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Event Handler Troubles

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Trying to get a killed unit to drop intel once killed. Script is executed on random spawned units. Take a look below but note that I am well aware that there are some variables changed for testing purposes. My issue is that for whatever reason, I get "type any, expected string" on the _spawnIntel line, which has been used prior successfully. I've tried using the position of "_unit", "killer", and "unit", each with no luck.


Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!

_unit = _this select 0;
_intelPool = ["Land_Wallet_01_F","EvPhoto","EvMoney","EvMap","EvKobalt","EvMoscow","EvDogTags","Intel_File2_F","Leaflet_05_Old_F","Leaflet_05_New_F","Leaflet_05_F","Land_Camera_01_F","Land_HandyCam_F","Land_Laptop_F","Land_MobilePhone_smart_F","Land_MobilePhone_old_F","Land_PortableLongRangeRadio_F","Land_SatellitePhone_F","Land_Tablet_01_F"];

if (1 > .5) then
	_unit addEventHandler ["killed", 
	// Get position of the killed unit
	_position = position killer;

	// Create intelligence at the position of the unit
	_intel = selectRandom _intelPool;
	_spawnIntel = createVehicle [_intel, _position, [], 0, "NONE"];

	// Execute script on intel
	_spawnIntel execVM "scripts\hm_hardIntel\hm_checkIntel.sqf";


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A few things,  _intelPool is only available when you apply the eventhandler, thus it is unavailable inside the eventhandler. Second "killer" is not really a variable like this,  it is passed as an argument inside the "_this" object. I do believe you also wanted the killed unit and not the unit that killed them.

_unit addEventHandler ["killed", 
	_intelPool = ["Land_Wallet_01_F","EvPhoto","EvMoney","EvMap","EvKobalt","EvMoscow","EvDogTags","Intel_File2_F","Leaflet_05_Old_F","Leaflet_05_New_F","Leaflet_05_F","Land_Camera_01_F","Land_HandyCam_F","Land_Laptop_F","Land_MobilePhone_smart_F","Land_MobilePhone_old_F","Land_PortableLongRangeRadio_F","Land_SatellitePhone_F","Land_Tablet_01_F"];
	// Get position of the killed unit
	_position = position _unit;

	// Create intelligence at the position of the unit
	_intel = selectRandom _intelPool;
	_spawnIntel = createVehicle [_intel, _position, [], 0, "NONE"];

	// Execute script on intel
	_spawnIntel execVM "scripts\hm_hardIntel\hm_checkIntel.sqf";


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2 hours ago, Haymaker said:

Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!


Hello there Haymaker!


I tested and it's working now.

Just write the exec to your script location

and i don't know if you are connecting this intel somehow.


i test the

_spawnIntel execVM "Intel.sqf";

with: hint"working";


addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", 
	params ["_killed", "_killer"];	
	if (_killed isKindOf "CAManBase"  
) then
	//systemChat format ["killed"];
			_unit = _this select 0;
_intel = [
_Random_intel = selectRandom _intel;

_spawnIntel = createVehicle [_Random_intel, _unit, [], 0, "NONE"];
			//if (1 > .5) then{

// Execute script on intel
	_spawnIntel execVM "Intel.sqf";
		["intel dropped","align = 'center' size = '1' font='PuristaBold'","#FBFCFE"]
	]]spawn BIS_fnc_typeText2;	



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i have just comment the

//if (1 > .5) then{

for test reasons




It's not appearing everything as intel (i don't know this!)

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