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Arma Image paths

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does anyone know how to find the image assets in vanilla arma? I used to just extract the pbo's and search from there but I don't wish to fill my HD with all the files.

anyone know web page or something that has the image paths listed? 

The only page I know is markers page



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Did you try opening the config viewer and checking? IF they are defined as class objects, maybe RscTitles, some could be in there which would give you a path to find the others. I'm not at home right now so I can't check it.

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This post might be what you are looking for.  Good luck!


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Thanks for the replies everyone!

@Larrow That's a great script you made. But the problem I'm having is that the script finds around 8800 files and going through them all is impossible. I'm only looking for UI images and not vehicle and unit textures for example. Is it possible to limit the search to UI images only?


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@Larrow I added this piece of code to your script so that only files that have something to do with UI will be listed:


// in _fnc_isTexture

if(((_value find "ui") < 0) ) exitwith {};


I also blacklisted CfgVehicles etc.


with these changes only 2K images are found



I hope it's ok to modify your code

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4 hours ago, gc8 said:

I also blacklisted CfgVehicles etc.

Hi @gc8, can you post how you modified the code to blacklist CfgVehicles?

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2 hours ago, johnnyboy said:

Hi @gc8, can you post how you modified the code to blacklist CfgVehicles?


I simply put this if statement in the _fnc_getClasses


if((configname _cfg) in ["CfgVehicles","CfgWeapons","CfgAmmo","CfgMagazines"]) exitWith {};


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