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Resistance screenshots!

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I'm making a website for a clan Im going to start. The thing is I can't find any cool pictures that I can use for the banner. So if anyone has some really good screenshots of resistance fighters or knows a site with really good shots then let me know it would be appreciated. I checked all the official sites and the fanpages etc but don't see really any good ones if any of resistance fighters.

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I could maybe make some screen shots over the weekend. Any e-mail I could send them to?

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That would be cool Harnu. I'm also going to try and capture some cool ss myself but I'm going to collect all the good screenshots and do different stuff witht hem work with it. Just click on email icon below this post. =).

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Now, what kind of things do you want in here? A fire fight? Just some still frames of soldier?

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Well I would like to have Resistance Fighters somwhere in the pictures. As for fire fights or soldiers. Do whatever work with it and stuff. I'm using this SS prog from OFP CZ site i got. I'm just taking SS of anything that looks neat.

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My first batch is sent.  Ix, can you post them up here?

And I encourge all OFP players to take some screen shots and save them.  Make a collection, these can be pretty cool.  Send em everyone!

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Harnu and Ixian, could you please continue this in PM? Thank you smile.gif

As for screenshots, I am working on an OFP War Photography gallery at the moment, once I have sufficient pics together I will publish the URL smile.gif

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Hey, that personal chatter was mixed in with on-topic stuff tounge.gif

And I'm uploading pics onto a geocities site (my 3rd one lol). I'll post a link soon.

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Those are some sweet pictures. I especially liked the viktor shot and the woods. Going to be saving these images along with mine. I have several things I want to do such as make a few banners blending in different images. Maybe make a wallpaper with a whole bunch of them. And Gallery etc. I want to create a clan that focuses mainly on playing Resistance Fighters co ops etc. Website will have a resistance like theme to it. If anyone is interested in helping or starting this sort of clan contact me. Really need to find a server =) hard when you dont have money or a job though lol.

Looking for someone with Flash experiance

Adobe Photoshop experiance.

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Adobe, guess I prolly should start reading that for dummies book I've got for that.

But in the mean time, I made this screen shot. Even my dad though it was funny.


It's a new kind of war!

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