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WARMACHINE - Game mode - SP/Coop/PvP

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21 hours ago, .kju said:

did you consider a port to RHS/Unsung/IFA3//WW2 and its custom terrains yet?

Hi. All scripts and functions were written and described to allow easy port to any terrain and any faction. You can look at the README.TXT how to do it. Also I can help you with the porting and send graphic files. Feel free to contact me on STEAM




mission name: WARMACHINE_"Mapname"_-_"FACTION"_vs_"FACTION"_-_PvP
date: 2.7.2017
TURN ON weather manual override (intel, all parameters)
Time of Changes (forecast): set at max, 8h


24 units for each side. (3 groups of 8 units) 
Rifle squad (Squad leader, Team leader, Rifleman AT, Autorifleman, Engineer, Combat life saver, Marksman, Rifleman) 
Weapon squad (Squad leader, Grenadier, Missile spec. AT, Missile spec. AA, Autorifleman, Engineer, Combat life saver, Marksman)  
Recon team (Recon team leader, Recon paramedic, Recon marksman, Recon JTAC, scout, Recon scout AT, Recon demo specialist, Sniper)


RESPAWN MARKERS: respawn_west_start, respawn_east_start, (respawn_guerrila_start)
text= BASE, shape=ICON, type=EMPTY

AMMOBOXES: (arsenal): wAmmo, eAmmo, (iAmmo), set available items for the Virtual arsenal by factions. (all weapons, ammo, equipment, backpacks and accessories. Basic headgear and uniforms)


support requester modules: wSupReq, eSupReq, (iSupReq)
support West = wSupDrop, wSupHeli, wSupArty, wSupCasH, wSupCasB
support East = eSupDrop, eSupHeli, eSupArty, eSupCasH, eSupCasB
(support independent = iSupDrop, iSupHeli, iSupArty, iSupCasH, iSupCasB)

wSupDrop: ["B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F"] 300
wSupHeli: ["B_Heli_Light_01_F", "B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F"] 300
wSupArty: ["B_T_MBT_01_arty_F", "B_T_MBT_01_mlrs_F"] 1200 //AAF// ["B_Mortar_01_F"]
wSupCasH: ["B_Heli_Attack_01_F"] 1200 //AAF// ["B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F"]
wSupCasB: [] 1200

eSupDrop: ["O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F"] 300
eSupHeli: ["O_Heli_Light_02_F", "O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F"] 300
eSupArty: ["O_T_MBT_02_arty_ghex_F"] 1200 //AAF// ["O_Mortar_01_F"]
eSupCasH: ["O_Heli_Attack_02_F"] 1200 //AAF// ["O_Heli_Light_02_F"]
eSupCasB: [] 1200

iSupDrop: [] 300
iSupHeli: ["I_Heli_light_03_F", "I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F", "I_Heli_Transport_02_F"] 300
iSupArty: ["I_Mortar_01_F"] 1200 //only mortar
iSupCasH: [] 1200 
iSupCasB: [] 1200

plane: plH1, plH2, plH3, plH4, plH5 (place on the start of the runway, set direction, Support will be replaced 20m to right, flag and respawn marker 25m to left)


description.ext: change name of the map and factions (line 17, 18), endings Factions (line 116...), loadouts (line 156...)
initServer.sqf: RESPAWN LOADOUTS number of loops = number of loadouts in description.ext (line 22,24) LOBBY PARAMETERS name of the ammo boxes (line 30,31),  
diary.sqf: change name of the map (line 109,)
start.sqf: change combat support according to available assets for factions (line 767-780)

change PICTURES acording to map and sides (lobby.jpg, logo.jpg, plot...jpg)


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How many servers are there usually running and where are they located?

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8 hours ago, Varis said:

How many servers are there usually running and where are they located?

I don't run any servers. But WarMachine is ready for hosted and dedicated servers.

If you want to run a server or host a game, use server name WarMachine - PvP and set max. players to 48. Then it will be easy to find your server for other players.



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So far I'm quite impressed with the mode, it's elegantly streamlined and the design feels well executed. Just had time to try it briefly in single player - that and CoOP require the use of zeus functionality to get the AI moving anywhere, something which most potential players probably are not well familiar with. Mode gets the player quickly into action without too much configuration (but still a good array of options to select from). Some key functionality of ARMA such as supports and vehicles, as well as commanding, are well exposed but rationed with hard timers and don't get into the way of infantry action too much. Surroundings are probably not always well matched to the action as the mission location is either random or set by the player - variety is pretty much guaranteed though.


One of the major gripes so far is lack of minimap when playing infantry. Sounds small but it's a bit of a nuisance when the mode is so easy to get to otherwise. The capture bar could be a bit more conspicious as well.


Overall, shows lots of promise. A step up from KotH while being miles more easy going than heavy learning intensive modes like BECTI. Might be interested to try and run this on a PvP server in a few weeks.


Has this been playtested a lot?


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Hi Varis. Thanks for your feedback.


The mode is pimarily designed for PvP. If player is a squad leader, Ai units follow him and populate the battlefield. 

SP/Coop is only addition. Ideal for practice, or testing . Zeus is quite fast and suitable for organising enemy units. Script will be, in my opinion, more restrictive. I tried to make script for AI to behave autonomously, but Zeus is still better solution and gives you more options.

Main goal of the mod is variability. Every created mission layout is different and it sometimes cause mismatch.

Minimap is available if you have GPS in the inventory. Same functionality as in vanilla Arma3.

The capture bar and UI elements are Arma default. I want to use as much default Arma UI and mechanics as possible. It's then easy to learn for new players who are already familiar with the UI.

WarMachine was playtested quite a lot, but not on a full server. It took me more then 1 year to develop this mod. Now it's your turn Guys, PLAY IT, TEST IT ;-)


Good luck.

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Player TARGET run a server, where you can join  and play WarMachine


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Update 1.04 - 4.10.2018


Virtual arsenal reworked

Items are filter by side and role. Arsenal is now accessible in radius 50m. Tested also with CUP mod and works.


No restrictions:

Basic items (map, radio, compass, GPS…), pistols, weapon accessories, ammunition, vests, goggles.


Restricted by side: West (NATO) / East (CSAT) / Independent (AAF)

Helmets, uniforms, UAV terminals, backpacks.


Restricted by roles: Based on the players primary and secondary weapons

Assault - All assault rifles, submachine guns.

Sniper - All sniper rifles, Ghillie suits.

Machine gunner – All machine guns.

Missile specialist - All assault rifles, submachine guns and all missile launchers


Zeus is now available if player is administrator/server host, or if player is alone on the server.

Now you can enjoy Zeus, practice, or play SP on the server, while you waiting for other players to join.



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8 hours ago, IvosH_cz said:


Restricted by roles: Based on the players primary and secondary weapons

Assault - All assault rifles, submachine guns.


Missile specialist - All assault rifles, submachine guns and all missile launchers




Is there a disadvantage to selecting a Missile specialist?

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As missile specialist you can't choose machineguns (LMG, MMG), sniper rifles and ghillie suits. In WarMachine each combat role is limited to six per team.

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UPDATE 1.05 - 14.10.2018
Added tickets bleed system. Tickets are reduced when player dies, or if playable unit controlled by AI respawns. Tickets bleed if one team holds all the sectors (1st. phase), or if Attackers capture enemy FOB (2nd phase).
Respawn changed. At the 2nd phase of the game, respawn for defenders at FOB is available first 2,5 minutes and than, until enemy gets close to the FOB.

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UPDATE 1.06 - 28.10.2018
Area of operation increased for combined ground forces and full spectrum warfare.
Boats requested by squad leader now include diving gear in the cargo.

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UPDATE 1.07 - 9.11.2018
WarMachine is now playable as SP/Coop/PvE/PvP. ...YES :-)
Added Autonomous AI. If autonomous AI is enabled, all AI units will join the battle and attack objectives. options: Disabled / Enabled, infantry / Enabled, use vehicles.
Fixed virtual arsenal to filter items properly by side.
Become Zeus, Unassign Zeus and Teleport functions are now avaliable fo Admin, Server host and if player is alone on the server. Now you can enjoy SP even on the dedicated servers.


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Update 1.08 - 20.11.2018
Autonomous AI improved, Squad boarded APC didn't move to objective. Fixed.
Number of tickets decreased by 1/3, better duration of one game.
Automatic parameters selection changed. For better experience.
Time of day adjusted for all terrains properly (dawn, dusk)

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Update 1.09 - 26.11.2018
Virtual arsenal reworked. Finally works properly for hosted and dedicated servers. Arsenal can be selected in the lobby parameters.
Disabled, / Enabled - Recommended (Filtered by side and combat role) / Enabled -  Full arsenal (No restrictions)
Aded WM_readme.txt into ZIP file

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Gotta love your work mate. Thank you!


I just threw this mission on our closed dedicated server last night, and we played rounds as long as we had players to play with. : ) We tried it first only as COOP, but the main goal is to make it a standard in our LAN-parties where it will be played some 6  vs 6 humans with AI.


Really nice mission! And got my instructions for RHS, CUP, etc. as well, so thanks for that!


PS. noticed in few occasions that enemy didn't occur to be attacking, probably an ArmA bug with driving etc. :'D So, now I know the original purpose of your mission and can jump to Zeus if that happens to release the situation. Thanks for tips!

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Hello. I'm glad you like it.

If you plan to play this misssion count me in. You can also join our DISCORD to get more teammates. I will be very happy to join you.


About driving. It's recommended for this selection. create AO manually and place BASE near the road. AI will struggle if they can't find road close by. I also added function to force driver of the APC to move into the objective (1.08 update). They didn't react immediately. Squad boarding truck didn't have this issue. If you find any bug let me know. (Best on the discord). Be sure, you have got last version 1.09 (26.11.2018)


About RHS and CUP..................stay tuned for a small surprise :-)


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Bad news. Creating sector module by script doesn't work after update 1.86. (Worked before 1.86) Cause stack in the black screen "CREATING MISSION", script start.sqf stack in the part for creating sectors. (line:909)

Pleas, if anybody can, help me. Thank You.


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Good news. We are back on the road.
Update 1.95 - 6.12.2018
FIXED: Stack in the black screen "CREATING MISSION", script start.sqf stopped in the part for creating sectors. (line:909)
Thak you Larrow

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Hotfix 2.01 - 12.12.2018
FIXED script error on the Takistan map when AI respawns and checking for available vehicle seat.
ADDED planes for Takistan and Malden if "Full spectrum warfare" is selected in the mission generator. Planes spawn randomly. Depends on the position of the Area of operation.

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WARMACHINE made it to the top 3 of PvP scenarios in the steam workshop this week. Thank you all for your support. I appreciate it very much. Your interest and feedback gives me the enthusiasm to continue developing this game mode.

Sincerely yours, IvosH.



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