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{Question} Possible to Detect Shadows?

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Have no idea how shadow technology works but wondering is it possible to see if a model is in or really, on top of a shadow. Looking to enhance the concealment element that humans suffer but not AI.

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You might use https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/checkVisibility or lineIntersect* commands, to check whether there are obstructions between an object and the current sun position, and thus whether that object should be in shadow, at least with respect to the sun. But other than that, no as PuFu says.


But in Arma shadows are very subjective, and limited less than a couple hundred meters, often less by player graphic settings, so two players standing side by side, might not see the same shadows. Shadows are something I think Heroes & Generals do very well. Of course they pay the price by their terrain shadows not being dynamic and thus not shifting over time; but they work at any distance.

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That works pretty dam well, thank you!! Of course it also detects indoors as inShadow but thats not really a problem because im already using a camouflage factor for them as well. Ill just have to maybe blacklist the buildings with open air canopies as they shouldnt really offer any real camo value.


Thanks again man -the stuff this community comes up with...


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As @das attorney said, the LLW functions are your fit. I consider them gems to make authentic missions. The inShadow function is ridiculously precise.

Lots of other cool stuff in there, I use it to make soldiers turn towards the sun at low elevations and shield their eyes.

Also good to have them equip sunglasses in those mean twilight hours that can be tough on the eyes.

Also has functions for air and sea temperature, how cool is that?


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