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Because there is no way to register on wiki to fix|offer to fix it self, writing here in hope what someone who have access to wiki will fix it.

2.8 #include



You can also include files from the installation dir:

#include "\myDirectory\codestrip.txt" // ArmA 2\myDirectory\codestrip.txt

Addon locations are saved to memory. To include a file from one of them write:

#include "<addon folder name>\<file>"

For arma 3 is wrong, should be (as addition if for Arma 2 currently written is still correct): "


You can also include files from current addon:

#include "<file>" or #include "<custom folder>\<file>"
Addon locations are saved to memory. To include a file from one of them write:
#include "\<.pbo's (or folder's (if -FilePatching on)) name>\<file>" // Arma 3\myAddonFolder\addons\myAddon.pbo\<file>


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On 28.09.2017 at 2:45 AM, beno_83au said:

I think you need to talk to @dwarden about access (sorry if this is incorrect).

Thanks for info., but hope at least the issue will be fixed

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#include "\<.pbo's (or folder's (if -FilePatching on)) name>\<file>" // Arma 3\myAddonFolder\addons\myAddon.pbo\<file>

What? Not at all related to filePatching. Not at all related to folder name. Related to pbo name only if pbo doesn't have a prefix.


I rolled your edits back partly and fixed the issues.


In the future please also mark minor edits as such. And add a summary of your change.
Read https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Getting_Started for reference.

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4 hours ago, Dedmen said:



I'm not stating that i'm not maybe missing something, but if so FIX it, do not just revert back to errors


Addon locations are saved to memory. To include a file from one of them write:

#include "<addon folder name>\<file>"

WTF is that ???, this is totaly wrong, if you getting into ,make the info real, and if there is some "hidded stuff" that most readers don't know that places sence into this, make it normal, this is point of wiki


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13 minutes ago, Ilias48rus said:


I'm not stating that i'm not maybe missing something, but if so FIX it, do not just revert back to errors

WTF is that ???, this is totaly wrong, if you getting into ,make the info real, if there is some "hidded stuff" that wost readers don't know that places sence into this, make it normal, this is point of wiki


Uhm what? I don't see that on my edit....

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because you changed it sec ago, after my post!

yes, now (with few my additional edits) its right, thanks

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