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I've created roads and other shapefiles in QGIS with the purpose of importing them in TB:




However, when I "Import > Shapes..." from TB, I see an import dialog (in the worst scenario, TB crashes) but then I don't see my roads.


Yes, "View Shapes" is active and as you can see from the image the Easting is 200000 and 0 North (and so is the terrain in TB).


...Any ideas?


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Yes indeed:




It took a very long time to build this, and now I'm unable to import. If anyone can help, it would be seriously appreciated.




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I would suggest processing your shapefile layers through terrain processor before importing into TB, (most likely) it will make whatever processes you plan to do with the shapefiles much faster and organized.


Also, make sure in the layer attributes table that everything is correct.  And you must convert all polygons to HECTARES as demonstrated in the Terrain Processor manual.


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TB don't like too many big shapes open, import your layers one by one.

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I'm trying to import only streets. This is what I get:




Any help would be greatly appreciated...


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20 hours ago, pooface said:

I would suggest processing your shapefile layers through terrain processor before importing into TB, (most likely) it will make whatever processes you plan to do with the shapefiles much faster and organized.


Also, make sure in the layer attributes table that everything is correct.  And you must convert all polygons to HECTARES as demonstrated in the Terrain Processor manual.



If I open the shapefile in TP everything looks good:




However, there is no conversion tool in there (AFAIK), so what should I do once I've opened my shapefile there?



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That's weird, maybe the scale is off or something...


This is why I just do all shapes in TB now, half the time when you import it doesn't have enough points anyway. Then arma adds random curves to the roads, so you waste even more time fixing them all

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Ok but if you want to import 600 roads, and everything is ready in QGIS, you don't really want to redo everything by hand...


This is what I get when I click on "Import > Shapes...", after I select my .shp file:




Maybe the issue lies here?... What am I supposed to do?

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This is nonsense, I can even open it up in mapshaper.com, an online resource for shapefiles:





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On 7/1/2017 at 6:45 PM, pooface said:

Also, make sure in the layer attributes table that everything is correct.



Can you please expand?

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see https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Terrain_Processor:_Tutorial and look at 6.2 Preparing Roads (although it appears your Roads in your project are fine?)


For shapefiles, I am pasting from the same page as linked above from

7 Generating Map Content in TP: Forests etc:



How to compute area in hectares :

  • Toggle editing on selected layer
  • Open Attribute Table
  • Open Field Calculator
  • You can add new column or update existing field
  • Use expression : $area / 10000


Sometimes values are wrong. It's bug in QGIS. Start new project, add only one layer and try it again. If it fails again, check your projection or simplify shape geometry.


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Than you pooface, I found a different workflow that solves all of this (see my guide here): 

Thanks for your help.




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ah, yes good on you for posting your method.  Helps everyone to provide many solutions from different angles!

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