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Actually, new update live: I played quite some time without bugs (except with Unsung, somehow some vehicle scripts were not working well)

Wetransfer >> https://we.tl/2V4SLACZw7



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can you tell me please how can i erase my save progress?

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New version up. Chernarus support added, more diversity for secondary missions and survival pillars revamp.


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New update live. Temperature fixed + dialog system to pick game options at the beginning (I finally started understanding how they work \o/)


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New version deployed, adding single player support, new game option, new missions, etc.


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New update up, few tweaks & fixes


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1.47 online, adding admin panel, DLC exclusion votes, mercenaries and some other changes.



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1.48 live - cargo framework modified, GUI tweaked and some fixes.


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1.49 rolled out; ads basic vitals in a new HUD and few other changes.



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1.50 live: new game mode, Kunduz support and tweaks.



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Hi @loop.exe,


Could you please give proper credits for the scripts you are using in your mission?

I noticed you are using the "Loot Search" script from Ravage. FYI, the first concept was written by @Larrow (after a Ravage player asked for an alternative loot system), you are using an edited version I tweaked for the Ravage mod.


Now I don't mind you using the script, as it was written and shared publicly in the first place, but please respect the spirit of the modding community and do credit script writters.



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Hello Halek,


Thanks for coming here,  I'm honored!


gave you credits for the wreck spawner in the code, but I will double check if it's missing in the SQF files.

Normally I do give credits, I'm more happy to do so! I confirm I used Larrow's script as a base for my own loot spawner or at least this is what I thought after my initial searches on Google. The loot page on my wiki is not written yet however.

You can also see I credited Hero's survive for the same loot system. Basically I'm using a merge of the two systems because I found both ideas to be really great in the same scenario (searchable + dropped loot).

Should I understand I misunderstood who came first with this original "searchable loot" script and I should credit you instead of Larrow?


Your mod Ravage definitely inspires me. You probably have seen I actually integrated it for your outstanding zombies.

Unfortunately the scenario was coded originally based on Ryan's Zombies. I was unable to write non conflicting systems for Ravage zombies, Ryan Zombies and my systems to work altogether, especially because I was unable to get your "agent" zombies stop fighting “Ryan" unit zombies and both mods have loop to detect zombies and force them into each mod's behavior.

Is there any trick you would have for me to be able to give the choice to the players to actually play with Ravage?

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  On 5/27/2018 at 2:44 PM, loop.exe said:

Should I understand I misunderstood who came first with this original "searchable loot" script and I should credit you instead of Larrow?


Not at all! Larrow did write the original script. I didn't realize you credited him already and I assumed the script was adapted from the Ravage version - my bad.

I suggest adding a "Credits" section in the OP (or on the WS) : it would be easier to see and avoid confusions. ;)


  15 minutes ago, loop.exe said:


Your mod Ravage definitely inspires me. You probably have seen I actually integrated it for your outstanding zombies.

Unfortunately the scenario was coded originally based on Ryan's Zombies. I was unable to write non conflicting systems for Ravage zombies, Ryan Zombies and my systems to work altogether, especially because I was unable to get your "agent" zombies stop fighting “Ryan" unit zombies and both mods have loop to detect zombies and force them into each mod's behavior.

Is there any trick you would have for me to be able to give the choice to the players to actually play with Ravage?


As it happens, I've been thinking about ways to force Ravage zeds to ignore specific types of unit, as it could be usefull for some of my own projects too.

I'll see if I can do something for the next mod update; but a similar feature would be required for Z&D as well for it to work like you want (unless Ryan made something like that already?).

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Pleasure, I can quote the two of you. I'm really eager to give the proper credits but I'm not very organized so I hope I did not forget anyone (-actually I did forgot for one of the SQF file, thanks for the heads up!)

Well noted for the credit page, I just wrote one for my next update in-game as well.


For Ryan: sadly not. I'm not a very good coder but I already spent hours trying to have both your zombies and Ryan zombies as options: the idea of my scenarios is that you can play with or without zombies depending on your taste.

Your zombies seemed much more optimized but the only problem is that you have a function picking all the units declared as Ravage Zombies. If I could deactivate this feature I could actually have both your zombies and Ryan zombies at the same time: I would use only your AI features without transforming the zombies as agents.


Unfortunately Ryan zombies can not be pulled away of their main framework either, there is also a loop that I cannot deactivate if I use the mod.

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  On 5/27/2018 at 3:27 PM, loop.exe said:

Your zombies seemed much more optimized but the only problem is that you have a function picking all the units declared as Ravage Zombies. If I could deactivate this feature I could actually have both your zombies and Ryan zombies at the same time: I would use only your AI features without transforming the zombies as agents.


You mean the "zed_ambList" array? That's no longer used since a few updates.

But I'm not sure I get what you want regarding agents : are you trying to run the zombie behaviour manually on other units?

Or do you want to work without Agents?


If that's the latter, you should keep in mind that the "Agent" versions of ravage zombies are much more efficient at chasing targets, they're also more optimized.

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Credits page added on the wiki; link available in OP.


@haleks I did not check for a few weeks, sorry if I say stupid things. Last time I tried I believe your script zedMonitor.sqf is active per default, thus all entites tagged as "zombies" are thrown in your system. If I could deactivate that it could help, I would simply decide manually to use an edited version of your rvg_fnc_zed_init function.

I do like the idea of using agents, it's fantastic in terms of optimization. I cannot do this however for Ryan Zombies though I tried as well to manually push Ryan Zombies in your own system but it conflicts with the fact they are also added in a specific system.

I have an extra challenge, I currently use Opfor for zombies and replace them with regular AI if player is playing without zombies. I would also have to find a way to integrate your agents in this, but that would be step 2 anyway.


Sorry for the nonsense, what I'm trying to say is: I would love players playing my scenario able to decide if they want Ravage Zombies, Ryan Zombies, both at once or none - an interesting challenge ;)



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  On 5/27/2018 at 3:56 PM, loop.exe said:


@haleks I did not check for a few weeks, sorry if I say stupid things. Last time I tried I believe your script zedMonitor.sqf is active per default, thus all entites tagged as "zombies" are thrown in your system. If I could deactivate that it could help, I would simply decide manually to use an edited version of your rvg_fnc_zed_init function.

I do like the idea of using agents, it's fantastic in terms of optimization. I cannot do this however for Ryan Zombies though I tried as well to manually push Ryan Zombies in your own system but it conflicts with the fact they are also added in a specific system.

I have an extra challenge, I currently use Opfor for zombies and replace them with regular AI if player is playing without zombies. I would also have to find a way to integrate your agents in this, but that would be step 2 anyway.


Okay, so you'd like the ravage zeds to run a custom init - that's going to be tricky... ZedMonitor is only there to "reboot" zombie behaviours whenever a client disconnects (zombies can spawn locally, so that script makes sure they are handed over to the server when a client computer can no longer simulate them). Their init function is actually configured with CBA event handlers and will run as soon as a zombie is created. As far as I know, the only way to "fix" this, would require some changes on my end : I could tweak the zed module and give mission makers the possibility to cancel the init function, although that's likely to cause numerous issues...


If I may ask : why do you want to run a custom init? Do you need to disable something in the default script, or is it something you want to add?


Regarding Z&D : agents use different commands to move around, Ryan's units probably aren't set to use those.

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I tried the other way around (having Ryan Zombies transformed as Ravage agents) but they stay stuck without moving, because Ryan script is not deactivated until they are dead.

The only reason I'm trying to change the way Ryan OR Ravage Zombies initialize is to allow players to use both at once and to make it compatible with my mission (and thus decide if zombies are agents or opfor units, because it impacts my own frameworks as well).

If I use both mods without any change, Ryan and Ravage zombies will attack each other. While quite fun to see, it's not helping ^ ^


I understand this is not your issue, you have a mod perfectly working, but I like the challenge to give as many options as I can to players of my own humble scenarios (same with "content" mods being automatically integrated etc.


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@haleks hey maybe just talking with you fixed my problem. I sort-of managed to spawn Ryan Zombies and get them as Ravage agents.

Are Ravage zombies able to attack civilians normally? It did not work for me, they were only attacking me:

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Ah nevermind, even tweaking your scripts I cannot get it to work properly. Oh well, guess it was worth a shot.

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  On 5/27/2018 at 4:49 PM, loop.exe said:

I understand this is not your issue, you have a mod perfectly working, but I like the challenge to give as many options as I can to players of my own humble scenarios (same with "content" mods being automatically integrated etc.



Hey no worries, I'm just curious myself to see how people are using the assets provided by the mod - gives me a better idea on possible improvements. ;)


  On 5/27/2018 at 5:48 PM, loop.exe said:

@haleks hey maybe just talking with you fixed my problem. I sort-of managed to spawn Ryan Zombies and get them as Ravage agents.

Are Ravage zombies able to attack civilians normally? It did not work for me, they were only attacking me:

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Ravage zombies will attack anything that does not inherit from the "zombie" base class, including civilians. That's actually your problem here : your zed in this case is probably too busy trying to "attack himself" since its type isn't one of the Ravage zombie classes.


Looking at your code, there probably is a much easier way to have ravage zombies acting like Ryan's zombies. You could try something like this :

_pos = player getRelPos [25,0];
_zed = createAgent ["zombie_walker", _pos, [],0, "NONE"];
_zed spawn {
	sleep 3;//we probably don't need to wait that long, feel free to try smaller delays
	_this removeAllEventHandlers "AnimDone";//prevents agent from playing default Ravage anims
	_this switchMove "someClassName";//use any animation name from Ryan Z&D

All you need is the name of one of the animations from Z&D (one of the idling anims would be best), you should be able to find them easily with the Animation Viewer. Forcing the agent to use any of the Z&D animations should allow the corresponding animation set to kick in. Basically you should end up with a Ravage zed that moves like Ryan's zombies. I'm not sure how well it will work (and some attack moves may look funny), I reckon Ryan uses a few tricks of his own to configure some animations...

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Hey thanks, I will try this for the next update (cause I tried to import your zed functions in my code but tweak them to make them work with Ryan, was not very satisfying!


Also new version up, 3 new maps!


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