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Script light states on helicopters ?

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Hi Folks,


Today's question - can I script the light states on helicopters ? In order to get desired results on a heli insertion - I must specify "careless" behavior which unfortunately seems to turn on all the lights - is there anyway to turn them off without changing the behavior ?








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Gracias Amigo !


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7 hours ago, jshock said:




(driver myHeli) action ["CollisionLightsOff",myHeli];



Hi -  sorry - no joy when hello is in CARELESS - I tried:


  • this action ["CollisionLightOff", slick1];     // in helicopter INIT field (helicopter named slick1).
  • this action ["CollisionLightOff", slick1];     // in helicopter WP field (helicopter named slick1).
  • mav1 action ["CollisionLightOff", slick1];     // named the pilot mav1 (helicopter named slick1).




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I can only get this to work by brute-forcing it (which isn't ideal):


onEachFrame {mav1 action ["CollisionLightOff", slick1]};


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There is another way for insertion under "light" enemy fire like infantry (not so efficient in case of vehicles).

1 For insertion:  make sure your helo could land in a peace situation: for example, at waypoint "move" with:  driver this land "land" in completion field.

It's just a check, so far.


2. For your goal, in any case, you must let your helo driver "aware" and out of combat: For example in init field of the helo:

 driver this setBehaviour "AWARE"; driver this disableAI "autocombat"; driver this disableAI "autoTarget" ;


Now, your helo has no light, driver stays aware but can land (rather quickly), and gunners are returning fire.

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Hi Folks,

Yeah - I checked the link on the "action" commands Jshock posted and I was drooling - OMG - there are so many cool things here to script that I haven't seen before - I'm hoping they're not all as broken as this... LOL - you would think whomever wrote the function would realize that someone using it would want to set it and forget it and not have to set it on every frame - just seems rather silly...

I had kind of thought of trying what Pierre had posted - I think I'll try that first...

The same few always seems to have the answers and take the time to to help - much appreciated... I really do search for answers before posting questions... LOL - this scripting thing is a little addicting... It's pretty satisfying to get something to work properly...


OBTW: I was talking about logging for a debug in one of the threads - came up with this little diddy to speed debugging - instead of trying to read the microscopic chats, hints that vanish, or wading through a big log file... It works pretty well - just wish I could send it a CR somehow (\n\r) doesn't work - so I delimit instead...


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// FUNCTION - Logging //
_fcLogger = {
	_logEnt = _this select 0;
	_logHld = copyfromclipboard;
	_logSpc = " ## ";
	_logPut = _logHld + _logEnt + _logSpc;
	copytoclipboard _logPut;

Simple but a big timesaver...



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