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Zeus: Unable to play with mods after resuming a game.

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I am currently playing on a CUP map in Chernarus. I made a scenario at an airfield and after completing it, I've decided to Save&Exit.

However, a day after I wanted to come back to continue the scenario, everything was there on the map and usable, no errors. However in my "Create" tab in Zeus, I only had a few factions to chose from, compared to the first time I started the scenario I had all my mod factions.

The only factions accessible now were the standard ArmA 3 factions, which I just don't really use or like that much anymore. And the factions from the mod I used when I played last, which was RHS: GREF. I could not access any other faction from any other mod. Basically I had CDF, ChDKZ and such from GREF, but that alongside "NATO" "NATO Pacific" and such from ArmA was it, I didn't have the USA factions, the British Armed Forces, Bundeswehr, nothing.

Long story short, after resuming a scenario in the game, all the factions I didn't use no longer appear in my "Create" menu in Zeus. What can I do to resolve this?


P.S. I have my Zeus set to "All Addons (Including unofficial ones)" and I do see all of them if I start the scenario from scratch, however if I resume the scenario after quiting and saving it, everything other then the stuff from the mods I used is gone.


Thank you in advance!

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