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Favorite military mottos

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Some of those are pretty good, but it was:

"They've got us surrounded again, the poor bastards!" by an unknown paratrooper in Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge.

My first day of Navy bootcamp. Question from my new company commander who first addressed me as "Fuckstick": "Recruit, do you know what NAVY stands for?" Me: "Sir no sir!" Company Commander: "Its an acronym for Never Again Volunteer Yourself."

Another one some of you might remember: "Who wants to go to Alaska?" Just before we were sent on a six mile run to warm up because "Its cold in Alaska." Some dumbass always volunteers.

Theres the right way, the wrong way and the Marine Corps way.

We the underpaid, overworked and underappreciated are doing the impossible for you the ungrateful.

Haze gray and underway.

Pay attention to detail you dumb sonofabitch! heard this all the time.

From an unknown mess worker to me during training: "How do you like your steak?" as he shovels a big pile of nasty chilimac onto my plate. I laughed out loud.

A really salty old Gunnery Seargent to a bunch of us Sailors and Marines screwing around when the CO was coming. "For godsakes assholes if you are going to mill about, mill about smartly!"

If it ain't broke don't try to fix it, if it is paint it!

Did your mother have any children that lived?

You move like old people fuck!

When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you.

A few favorite expressions:

Shitbird: A lazy person or liar.

Skate: to slack off.

Goldbrick: a person who fakes illness.

Head: A urinal or toilet.

The day the eagle shits: Pay day.

Sky Pilot: A chaplain.

Zoomie: Any one in the Airforce.

"Don't salute me asshole, I work for a living!" Pretty much any noncom who has a salute rendered to them by an overzealous recruit.

Your not half the man your mother was!

Suck it up!

I can walk on water, eat bullets and shit ice cream!

Veni, Vidi, Vici. I came, I saw, I conquered.

Your mother doesn't work here.

I don't think you could find your own ass with both hands and a flashlight!

Pushups forever! Begin!

Reveille reveille, all hands prepare to heave to and trice up your racks. Sweepers sweepers man your brooms!

And last but not least. The situtation: Housecrew duty in the barracks during A-school. We weren't allowed to leave the base, especially in our working uniforms. Ten feet outside the gates and only 100 yards from our barracks a McDonalds. The dilemma: You haven't had fast food in months and you can smell fries. The solution: Take the Navy issue vehicle and drive through Mcdonalds for lunch. The reason: We are still technically within Navy property, we are not out in public in working uniforms and we were insane with cravings for McDonalds. The problem: Master Chief Petty Officer McCage and Gunnery Seargent Evans return early to check up on us and we are in front of the barracks eating McDonalds out of bags. And now the Quote: Master Chief McCage stares at me like I'm a dead man and says, "Airman, there had better be something inside that bag for me." The result: Hey what do you know, there was!

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"He who dares wins Rodney, He who dares wins" -Del Boy, Only fools and horses....:p biggrin.gif

The most famous of them all methinks "Who Dares Wins" SAS motto Sas-logo.gif both the wings on the badge and the motto were the idea of Scots, and that makes me proud!!

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unnoficial motto for the canadian armed forces

           "adapt improvise and overcome"

favorite artillery saying "once a gunner always a gunner"

[on the battlefield there are two types of people, gunners and targets]

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (//relic// @ Jan. 02 2003,04:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I like 'De Oppresso Liberio' the best - Green Berets right?<span id='postcolor'>

yes it is from the green berets.

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