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Can there be to many ai/objects

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So I've started working on a scenario where I won't to basicly populate the entire map, I found when playing that there is no real mods anything to make the world feel alive and I wanted to craft the entire world such as civilians walking around, and objects in places to make towns feel more alive but at the same time I want to have so randomly walk the map so you get a dynamic play thru everytime never know where the enemy   is making for a differnt play thru everytime, but I was so seeing before pouring a bunch of time into making a living world is there a limit to how much can be in the world at one time and how much lag will this create by having so everywhere and more objects added to the world 

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Holy moly use some formatting will ya?


I've had good results using agents as civilians and a custom FSM (makes civs engage in random dialogs, meet at points of interest, daytime/weather behavior etc.) to rule them all.

No problem CPU wise, but the GPU seems to receive a good punch when having more than 300 units to render at once (with a max total of 450 active and 3800 with simulation disabled/object hidden on takistan), most likely due to the high level of detail of the vanilla models.


Didn't test this stuff with my recently aquired gtx 1080 though, quite a different beast than the brave gtx 770 which received a proper viking burial earlier this year.




I guess utilizing headless clients will only help for a part, since you'd still have to render all those agents.

Having more than 300 agents visible will cause all kinds of issues with arma (player getting vitruvian man pose for a few frames), especially on more demanding maps like altis/tanoa where 100-120 agents was a decent number to hit.


This is about civilians only, objects are a whole different matter.



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Have you looked at the ALiVE mod ? It goes a long way to accomplishing your goals - with minimal effort...




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No Mods? Look into Armaholic.com


Also try my SCAR, and SOCOM mods. Click on my signature. Also TPW adds a bunch of world population stuff. There is COS, EOS, etc. (sorry, I couldn't provide links as I'm on my phone and had to type this quick)



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 If you just want the world to feel more livey then definitely use TPW


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