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[SOLVED] Remove all magazines and items from soldiers upon getting killed

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I thought the following script would remove all magazines from a soldier (be it a dynamically spawned AI or human player) upon getting killed but for reasons unknown to me nothing gets removed ever:

_removeMagazinesFromAnyone = addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", {

        if (_killed isKindOf "CAManBase") then {
                (_this select 0) spawn {
                sleep 1;
                {_this removeMagazine _x} forEach magazines _this;

When testing the script with a mission on a dedicated server there's no script errors. What gives in this case?

All in all I'm looking for a script that would remove everything* else from killed units except the containers (vest, backpack, uniform) they use to carry stuff.

*though not necessarily main weapon since there's another script that makes picking one up not possible


Edit: Solved by using in this case removeMagazineGlobal instead of just removeMagazine

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9 minutes ago, gc8 said:

That was it then, removeMagazineGlobal.. damned that I at in no point happened to stumble on that before coming here to ask :face_palm:
Any way, cheers gc8 for coming and sharing this quick fix!

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10 hours ago, Asmodeuz said:

All in all I'm looking for a script that would remove everything* else from killed units except the containers (vest, backpack, uniform) they use to carry stuff.


Hello there Asmodeuz !


Check this:


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