIS_CP_exfilPos < 30 && isPlayer _x && alive _x} count (units HUBERT + units TREPEL) == ({isPlayer _x && alive _x} count (units HUBERT + units TREPEL)) && {alive _x} count (units HUBERT + units TREPEL) > 0}, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPWaitUntil;

    if !(isNil "BIS_CP_missionFail_death") exitWith {
      if (missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_objectiveDone", FALSE]) then {
        missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_CP_ending", 5, TRUE];
      } else {
        missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_CP_ending", 4, TRUE];
    ["BIS_CP_taskExfil", "Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;
    if (isNil "BIS_CP_death") then {
      ["BIS_CP_taskSurvive", "Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;
    if (missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_objectiveDone", FALSE]) then {
      missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_CP_ending", 1, TRUE];
    } else {
      if ({!alive _x} count (units HUBERT + units TREPEL) > 0) then {
        missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_CP_ending", 3, TRUE];
      } else {
        missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_CP_ending", 2, TRUE];
  } else {
    [{(missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_CP_ending", 0]) > 0}, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPWaitUntil;
  if !(isDedicated) then {setPlayerRespawnTime 9999};
  switch (BIS_CP_ending) do {
    case 1: {playSound selectRandom ["cp_exfil_successful_primary_done_1", "cp_exfil_successful_primary_done_2", "cp_exfil_successful_primary_done_3"]; sleep 3; ["CPEndTotalVictory"] call BIS_fnc_endMission};
    case 2: {playSound selectRandom ["cp_exfil_successful_primary_failed_1", "cp_exfil_successful_primary_failed_2", "cp_exfil_successful_primary_failed_3"]; sleep 3; ["CPEndFullExfil"] call BIS_fnc_endMission};
    case 3: {["CPEndPartialExfil", FALSE] call BIS_fnc_endMission};
    case 4: {["CPEndAllDeadMissionFail", FALSE] call BIS_fnc_endMission};
    case 5: {["CPEndAllDeadMissionSuccess", FALSE] call BIS_fnc_endMission};




This init works for this mission.



  • Thanks 1

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