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I am stupid, I need help! (orderGetIn)

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So, I'm trying to ad an action to myself that reads "Get in the vehicles" that makes AI guys in my group run to, and board specific spots in specific vehicles.




My group consists of units A1, A2, A3 and A4.


I am A1. The rest are AI.


I want dude A2 to get in as passenger in vehicle 1, A3 to get in as driver in VEHICLE2 and A4 to get in as passenger in VEHICLE2.


If any of you have a couple of minutes, can you please just show me how this code is supposed to look?


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player addAction ["Board vehicles", {
    A2 assignAsCargo VEHICLE1;
    A3 assignAsDriver VEHICLE2;
    A4 assignAsCargo VEHICLE2;
    [A2,A3,A4] orderGetIn true;

And if you want to remove the action afterwards:


player addAction ["Board vehicles", {
    A2 assignAsCargo VEHICLE1;
    A3 assignAsDriver VEHICLE2;
    A4 assignAsCargo VEHICLE2;
    [A2,A3,A4] orderGetIn true;
    player removeAction (_this select 2);



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7 hours ago, easyeb said:

So, I'm trying to ad an action to myself that reads "Get in the vehicles" that makes AI guys in my group run to, and board specific spots in specific vehicles.




My group consists of units A1, A2, A3 and A4.


I am A1. The rest are AI.


I want dude A2 to get in as passenger in vehicle 1, A3 to get in as driver in VEHICLE2 and A4 to get in as passenger in VEHICLE2.


If any of you have a couple of minutes, can you please just show me how this code is supposed to look?



I guess you are not leader. Because, if you are, why don't you use the engine "mount" menu (4)?


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15 hours ago, 7erra said:

player addAction ["Board vehicles", {
    A2 assignAsCargo VEHICLE1;
    A3 assignAsDriver VEHICLE2;
    A4 assignAsCargo VEHICLE2;
    [A2,A3,A4] orderGetIn true;

And if you want to remove the action afterwards:

  Reveal hidden contents

player addAction ["Board vehicles", {
    A2 assignAsCargo VEHICLE1;
    A3 assignAsDriver VEHICLE2;
    A4 assignAsCargo VEHICLE2;
    [A2,A3,A4] orderGetIn true;
    player removeAction (_this select 2);




It doesn't work. I get the action, but the AI doesn't do anything.

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I always test my code before I post here and this time it works for me too. There has to be something else in your mission setup that makes it impossible for the soldiers to man the vehicles.

  1. Does the group posses any other vehicles beforehand?
  2. Are the variable names correct? 
  3. Are the vehicles unlocked?
  4. Are the vehicles reachable?
  5. Are the vehicles only manned by units of the same side?
  6. etc. etc.

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7 minutes ago, 7erra said:

I always test my code before I post here and this time it works for me too. There has to be something else in your mission setup that makes it impossible for the soldiers to man the vehicles.

  1. Does the group posses any other vehicles beforehand?
  2. Are the variable names correct? 
  3. Are the vehicles unlocked?
  4. Are the vehicles reachable?
  5. Are the vehicles only manned by units of the same side?
  6. etc. etc.

I appreciate you taking the time.

I'm trying on a test mission with only the units (A1, A2, A3, A4) and the vehicles (VEHICLE1, VEHICLE2) placed empty, unlocked only meters from the units.
Trippledoublechecked the names. A2 MoveInCargo VEHICLE1 places A2 as passenger in VEHICLE1.

I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. I'm just trying to figure out what it is. Thank you for your patience.

Test mission is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0gbdpqbqlofqzej/OrderGetIn.Stratis.rar?dl=0

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Have a look at the wiki:




orderGetIn won't take effect on player controlled AI units, and which needs to be used together with assaignAs command family. Generally speaking, orderGetIn is a Role Excuator.





Might be worth trying getin action



A2 assignAsCargo VEHICLE1;
A2 action ["getInCargo", VEHICLE1];
// etc etc


You can specify the seat with the alternate syntax (see the link)


If you do that, don't run it from the init line or it will most likely fail.  Run it from action or script (trigger etc)

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BTW:  Your test mission has some mods which I don't have:


=== Missing Addons ===

=== Active Addons ===



Plus, it's referencing pbo's from Arma 3 Alpha for some reason.


Is your Arma up to date?

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