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Hello all! Here is my official release of the KillahPotatoe Liberation game mode with the UNSUNG Echo Release that is now available on steam. Please give it a try and let me know what you guys think! 



I have other Liberation mods up on steam as well so take a look at them as well. Let me know if there are any issues or glitches that need to be addressed.

*ADVISED: with the UNSUNG Echo release there is a little glitch going on with my previous UNSUNG liberation on Cao Bong and is only playable with the UNSUNG Delta release. I will be working to update that one to reflect the new Echo update soon*

I will also be posting some of my own regular missions to the workshop over the next few weeks so keep on the lookout for those as well. 


Once again a big shout out to both the UNSUNG and KillahPotatoe Mod teams for providing amazing content for the community and I look forward to working with them and their updates.

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Can this be enjoyed if playing alone and not with any other humans or would it be too hard? If so, regarding saving progress, do we host a local LAN session (that saves automatically on exit) or just play in SP and use vanilla saving?

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So the parameters as of right now allow for singleplayer and will save your progress. I did have to update it as i originally forgot to reset that preset. You can play either through the singleplayer or even LAN. I can provide a direct link to the file as I believe the steam version may cause you to play it as LAN. It is difficult but when you do play and I honestly suggest playing it as a LAN mission as it will give you access to the parameters on the Role Selection Screen. There are a lot of options there that you can experiment with like enemy difficulty. I left the AI on default of the Liberation gamemode but you can either decrease or increase the difficulty along with the amount of AI to spawn

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So the parameters as of right now allow for singleplayer and will save your progress. I did have to update it as i originally forgot to reset that preset. You can play either through the singleplayer or even LAN. I can provide a direct link to the file as I believe the steam version may cause you to play it as LAN. It is difficult but when you do play and I honestly suggest playing it as a LAN mission as it will give you access to the parameters on the Role Selection Screen. There are a lot of options there that you can experiment with like enemy difficulty. I left the AI on default of the Liberation gamemode but you can either decrease or increase the difficulty along with the amount of AI to spawn

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Thanks for the reply. LAN is fine with me so don’t worry about the PBO link. Just wasn’t sure if there was a way to save my progress in MP mode (I generally avoid missions that don’t have a saving option). Is it pretty obvious how to save/load when hosting the mission on a local server?

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Pretty much. When you wipe a save. you wipe a save and lose all progress. great for mission testing. You don't have the ability to select a save though. You just load it up, select a role and load in. The mission will pick up right where you left off with all capture/un-captured objectives and bases

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would love to try it, but steamworkshop+dedicated server remote upload just sucks, could you provide a alternate mirror like dropbox/google drive/onedrive?


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@yxman Not a prob mate. Here's two versions with one as PBO and then a second for a raw file


PBO: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vqtcsp43brqpqfj/UNSUNG_SEA_Lib.CSJ_SEA.pbo?dl=0


Raw: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/m4pn9c7phxfb6su/AADkbyEDoPknsFafuhIqzYT9a?dl=0


I'd suggest that if anyone to download the PBO if you plan to put it up on a public server, otherwise download the raw file and drop it into your Documents/Arma 3 - Other Profiles/(your username)/missions. This file path will allow you to bring it up in the editor and then play with what I have set down before either making a dedicated LAN or a singleplayer play session

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@yxman Just to let you know, I will be making a video about Liberation at some point today. I'll post a link in all my posts and add it to my missions as well.

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Hey guys here is a video I just finished streaming that goes over the basics of playing Liberation. It isn't the greatest but I hope it does explain a the general synopses of the Liberation.


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Hey thanks for the video! 


Regarding revive options in the parameters, this is confusing me. I’m playing alone, and obviously there will be no one to revive me (pretty sure only humans can actually revive downed players). I just want to use vanilla healing where I have to heal myself with FAK’s or medkits. Which option do we pick for vanilla healing, if we don’t want to use revive and don’t want to use ACE? I want to heal like I would in the vanilla SP campaign. For instance, I see in the video you were injured and had no one to heal you (not sure why you’d choose that option when soloing it). Is there no way to treat yourself the vanilla way?


Secondary objectives. I see this in the video but don’t see them in your Dakrong mission in the scroll wheel options. No biggie if that’s intended, just curious.


I appreciate the video. I personally would have loved to see you capture a zone and show what to do gameplay-wise when all the enemies in the area/circle are dead (like how to load supplies into vehicles...which I couldn’t figure out, how take surrendered AI hostage/back to base, how to properly capture a zone/reinforce it etc), because that’s what was confusing me, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out once I really get going and used to things.


Anyway, I appreciate it. Do you happen to have a link to that Altis mission? 



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@HeroesandvillainsOS hey man I really appreciate you helping me with all your comments and questions, they really do help. In regards, to the medical options, I'm not sure if they have added that portion in? I remember, being able to heal myself on the IFA Liberation servers but not so much on the vanilla. It's trial and error and also word of mouth since I don't have my own dedicated server to test all of these on, something I am thinking of getting. I am going to try and get my community to load the vanilla/RHS version on our public server and have a few of the guys jump on and record exactly what you're looking for. but it's been a pain in the ass of late. If you want, get in contact with me on steam and if you have a public server going, I'll be happy to jump in with y'all and chat and test with ya. I know missions will never go perfectly but I want to make my mission work enough that I'm not having to bug fix every five seconds.


Second request for original mission file here: https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/releases

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Here is another pure UNSUNG Liberation mission on Lam Dong. 


I think the close proximity of Da Krong might be causing some of the arsenal issues. Again let me know if there are any other questions or comments to be addressed.

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