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Hey, does anyone know any good examples or very clear tutorials on how macros work?


I want to be able to call a Cfg group file, and have it automatically dissect the units and plug em into the addRespawnInventory function.

That way, when i want to give people load outs on multiplayer, all i have to do is plug in the group files, and they will automatically take the vehicle names from the units in the groups, and plug and chug them into the function.

Perhaps it will also have to call em out in the init file as well so that they load up.


Perhaps its all over my head, but i'm surprised i haven't found a forum topic on this. Im sure many people have wanted to plug in a group cfg so that they didn't have to tediously insert each vehicle class one by one. Maybe i'm just bad at searching the forums.

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6 minutes ago, hank kelley said:

Hey, does anyone know any good examples or very clear tutorials on how macros work?


Good reading @ community Wiki and BISim Wiki

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Yeah, Id say.... but they have an external link that explains a lot better than the wiki that uses examples, but unfortunately i still don't know how to make sense of most of it. I was wondering if anyone has done anything similar to what i want to do, and had a working example?

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Here are some macros I'm using for a config for a near future release of mine:


#define UNIFORM_MODEL "\JSHK_contam_suits\uniforms\models\jshk_contam_nbc_suit.p3d"
#define UNIFORM_MASS 80
#define UNIFORM_PICTURE "\JSHK_contam_suits\uniforms\data\jshk_contam_suit_invIcon.paa"


#define UNIFORM_CLASS(NAME) JSHK_contam_soldier_##NAME

#define UNIFORM_TEXTURE(CAMO) \JSHK_contam_suits\uniforms\data\jshk_contam_nbc_suit_##CAMO##_co.paa

	class JSHK_contam_suit_##CAMO##: JSHK_contam_suit_mtp \
	{ \
		scope = 2; \
		scopeCurator = 2; \
		displayName = Q_UNI_DN(NAME); \
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = { Q_UNI_UT(CAMO) }; \
		class ItemInfo: UniformItem	\
		{ \
			uniformClass = Q_UNI_UC(CAMO); \
			containerClass = UNIFORM_CONTAINER_CLASS; \
            mass = UNIFORM_MASS; \
		}; \

class UniformItem;
class Uniform_Base;
class JSHK_contam_suit_mtp: Uniform_Base
	author = AUTHOR;
	scope = 2;
	scopeCurator = 2;
	displayName = Q_UNI_DN(MTP);
	hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = { Q_UNI_UT(mtp) };
	class ItemInfo: UniformItem
		uniformClass = Q_UNI_UC(mtp);
		mass = UNIFORM_MASS;


Basically allows me to add a whole new uniform with a new texture without having to write out another class. I follow some naming conventions with my texture files to accomplish this as well.

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You either don't really understand what macros are, using incorrect terminology or trying to solve your problem using wrong tools. In either way, read up more so you can formulate what is that you want more clearly

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11 hours ago, killzone_kid said:

You either don't really understand what macros are, using incorrect terminology or trying to solve your problem using wrong tools. In either way, read up more so you can formulate what is that you want more clearly


You are right, wrong terminology. Do i create another thread? All i need is way to create an array with the vehicle = "unit name" in the group config files. 



this is what i have set up so far 

loadouts = ["LIB_US_rifleman","LIB_US_medic","LIB_US_AT_soldier"];

and then ill do a foreach magic variable to create classes for the respawn inventory function.


So yeah id like to beable to just give em a cfgGroup path.


Also working on this, then ill try and plug it into loadouts. 

// V does return all the units.
configs = "true" configClasses (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "Indep" >> "LIB_US_ARMY" >> "Infantry" >> "LIB_US_infantry_squad"); 

// V doesn't work, but i want it to find the vehicle class.
{ vehicleNames = configProperties [ x >> "vehicle","true",true];} foreach configs;


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configs = "true" configClasses (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "Indep" >> "LIB_US_ARMY" >> "Infantry" >> "LIB_US_infantry_squad"); 
loadouts = [];
{loadouts pushBack getText (_x >> 'vehicle')} forEach configs;

Using the code above, your variable "loadouts" becomes an array of vehicle classes from config entry defined in "configs"

I hope this helps

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Awesome! It helped a lot! So i found a function that looks promising, is there anyway to trap its return into a variable? 

[(configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "Indep" >> "LIB_US_ARMY" >> "Infantry"),1, true, false] call BIS_fnc_returnChildren;

You saved me from having to do individual groups, this would add a whole faction into the spawn menu if i could get it to work.

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50 minutes ago, hank kelley said:

would add a whole faction into the spawn menu if i could get it to work.


Try this to extract class names of the whole faction

configs = [
	(configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "Indep" >> "LIB_US_ARMY" >> "Infantry"),
] call BIS_fnc_returnChildren select {inheritsFrom _x isEqualTo (configFile >> "Man")};

loadouts = [];
{loadouts pushBack getText (_x >> 'vehicle')} forEach configs;


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9 minutes ago, Nikander said:


Try this to extract class names of the whole faction

configs = [
	(configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "Indep" >> "LIB_US_ARMY" >> "Infantry"),
] call BIS_fnc_returnChildren select {inheritsFrom _x isEqualTo (configFile >> "Man")};

loadouts = [];
{loadouts pushBack getText (_x >> 'vehicle')} forEach configs;



Yup, worked perfectly! Thanks for your help.

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