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Just to be clear terc DOES work on some targets, for instance-


Will pop up/down on command but not-


Which is just a small, white metal target on a hinge. Would anybody know of a terc alternative that may work on this object?

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Solved- found a video which specifically indicates that this target type is likely not compatible

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For your Land_target_Oval_Wall_Bottom_F, or anything for what you guess some animations, you can browse the animation sources in config viewer (from right click on object in editor. More than that, you can check what is the current animation phase from debug console. Just name the object or cursorTarget it and, gor example:

animArray = [];

{animArray pushBack [_x,cursorObject animationPhase _x]} forEach animationNames cursorObject

watch for animArray.

This will return something like:



At least,you can test some conditions now.

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I am trying to make condition for _target animate ["terc",1]; so the trigger can be fired when the target is hit. I have read everything I found but some things are broken or simply I can not implement it correctly. I think this is an easy task but still can't make it so I apologize to everyone for asking for such an easily foundable solution but still, I can't resolve it for 3 hours yet. It will be a long text if I write what I am tried so far one example is

((_target animate "terc") isEqualTo  "1")   and _target== ["terc",1]; and so on..

The _target is defined correctly and refers to a variable of working popUp target and everything else works fine just I can't make it as a condition for the trigger.

Thanks in advance 

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