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hey mate happy new year been awhile. Just got back into mission making and would like to know how i can put this status bar at the top of the screen. I've looked at the code but just am not sure

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Hello there Chuc ,happy new year + best wishes !


check inside :


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Hi George me again,

So, I was doing a teeny bit of configging and got curious. So Since I'm not really using rads in the modules I figure let's get it out of there right? So I did and I get an .html color code appearing after money where fps should be. I first noticed it when I figured out I should remove the pic line for radiation. I had the rad .paa showing with the fps number next to it and the .html number behind it. but here's what I got now.



And here's the GF_Ravage_Status_Bar_GF.sqf

//________________  Author : [GR]GEORGE F ___________ 08.06.18 _____________

________________ GF Ravage Status Bar Script ________________


Please keep the Credits or add them to your Diary

Don't try to open this with the simple notepad.
For everything that is with comment  //  in front  or between /* 
means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. 

You can open this ex:
with notepad++

and also use the extra pluggins
(this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems )

or use any other program for editing .

For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in:

include this in your initPlayerLocal :

[] execVM "Ravage_Status_Bar_GF\Ravage_Status_Bar_GF.sqf";

waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))};

[] spawn
	_uid = getPlayerUID player;

	while {true} do
	sleep 0.01;
	_rscLayer = "RscStatusBar" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
	_rscLayer cutRsc ["RscStatusBar","PLAIN",1,false];

	if(isNull ((uiNamespace getVariable "RscStatusBar")displayCtrl 55554)) then
	diag_log "statusbar is null create";
	_rscLayer = "RscStatusBar" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
	_rscLayer cutRsc ["RscStatusBar","PLAIN",1,false];

_unit = _this select 0;

//________________ IMPORTANT ! edit your selection for MP or SP score ________________
_Kills = score player; //Returns the person's score in MP. 
_count_dead = format ["%1 ",count allDeadMen];//Returns the person's score in SP. 

_health = round ((1 - (damage player)) * 100);
_hydration = player getVariable ["thirst", 100];
_nutrition = player getVariable ["hunger", 100];
//_money = {_x isEqualTo "rvg_money"} count magazines player;
_money = player getVariable ["cmoney",0] call fn_numbersText;
_serverFPS = round diag_fps;
_radiation = player getVariable ["radiation", 0];
_maxHealth = (_radiation / 10000) - 0.3;
_rad = round ((player getVariable ["radiation",0]) / 100);

_pos = getPosATL player;
_dir = round (getDir (vehicle player));
_Bearing = _dir;
_grid = mapGridPosition  player; _xx = (format[_grid]) select  [0,3];
_Time= format ["%1", ([dayTime, "HH:MM:SS"] call BIS_fnc_timeToString)];

switch true do {
case(((_dir >= 355) && (_dir <=359)) || ((_dir >= 0) && (_dir <= 5))) : {_Bearing = "N";}; //Bearing North
case((_dir > 5) && (_dir < 85)) : {_Bearing = "NE";}; 		//Bearing North-East
case((_dir >= 85) && (_dir <= 95)) : {_Bearing = "E";}; 	//Bearing East
case((_dir > 95) && (_dir < 175)) : {_Bearing = "SE";}; 	//Bearing South-East
case((_dir >= 175) && (_dir <= 185)) : {_Bearing = "S";}; 	//Bearing South
case((_dir > 185) && (_dir < 265)) : {_Bearing = "SW";};	//Bearing South-West
case((_dir >= 265) && (_dir <= 275)) : {_Bearing = "W";}; 	//Bearing West
case((_dir > 275) && (_dir < 355)) : {_Bearing = "NW";};	//Bearing North-West

//________________ Color Gradient ________________
//Additional color codes can be found here:  http://html-color-codes.com/
_colour_Default 	= parseText "#FBFCFE"; 
_colour90 			= parseText "#F5E6EC"; 
_colour80 			= parseText "#F0D1DB"; 
_colour70 			= parseText "#EBBBC9"; 
_colour60 			= parseText "#E6A6B8"; 
_colour50 			= parseText "#E191A7"; 
_colour40 			= parseText "#DB7B95"; 
_colour30 			= parseText "#D66684"; 
_colour20 			= parseText "#D15072"; 
_colour10 			= parseText "#CC3B61"; 
_colour0 			= parseText "#C72650"; 
_colourDead 		= parseText "#000000";

//________________ Changing Colour based on health  ________________
_colour_Health = _colour_Default;
if(_health >= 100) then{_colour_Health = _colour_Default;};
if((_health >= 90) && (_health < 100)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour90;};
if((_health >= 80) && (_health < 90)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour80;};
if((_health >= 70) && (_health < 80)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour70;};
if((_health >= 60) && (_health < 70)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour60;};
if((_health >= 50) && (_health < 60)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour50;};
if((_health >= 40) && (_health < 50)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour40;};
if((_health >= 30) && (_health < 40)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour30;};
if((_health >= 20) && (_health < 30)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour20;};
if((_health >= 10) && (_health < 20)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour10;};
if((_health >= 1) && (_health < 10)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour0;};
if(_health < 1) then{_colour_Health =  _colourDead;};

//________________ Changing Colour based on Thirst ________________
_colour_Hydration = _colour_Default;
switch true do
	case(_hydration >= 100) : {_colour_Hydration = _colour_Default;};
	case((_hydration >= 90) && (_hydration < 100)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour90;};
	case((_hydration >= 80) && (_hydration < 90)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour80;};
	case((_hydration >= 70) && (_hydration < 80)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour70;};
	case((_hydration >= 60) && (_hydration < 70)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour60;};
	case((_hydration >= 50) && (_hydration < 60)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour50;};
	case((_hydration >= 40) && (_hydration < 50)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour40;};
	case((_hydration >= 30) && (_hydration < 40)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour30;};
	case((_hydration >= 20) && (_hydration < 30)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour20;};
	case((_hydration >= 10) && (_hydration < 20)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour10;};
	case((_hydration >= 1) && (_hydration < 10)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour0;};
	case(_hydration < 1) : {_colour_Hydration =  _colourDead;};

//________________ Changing Colour based on Hunger ________________
_colour_Nutrition = _colour_Default;
if(_nutrition >= 100) then{_colour_Nutrition = _colour_Default;};
if((_nutrition >= 90) && (_nutrition < 100)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour90;};
if((_nutrition >= 80) && (_nutrition < 90)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour80;};
if((_nutrition >= 70) && (_nutrition < 80)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour70;};
if((_nutrition >= 60) && (_nutrition < 70)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour60;};
if((_nutrition >= 50) && (_nutrition < 60)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour50;};
if((_nutrition >= 40) && (_nutrition < 50)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour40;};
if((_nutrition >= 30) && (_nutrition < 40)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour30;};
if((_nutrition >= 20) && (_nutrition < 30)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour20;};
if((_nutrition >= 10) && (_nutrition < 20)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour10;};
if((_nutrition >= 1) && (_nutrition < 10)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour0;};
if(_nutrition < 1) then{_colour_Nutrition =  _colourDead;};

//________________ FPS Colour ________________
_colour_Blue		= parseText "#0033FF";
_colour_Blue_light	= parseText "#3399FF";
_colour_Green		= parseText "#339933";
_colour_Yellow		= parseText "#FFFF33";
_colour_Red			= parseText "#FF3333";

//________________ Changing Colour based on FPS ________________
_colour_Fps = _colour_Default;
switch true do {
case(_serverFPS >= 60) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Blue;};
case((_serverFPS >= 45) && (_serverFPS < 60)) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Blue_light;};
case((_serverFPS >= 30) && (_serverFPS < 45)) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Green;};
case((_serverFPS >= 15) && (_serverFPS < 30)) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Yellow;};
case((_serverFPS >= 1) && (_serverFPS < 15)) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Red;};
case(_serverFPS < 1) : {_colour_Fps = _colourDead;};
//________________ display information ________________
You can delete the Line that you dont want. The numbers at the end of the lines , are defined  below
At the end of the lines , are the spaces between the next number and logo

IMPORTANT ! as mentioned above , edit your selection for MP or SP score
________________ Switch your Selection below ________________
_Kills = score player; //Returns the person's score in MP. 
_count_dead = format ["%1 ",count allDeadMen];//Returns the person's score in SP. 

((uiNamespace getVariable "RscStatusBar")displayCtrl 55554) ctrlSetStructuredText
parseText format
<t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%12'>%2<img size='1.0' 	image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Players.paa' />				</t>	
<t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%13'>%3%1<img size='1.0' image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Health.paa' />				</t>
<t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%14'>%4%1<img size='1.0' image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Hydration.paa' />				</t>
<t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%15'>%5%1<img size='1.0' image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Nutrition.paa' />				</t>
<t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000'	color='%12'>%6%7<img size='1.0' image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Compass.paa' />				</t>
<t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%12'>%8<img size='1.0' 	image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Kills.paa' />				</t>
<t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%12'>%9<img size='1.0' 	image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Money.paa' />				</t>				
<t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%16'>%11<img size='1.0' 	image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\FPS.paa' />
		"%",					//1
		count playableUnits,	//2
		_health,				//3
		_hydration,				//4
		_nutrition,				//5
		_Bearing,				//6
		_dir,					//7
		_Kills,					//8	
		_money,					//9	
		//_rad,					//10	
		_serverFPS,				//11
		_colour_Default,		//12
		_colour_Health,			//13
		_colour_Hydration,		//14
		_colour_Nutrition,		//15
		_colour_Fps				//16

I've fiddled with these status bars before but I don't know what I did to break it if you could check my "work" here that would be awesome!

I potentially want to remove the nav part so players have to find a compass and the color part of the fps too but am weary of fooling with it now. 😄

Edited by jimbob6661
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3 hours ago, jimbob6661 said:

Hi George me again,


Hello there jimbob !


Just to be sure about,

you want to excule the rad , the compass and keep the fps but remove the color right ?

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Hi George! 

I actually have decided on just trying to keep 

_health,   _hydration,    _nutrition,  _Kills,  and  _money     But I'm stuck with the color codes as shown.



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This is how I now have it 

//________________  Author : [GR]GEORGE F ___________ 08.06.18 _____________

________________ GF Ravage Status Bar Script ________________


Please keep the Credits or add them to your Diary

Don't try to open this with the simple notepad.
For everything that is with comment  //  in front  or between /* 
means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. 

You can open this ex:
with notepad++

and also use the extra pluggins
(this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems )

or use any other program for editing .

For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in:

include this in your initPlayerLocal :

[] execVM "Ravage_Status_Bar_GF\Ravage_Status_Bar_GF.sqf";

waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))};

[] spawn
	_uid = getPlayerUID player;

	while {true} do
	sleep 0.01;
	_rscLayer = "RscStatusBar" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
	_rscLayer cutRsc ["RscStatusBar","PLAIN",1,false];

	if(isNull ((uiNamespace getVariable "RscStatusBar")displayCtrl 55554)) then
	diag_log "statusbar is null create";
	_rscLayer = "RscStatusBar" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
	_rscLayer cutRsc ["RscStatusBar","PLAIN",1,false];

_unit = _this select 0;

//________________ IMPORTANT ! edit your selection for MP or SP score ________________
_Kills = score player; //Returns the person's score in MP. 
_count_dead = format ["%1 ",count allDeadMen];//Returns the person's score in SP. 

_health = round ((1 - (damage player)) * 100);
_hydration = player getVariable ["thirst", 100];
_nutrition = player getVariable ["hunger", 100];
_money = player getVariable ["cmoney",0] call fn_numbersText;
//_serverFPS = round diag_fps;
_radiation = player getVariable ["radiation", 0];
_maxHealth = (_radiation / 10000) - 0.3;
_rad = round ((player getVariable ["radiation",0]) / 100);

_pos = getPosATL player;
//_dir = round (getDir (vehicle player));
//_Bearing = _dir;
_grid = mapGridPosition  player; _xx = (format[_grid]) select  [0,3];
_Time= format ["%1", ([dayTime, "HH:MM:SS"] call BIS_fnc_timeToString)];

switch true do {
case(((_dir >= 355) && (_dir <=359)) || ((_dir >= 0) && (_dir <= 5))) : {_Bearing = "N";}; //Bearing North
case((_dir > 5) && (_dir < 85)) : {_Bearing = "NE";}; 		//Bearing North-East
case((_dir >= 85) && (_dir <= 95)) : {_Bearing = "E";}; 	//Bearing East
case((_dir > 95) && (_dir < 175)) : {_Bearing = "SE";}; 	//Bearing South-East
case((_dir >= 175) && (_dir <= 185)) : {_Bearing = "S";}; 	//Bearing South
case((_dir > 185) && (_dir < 265)) : {_Bearing = "SW";};	//Bearing South-West
case((_dir >= 265) && (_dir <= 275)) : {_Bearing = "W";}; 	//Bearing West
case((_dir > 275) && (_dir < 355)) : {_Bearing = "NW";};	//Bearing North-West

//________________ Color Gradient ________________
//Additional color codes can be found here:  http://html-color-codes.com/
_colour_Default 	= parseText "#FBFCFE"; 
_colour90 			= parseText "#F5E6EC"; 
_colour80 			= parseText "#F0D1DB"; 
_colour70 			= parseText "#EBBBC9"; 
_colour60 			= parseText "#E6A6B8"; 
_colour50 			= parseText "#E191A7"; 
_colour40 			= parseText "#DB7B95"; 
_colour30 			= parseText "#D66684"; 
_colour20 			= parseText "#D15072"; 
_colour10 			= parseText "#CC3B61"; 
_colour0 			= parseText "#C72650"; 
_colourDead 		= parseText "#000000";

//________________ Changing Colour based on health  ________________
_colour_Health = _colour_Default;
if(_health >= 100) then{_colour_Health = _colour_Default;};
if((_health >= 90) && (_health < 100)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour90;};
if((_health >= 80) && (_health < 90)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour80;};
if((_health >= 70) && (_health < 80)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour70;};
if((_health >= 60) && (_health < 70)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour60;};
if((_health >= 50) && (_health < 60)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour50;};
if((_health >= 40) && (_health < 50)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour40;};
if((_health >= 30) && (_health < 40)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour30;};
if((_health >= 20) && (_health < 30)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour20;};
if((_health >= 10) && (_health < 20)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour10;};
if((_health >= 1) && (_health < 10)) then {_colour_Health =  _colour0;};
if(_health < 1) then{_colour_Health =  _colourDead;};

//________________ Changing Colour based on Thirst ________________
_colour_Hydration = _colour_Default;
switch true do
	case(_hydration >= 100) : {_colour_Hydration = _colour_Default;};
	case((_hydration >= 90) && (_hydration < 100)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour90;};
	case((_hydration >= 80) && (_hydration < 90)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour80;};
	case((_hydration >= 70) && (_hydration < 80)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour70;};
	case((_hydration >= 60) && (_hydration < 70)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour60;};
	case((_hydration >= 50) && (_hydration < 60)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour50;};
	case((_hydration >= 40) && (_hydration < 50)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour40;};
	case((_hydration >= 30) && (_hydration < 40)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour30;};
	case((_hydration >= 20) && (_hydration < 30)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour20;};
	case((_hydration >= 10) && (_hydration < 20)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour10;};
	case((_hydration >= 1) && (_hydration < 10)) :  {_colour_Hydration =  _colour0;};
	case(_hydration < 1) : {_colour_Hydration =  _colourDead;};

//________________ Changing Colour based on Hunger ________________
_colour_Nutrition = _colour_Default;
if(_nutrition >= 100) then{_colour_Nutrition = _colour_Default;};
if((_nutrition >= 90) && (_nutrition < 100)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour90;};
if((_nutrition >= 80) && (_nutrition < 90)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour80;};
if((_nutrition >= 70) && (_nutrition < 80)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour70;};
if((_nutrition >= 60) && (_nutrition < 70)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour60;};
if((_nutrition >= 50) && (_nutrition < 60)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour50;};
if((_nutrition >= 40) && (_nutrition < 50)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour40;};
if((_nutrition >= 30) && (_nutrition < 40)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour30;};
if((_nutrition >= 20) && (_nutrition < 30)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour20;};
if((_nutrition >= 10) && (_nutrition < 20)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour10;};
if((_nutrition >= 1) && (_nutrition < 10)) then {_colour_Nutrition =  _colour0;};
if(_nutrition < 1) then{_colour_Nutrition =  _colourDead;};

//________________ FPS Colour ________________
_colour_Blue		= parseText "#0033FF";
_colour_Blue_light	= parseText "#3399FF";
_colour_Green		= parseText "#339933";
_colour_Yellow		= parseText "#FFFF33";
_colour_Red			= parseText "#FF3333";

//________________ Changing Colour based on FPS ________________
_colour_Fps = _colour_Default;
switch true do {
case(_serverFPS >= 60) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Blue;};
case((_serverFPS >= 45) && (_serverFPS < 60)) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Blue_light;};
case((_serverFPS >= 30) && (_serverFPS < 45)) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Green;};
case((_serverFPS >= 15) && (_serverFPS < 30)) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Yellow;};
case((_serverFPS >= 1) && (_serverFPS < 15)) : {_colour_Fps = _colour_Red;};
case(_serverFPS < 1) : {_colour_Fps = _colourDead;};
//________________ display information ________________
You can delete the Line that you dont want. The numbers at the end of the lines , are defined  below
At the end of the lines , are the spaces between the next number and logo

IMPORTANT ! as mentioned above , edit your selection for MP or SP score
________________ Switch your Selection below ________________
_Kills = score player; //Returns the person's score in MP. 
_count_dead = format ["%1 ",count allDeadMen];//Returns the person's score in SP. 

((uiNamespace getVariable "RscStatusBar")displayCtrl 55554) ctrlSetStructuredText
parseText format
<t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%12'>%2<img size='1.6' 	image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Players.paa' />    </t>	
<t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%13'>%3%1<img size='1.0' image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Health.paa' />    </t>
<t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%14'>%4%1<img size='1.0' image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Hydration.paa' />    </t>
<t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%15'>%5%1<img size='1.0' image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Nutrition.paa' />    </t>
<t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%12'>%8<img size='1.3' 	image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Kills.paa' />    </t>
<t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%12'>%9<img size='1.0' 	image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Money.paa' />    </t>				
<t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%12'>%10<img size='1.0' 	image='addons\GF_Ravage_Status_Bar\images\Radiation.paa' />
		"%",					//1
		count playableUnits,	//2
		_health,				//3
		_hydration,				//4
		_nutrition,				//5
		//_Bearing,				//6
		//_dir,					//7
		_Kills,					//8	
		_money,					//9	
		_rad,					//10	
		//_serverFPS,				//11
		_colour_Default,		//12
		_colour_Health,			//13
		_colour_Hydration,		//14
		_colour_Nutrition		//15
		//_colour_Fps				//16


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1 hour ago, jimbob6661 said:

This is how I now have it 


Not working ?

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3 minutes ago, jimbob6661 said:

No sir.


Just call me George , this is my real name also !   :f:


I'll check it in a while that i can and add this here !

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Thank you George,

no rush its the colors i goofed it all up. I'm going to take a break away for a short bit anyway. :)

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40 minutes ago, jimbob6661 said:

I'm going


I'm going to check it now.

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2 hours ago, jimbob6661 said:

Thank you George,


I just remembered this is a project also not published that i was trying to add a HUD and i had in mind to create a new Scipt - Mod similar to the Status bar and Ravage Status bar.


It works differenlty , with drawIcon3D.


If there are guys interested about tell me to create a Ravage Version of this .

It will be way more configurable and easier to use , just by selecting everything from options ,


example :

//________________	Settings	________________
//________________	Set true or false	________________

GF_Hud_Rank 					= true;

//________________	_Rank	________________

GF_Hud_Rank_color				= [1,1,1,1];
GF_Hud_Rank_position			= [16,13,25];	
GF_Hud_Rank_width				= 1;
GF_Hud_Rank_height				= 1;
GF_Hud_Rank_angle				= 0;
GF_Hud_Rank_shadow				= 2;
GF_Hud_Rank_textSize			= 0.05;
GF_Hud_Rank_font				= "PuristaMedium";


Since it says above Rank , i wanted also to add  that there is also an

unpublished Rank Script - Mod - Custom Experience -score promotion based on Kills.


Thanks !







Zoomed in :



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2 hours ago, jimbob6661 said:

Thank you George,


Jimbo , i'm sending you on private the files to test THIS Script.

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I didn't had time to edit the GF Ravage status bar , once i can i'll fix this, in the meantime test the script that i send you !  :f:

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Hi George! OK, so once I got back going I remembered where I had an old status bar hiding from an old mission I used to host. the icons are a but different but this is working for me I don't need the colors changing etc So this is good. I did borrow your Kill.paa icon and add it to it and I put you in the credits of it. If you would like to see the code I will post it.

It seems that formatting is an important thing to make these work properly, this is how it looks now. https://imgur.com/a/g5UWZFy I will do some good testing on what you have here shortly.

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On 2/5/2019 at 2:38 PM, jimbob6661 said:

I did borrow your Kill.paa icon and add it to it and I put you in the credits of it. If you would like to see the code I will post it.


Sure , it's always good sharing info !


# i didn't had notice the post before !

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