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Undefined variable error - Bis_fnc_spawnvehicle

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Hi, i am trying to get this working but keep getting a undefined variable error for _crew.
Below is the function i am creating, i wonder if someone would be kind enough to point out something i may have overlooked?
Error line has been marked at ( waitUntil )

Kind regards


RAZ_fnc_spawnHuntingVehicle = {
	waitUntil { time > 0 };
	params [ "_unit" ];
	_pos = getPosATL _unit;
	_huntingVehicles = _unit getVariable [ "RAZ_fnc_isBeingHuntedByVehicle", 0 ];
	_huntingVehicles = _huntingVehicles + 1;
	_unit setVariable [ "RAZ_fnc_isBeingHuntedByVehicle", _huntingVehicles, true ];
	_spawnPos = _pos getPos [ 3000, random 360 ];
	_spawnPos = [ _spawnPos, 1, 50, 1, 0, 35, 0 ] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
	_randomArray = selectRandom[0,2];
	if ( _randomArray == 0 ) then { _faction = east } else { _faction = independent };
	_patrolVehicle = [ _spawnPos, 180, ( selectRandom (RAZ_fnc_vehicleConfigs select _randomArray) ), _faction ] call Bis_fnc_spawnvehicle;
	_veh = _patrolVehicle select 0;
	_crew = _patrolVehicle select 2;
	{ gm addCuratorEditableObjects [ [_x], true ]; } forEach units _crew;
	gm addCuratorEditableObjects [ [ _veh ], true ];
	{ _x setSkill 0.25; } forEach units _crew;
	while { ( { alive _x } count units _crew ) >= 1 AND alive _veh } do {
		if ( !alive _unit ) then {
			_unit setVariable [ "RAZ_fnc_isBeingHuntedByVehicle", _huntingVehicles, false ];
			_unit = selectRandom ( allPlayers select { alive _x } );
		_searchWp = [ getPos _unit, random 1000, random 360 ] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
		_wp = _crew addWaypoint [_searchWp, 0];
		[_crew, 1] setWaypointType "SAD";
		[_crew, 1] setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL";
		_timer = time + 60;
		waitUntil { time > _timer OR ({alive _x} count units _crew) isEqualTo 0 OR !alive _veh };
		deleteWaypoint [_crew, 1];
	waitUntil { ( { alive _x } count units _crew ) isEqualTo 0 OR !alive _veh }; <<<<<< ERROR!
	_huntingVehicles = _unit getVariable ["RAZ_fnc_isBeingHuntedByVehicle",0];
	_huntingVehicles = _huntingVehicles - 1;
	_unit setVariable ["RAZ_fnc_isBeingHuntedByVehicle",_huntingVehicles,true];
	_waitTime = time + 10;
	waitUntil { time > _waitTime };

_spawningEnemies = [] spawn {
	_players = [];
	_vehiclePlayers = [];
	_spawnHunters = true;
	waitUntil {time > 0};
	while { _spawnHunters } do {
		waitUntil {
			sleep 3;
			(count (allplayers - switchableUnits) > 0)
		_players = (allplayers - switchableUnits) select {(_x getVariable ["RAZ_fnc_isBeingHunted",0]) isEqualTo 0};
		_vehiclePlayers = (allplayers - switchableUnits) select {(_x getVariable ["RAZ_fnc_isBeingHuntedByVehicle",0]) isEqualTo 0};

		_players apply {
			_hunt = [_x,east] spawn RAZ_fnc_spawnHuntingInfantry;
			_hunt = [_x,independent] spawn RAZ_fnc_spawnHuntingInfantry;

		_vehiclePlayers apply {
			_hunt = [_x] spawn RAZ_fnc_spawnHuntingVehicle;


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_randomArray = selectRandom[0,2];

private _faction = if ( _randomArray == 0 ) then [{east }, { independent }];

_patrolVehicle = [ _spawnPos, 180, ( selectRandom (RAZ_fnc_vehicleConfigs select _randomArray) ), _faction ] call Bis_fnc_spawnvehicle;


then verify you spawn a vehicle, depending on RAZ_fnc_vehicleConfigs. I can't test for you.

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 _faction = east
if (random 100 > 50) then { _faction = independent };


  • Confused 1

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All fixed!
Still some little tweaks to make though.

My script spawns (per player) 1 chopper, 1 vehicle and 2 fire teams to hunt down the player whilst also fighting eachother.

Thanks for your help!
Just need to ties it all together now with my loot and end game scripts :)


#include "scripts\hunting\huntingArrays.sqf";
mapCenter = [ worldSize / 2, worldSize / 2, 0 ];

RAZ_fnc_spawnHuntingInfantry = {
	params [ "_unit", [ "_side", EAST ] ];
	_sideID = _side call BIS_fnc_sideID;
	_faction = East;
	if ( _sideID == 0 ) then { _faction = _faction };
	if ( _sideID == 1 ) then { _faction = West };
	if ( _sideID == 2 ) then { _faction = Independent };
	_pos = getPosATL _unit;
	_huntingGroups = _unit getVariable [ "RAZ_fnc_isBeingHunted", 0 ];
	_huntingGroups = _huntingGroups + 1;
	_unit setVariable [ "RAZ_fnc_isBeingHunted", _huntingGroups, true ];
	_spawnPos = _pos getPos [ 600, random 360 ];
	_spawnPos = [ _spawnPos, 1, 10, 1, 0, 45, 0 ] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
	_grp = [ _spawnPos, _faction, ( selectRandom (RAZ_fnc_infantryConfigs select _sideID) ) ] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
		_x setUnitAbility 0.1;
		_x setskill ["aimingAccuracy",0.05];
		_x setskill ["aimingShake",0.9];
		_x setskill ["aimingSpeed",0.1];
		_x setskill ["Endurance",0.1];
		_x setskill ["spotDistance",0.5];
		_x setskill ["spotTime",0.5];
		_x setskill ["courage",0.1];
		_x setskill ["reloadSpeed",0.1];
	} forEach units _grp;
	{ gm addCuratorEditableObjects [ [_x], true ]; } forEach units _grp;
	_searchWp = [ getPos _unit, random 500, random 360 ] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
	_wp = _grp addWaypoint [_searchWp, 0];
	[_grp, 1] setWaypointType "SAD";
	[_grp, 1] setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL";
	_grp setFormation "LINE";
	while { ( { alive _x } count units _grp ) >= 1 } do {
		_timer = time + 10;
		if ( alive _unit ) then { _unit = _unit };
		if ( !alive _unit ) then {
			_unit setVariable [ "RAZ_fnc_isBeingHunted", _huntingGroups, false ];
			sleep 2;
			_unit = selectRandom ( allPlayers select { alive _x } );
			while { ( count ( waypoints _grp ) ) > 0 } do { deleteWaypoint ( ( waypoints _grp ) select 0 ); };
			_searchWp = [ getPos _unit, random 500, random 360 ] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
			_wp = _grp addWaypoint [ _searchWp, 0 ];
			[ _grp, 1 ] setWaypointType "SAD";
			[ _grp, 1 ] setWaypointType "NORMAL";
			_grp setFormation "LINE";
		waitUntil {
			sleep 120;
			position _unit distance _spawnpos > 30 OR time > _timer OR ({alive _x} count units _grp) isEqualTo 0
		deleteWaypoint [_grp, 1];
		_searchWp = [ getPos _unit, random 300, random 360 ] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
		_wp = _grp addWaypoint [_searchWp, 1];
		[_grp, 1] setWaypointType "SAD";
		[_grp, 1] setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL";
		_grp setFormation "LINE";
	sleep 1;
	_huntingGroups = _unit getVariable ["RAZ_fnc_isBeingHunted",0];
	_huntingGroups = _huntingGroups - 1;
	_unit setVariable ["RAZ_fnc_isBeingHunted",_huntingGroups,true];

RAZ_fnc_spawnHuntingVehicle = {
	params ["_unit"];
	_huntingVehicles = _unit getVariable [ "RAZ_fnc_isBeingHuntedByVehicle", 0 ];
	_huntingVehicles = _huntingVehicles + 1;
	_unit setVariable [ "RAZ_fnc_isBeingHuntedByVehicle", _huntingVehicles, true ];
	_randomSide = selectRandom[0,2];
	_faction = east;
	if ( _randomSide == 0 ) then { _faction = east } else { _faction = independent };
	_pos = getPosATL _unit;
	_spawnPos = _pos getPos [ 1500, random 360 ];
	_spawnPos = [ _spawnPos, 1, 50, 1, 0, 35, 0 ] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
	_patrolVehicle = [ _spawnPos, 180, ( selectRandom (RAZ_fnc_vehicleConfigs select _randomSide) ), _faction ] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle;
	_veh = _patrolVehicle select 0;
	_crew = _patrolVehicle select 2;
	{ gm addCuratorEditableObjects [ [_x], true ]; } forEach units _crew;
	gm addCuratorEditableObjects [ [ _veh ], true ];
	 while { ( { alive _x } count units _crew ) >= 1 AND alive _veh } do {
	 	if ( !alive _unit ) then {
	 		_unit setVariable [ "RAZ_fnc_isBeingHuntedByVehicle", _huntingVehicles, false ];
	 		_unit = selectRandom ( allPlayers select { alive _x } );
	 		while { ( count ( waypoints _grp ) ) > 0 } do { deleteWaypoint ( ( waypoints _grp ) select 0 ); };
	 		_searchWp = [ getPos _unit, random 1000, random 360 ] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
			_wp = _grp addWaypoint [ _searchWp, 0 ];
			[ _grp, 1 ] setWaypointType "SAD";
			[ _grp, 1 ] setWaypointType "NORMAL";
	 	waitUntil { (count (allplayers - switchableUnits) > 0) };
	 	_unit = selectRandom ( allPlayers select { alive _x } );
	 	_timer = time + 180;
	 	while { ( count ( waypoints _crew ) ) > 0 } do { deleteWaypoint ( ( waypoints _crew ) select 0 ); };
	 	_searchWp = [ getPos _unit, random 1000, random 360 ] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
	 	_wp = _crew addWaypoint [_searchWp, 0];
	 	[_crew, 0] setWaypointType "SAD";
	 	[_crew, 0] setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL";
	 	waituntil { time > _timer };
	 waitUntil { ( { alive _x } count units _crew ) isEqualTo 0 OR !alive _veh };
	 while { ( count ( waypoints _crew ) ) > 0 } do { deleteWaypoint ( ( waypoints _crew ) select 0 ); };
	 sleep 300;
	 _huntingVehicles = _unit getVariable ["RAZ_fnc_isBeingHuntedByVehicle",0];
	_huntingVehicles = _huntingVehicles - 1;
	_unit setVariable ["RAZ_fnc_isBeingHuntedByVehicle",_huntingVehicles,true];

RAZ_fnc_spawnHuntingAir = {
	params ["_unit"];
	waitUntil { time > 60 };
	_huntingAir = _unit getVariable [ "RAZ_fnc_isBeingHuntedByAir", 0 ];
	_huntingAir = _huntingAir + 1;
	_unit setVariable [ "RAZ_fnc_isBeingHuntedByAir", _huntingAir, true ];
	_randomSide = selectRandom[0,2];
	_faction = east;
	if ( _randomSide == 0 ) then { _faction = east } else { _faction = independent };
	_spawnPos = mapCenter getPos [ random worldSize / 2, random 360 ];
    _spawnPos = [ _spawnPos, 1, random worldSize / 2, 10, 0, 35, 0 ] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
	_patrolVehicle = [ _spawnPos, 180, ( selectRandom (RAZ_fnc_airVehicleConfigs select _randomSide) ), _faction ] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle;
	_veh = _patrolVehicle select 0;
	_crew = _patrolVehicle select 2;
	_searchLight = [_veh] execVM "AL_searchlight\al_search_light_ini.sqf";
	{ gm addCuratorEditableObjects [ [_x], true ]; } forEach units _crew;
	gm addCuratorEditableObjects [ [ _veh ], true ];
	 while { ( { alive _x } count units _crew ) >= 1 AND alive _veh } do {
	 	if ( !alive _unit ) then {
	 		_unit setVariable [ "RAZ_fnc_isBeingHuntedByAir", _huntingAir, false ];
	 		_unit = selectRandom ( allPlayers select { alive _x } );
	 		while { ( count ( waypoints _grp ) ) > 0 } do { deleteWaypoint ( ( waypoints _grp ) select 0 ); };
	 		_searchWp = [ getPos _unit, random 1000, random 360 ] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
			_wp = _grp addWaypoint [ _searchWp, 0 ];
			[ _grp, 1 ] setWaypointType "SAD";
			[ _grp, 1 ] setWaypointType "NORMAL";
	 	waitUntil { (count (allplayers - switchableUnits) > 0) };
	 	_unit = selectRandom ( allPlayers select { alive _x } );
	 	_timer = time + 60;
	 	while { ( count ( waypoints _crew ) ) > 0 } do { deleteWaypoint ( ( waypoints _crew ) select 0 ); };
	 	_searchWp = [ getPos _unit, random 1000, random 360 ] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
	 	_wp = _crew addWaypoint [_searchWp, 0];
	 	[_crew, 0] setWaypointType "SAD";
	 	[_crew, 0] setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL";
	 	waituntil { time > _timer };
	 waitUntil { ( { alive _x } count units _crew ) isEqualTo 0 OR !alive _veh };
	 while { ( count ( waypoints _crew ) ) > 0 } do { deleteWaypoint ( ( waypoints _crew ) select 0 ); };
	 sleep 300;
	 _huntingAir = _unit getVariable ["RAZ_fnc_isBeingHuntedByAir",0];
	_huntingAir = _huntingAir - 1;
	_unit setVariable ["RAZ_fnc_isBeingHuntedByAir",_huntingAir,true];

_spawningEnemies = [] spawn {
	_players = [];
	_vehiclePlayers = [];
	_spawnHunters = true;
	if ( debugScript ) then { format [ "Operation Missdrop System Initialized" ] remoteExec ["systemChat"]; };
	waitUntil {time > 0};
	while { _spawnHunters } do {
		waitUntil {
			sleep 3;
			(count (allplayers - switchableUnits) > 0)
		_players = (allplayers - switchableUnits) select {(_x getVariable ["RAZ_fnc_isBeingHunted",0]) isEqualTo 0};
		_vehiclePlayers = (allplayers - switchableUnits) select {(_x getVariable ["RAZ_fnc_isBeingHuntedByVehicle",0]) isEqualTo 0};
		_airPlayers = (allplayers - switchableUnits) select {(_x getVariable ["RAZ_fnc_isBeingHuntedByAir",0]) isEqualTo 0};
		_players apply {
			_hunt = [_x,east] spawn RAZ_fnc_spawnHuntingInfantry;
			_hunt = [_x,independent] spawn RAZ_fnc_spawnHuntingInfantry;
		_vehiclePlayers apply {
			_hunt = [_x] spawn RAZ_fnc_spawnHuntingVehicle;
		_vehiclePlayers apply {
			_hunt = [_x] spawn RAZ_fnc_spawnHuntingAir;

// END GAME SCRIPTING ---------------------------------------------------------------
_endGameTimer = 600;
waitUntil { time > _endGameTimer && count (allPlayers select {group _x isEqualTo group (allPlayers select 0)}) isEqualTo count allPlayers; };
format ["All soldiers found. Receiving intel on extraction point, ETA 10 mins!"] remoteExec ["hint"];
sleep 600;


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	_faction = East;
	if ( _sideID == 0 ) then { _faction = _faction };
	if ( _sideID == 1 ) then { _faction = West };
	if ( _sideID == 2 ) then { _faction = Independent };

You can make this into a switch block as well.

@whiztler - Why that when you can do as @pierremgi said.

 _faction = east
if (random 100 > 50) then { _faction = independent };
// There is also
private _faction = if (_randomArray isEqualTo 0) then {opfor} else {independent};
switch (side player) do
	case blufor :
	case opfor :
	case independent :
	// None of the above...


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RAZ_fnc_airVehicleConfigs = [

private _side = selectRandom [ east, independent ];
_patrolVehicle = [ _spawnPos, 180, ( selectRandom (RAZ_fnc_airVehicleConfigs select ( _side call BIS_fnc_sideID ))), _side ] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;


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