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sputnik monroe

How do you make your custom face not transparent?

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Every personal custom face I make (face.jpg for user profile)  is slightly transparent. You can see a guy with a chin goatee that is bleeding through from below. How do you prevent this?


I made a camo paint custom face, but it was almost invisible. My work around was to make it 100% opaque and that makes the camo show alright, see my forum avatar for example. However that stupid chin goatee is still showing through. I've been thinking about making a new custom face, but what prevents me making the attempt is this weird transparency issue. What is the fix?

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So I heard elsewhere (not in this ghost town) that maybe .paa would work?  So instead of having face.jpg in your profile folder it would be face.paa and it's possible that might work and that the .paa would not have the transparent face problem. 


Does anyone have a working link to a .paa plugin for photoshop? I've looked around but all I can find are broken links, mostly on extinct ARMA 2 fan sites. 


Also as a follow up question, can anyone using a custom face confirm that face.paa is actually recognized? Also does it not suffer from the transparency problem?


I know there are people that use custom faces and the community is normally more helpful than this.

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hi sputnik munroe, convert to .paa format using the texture viewer that comes with arma tools so you don't need PS plugin :D


I don't use custom faces so not sure about your problem aside from this :(

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Did you search for custom face tutorials? Such as this one



there were several videos and links when I googled Arma 3 Custom face


I think the issue you have with the non-responses is not many ppl bother to put in the effort for a custom face and consequently, couldn't answer your question.


Unless you were expecting a couple of hundred posts of forum users saying 'gee, I don't know the answer' this could be one of the slower threads.


Would be interested if your questions and concerns are answered in the above video or other links though. If not, and you find the answer, maybe offer a tutorial of how to do it. Sort of 'pay it forward' for the community.


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I'll check that tutorial when I get home from work. I looked through some tutorial videos on youtube but that wasn't one of them, so maybe it has the fix. If I figure out the solution I'll definitely post the solution as you said.

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Unfortunately that tutorial didn't have an explanation of how to avoid the transparency issue :-/   



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Hey, bit of a necro here. I used to have a custom face back in 2016 that I made for myself - and this transparency issue was happening! Googling to see if ArmA had released some sort of update or someone had found a fix made me come across this thread. Just thought I'd give it a little bump or support, or just to see/know if you or anyone else ever came up with a solution to this slight transparency? Anything that's black/brown coloured is just rather transparent upon lighting, in the dark it looks fine, but otherwise it blends with the default face and acts transparent.


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