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SP Mission not ending properly

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I published my mission to Single Player missions, and tested it.  I use BIS_fnc_endMission to end the mission, and it shows the correct ending messages and picture, where you can see objectivies ticked off, kills, etc.   BUT, after clicking continue you are back in the mission after the ending.  How do I end the mission properly?

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Any ideas anyone?


This is the last problem holding up me publishing the dog mission Last Tango in Tanoa:  Episode 1.


Need help!!!!


I changed from using BIS_fnc_endMission as last statement in main mission flow script to using a "End1" Trigger.  And I still have same problem:  Mission ending plays with End1 mIssion screen, but control returns to player back inside mission, and mission never truly ends.    This is bumming me out!

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How did you do that?!

Wait, you're asking us.

Just curious, if you open up debug console and execute

endMission "end1"

what happens? Try this at any point in the mission, when you have the problem, before & after it should end, just to test it.



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3 minutes ago, AZCoder said:

How did you do that?!

Wait, you're asking us.

Sometimes ... you never know !

why not?

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Well, this is embarassing.  A few weeks ago I copied untis and props into an outro, then abandonded that idea and decided to do my outro as a script within the main mission.  So when my mission ended, it took the player to the outro setting, which had no script to end it.  I deleted all units and objects in outro scenario and all is well.


Doh!!!!!  This one drove me crazy...  :face_palm:

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3 hours ago, johnnyboy said:

Well, this is embarassing.  A few weeks ago I copied untis and props into an outro, then abandonded that idea and decided to do my outro as a script within the main mission.  So when my mission ended, it took the player to the outro setting, which had no script to end it.  I deleted all units and objects in outro scenario and all is well.


Doh!!!!!  This one drove me crazy...  :face_palm:


Had something similar happen to me some years ago.

I was flabbergasted and confused as heck on what could be a possible cause for this.



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Yes, I had that experience a few years ago as well, forgot all about it. Well cool, looking forward to this release. I know someone else is about to release a campaign with a boomer dog in it, Ghost Recon,  plus some non-dog campaigns I know are coming. Looks like Spring will be exciting for Arma.

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12 hours ago, johnnyboy said:

Well, this is embarassing.


Sometimes ,

things maybe appear to be harder , difficult and more complex to our mind from the reallity!

It's good to hear everyones opinion and see the issue , from a different prospective , to get a general view  and a summary conclusion of the problem  .


Maybe all this heard as a phycotherapist approch but the disscussion is the best way!

but this is why we are part of this forum!

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