Piloto_Spyke 14 Posted April 1, 2018 Hi everyone, I'm trying to make a script that allows you to cancel a mission by clicking on a text that says CANCEL in the description of the task. Script: _descript1 = "<execute expression=' [1] call compilefinal preprocessFileLineNumbers'DMG\functions\fn_CancelM.sqf' '>CANCEL</execute>"; And then in the task: [blufor, ["Tarea_"+_IDTarea], [_descript1,_titulo,_marker], _posicion, true, 1, true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; If I put it in this way the result is that nothing comes out. Thanks for your help Spyke is my first post in this forum, if I do not have to say it here please tell me. I found it here: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
atmo 29 Posted April 1, 2019 (edited) Edit ....Oh wow, necrothreading.... 1 year exactly....sorry but.. Although not answering your question specifically.... The issue I have found is that the 'string' part can't have any ' " in it. You can set up some code in the missionNameSpace such as missionNameSpace setVariable ["myTag_SomeCode", {hint "Hello"; hint "Goodbye";}]; then _text = "<execute expression = 'call myTag_SomeCode' >Long line of text which you can click goes here OK? </execute>"; player createDiaryRecord ["mySubject", ["myTitle", _text]]; and that works from the diary in the map.. haven't tried within a task... I may have missed a trick with the code as a string in the tag... it never seems to want to work if you have any ' or " characters in it but, as I say, I might be missing something simple here. I know I'll call up some superusers! @killzone_kid, @Larrow? Any ideas? (and the rest of you!) Atmo Edited April 1, 2019 by atmo 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larrow 2823 Posted April 1, 2019 TAG_fnc_cancelTask = { params[ "_taskID" ]; if ( _taskID call BIS_fnc_taskExists && { !( [ _taskID ] call BIS_fnc_taskState in [ "CANCELED", "FAILED", "SUCCEEDED" ] ) } ) then { _taskDescription = [ _taskID ] call BIS_fnc_taskDescription; _taskDescription set[ 0, "The task has been canceled" ]; [ _taskID, _taskDescription ] call BIS_fnc_taskSetDescription; [ _taskID, "CANCELED" ] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; }; }; _taskID = format[ "Tarea_%1", _IDTarea ]; _descript1 = format[ "<execute expression='[ %1 ] call TAG_fnc_cancelTask'>CANCEL</execute>", str _taskID ]; [blufor, _taskID, [_descript1,_titulo,_marker], _posicion, true, 1, true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; 4 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Piloto_Spyke 14 Posted August 24, 2019 Hi Larrow and atmo I had not seen your answer, thank you very much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites