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Vehicle sound volume issues since 1.82

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he Sound overhaul that came with Tanks DLC and 1.82 audibly backfired.

Two main problem manifested.

1.The engine pitch and RPM barly change when driving. Most vehicle seem to shift an endless set of gears at low rpm instead of shifting at a high rpm.

This is particularly noticable uphill, when one would exspect to shift in low gear with high rpm. What we see on the dials is not what can be heard, the two factors, audible and intrument feedback don't corelate.


2. Volume and audible distance for vehicles. Audible range is simply much to short, onyl a few hundred meters. After 500m all vehicles, and that includes Tank, run completly silent. From my personal experience I remeber that MBT at med to high rev speed can be heard from a kilometer away and even beyond over an hill quite easily.

Another issue is that you hear the road noise befor you even get to hear the tracks, but that road noise is that of a car on gravel. Much later you can barly hear the engine.

This should be reversed...you hear the engine first, followed by the track noise and then, if not completly overlayed, you can hear gravel sound from track contact.


The game entered a very strange stage now, introducing such problems at the end of its development.

A Solution must make it into the planned hotfix.

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And the Thunder during storms was WAY TOO LOUD for us.

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Yeah it was disappointing in the tank dlc. During dev testing changes to the tank sounds themselves, kuma was the first it was hope for me that there would be improvements here with  at least point two of op.


Von Quest. i get the thunder is bothersome to you. what has that to do with the clear title of the thread vehicle sound volume issues.


your post count is not restricting you from setting up your own thread about thunder. 

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The Sound Engine is all related.


BIS changed the sound for the Tanks DLC and it's effecting OTHER sounds. It's oviously related.

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I have to agree about the general vehicle volume. I can't hear vehicles now unless I'm within only tens of meters - I should hear vehicles from hundreds of meters. With heavy & air vehicles I should hear them from kilometers.

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