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So I have a mission where I'd like players, once they die, to respawn as a group, rather than individually. So far my understanding of the respawn template "wave", is that its primary function is to do just that, however the behaviour I'm finding is that players will still respawn individually, and not as a group as intended. So its not clear to me how "wave" is any different from a standard respawn. The basic mission setup include the following parameters via the description.ext;


respawn = 3;
respawndelay = 60;
respawnOnStart = 0;
respawnTemplates[] = {"Counter","Wave"};

Each player is given a certain number of tickets, and If a player dies they go into spectator (called from playerKilled) and they see a counter starting from 1min 30sec. If a second player dies 10 seconds later, I would have thought the timer is adjusted so that both respawn together. This is not what I see. They spawn at very different times. I've been told that if a player dies, any others immediately after, are held within a common countdown (here its 60sec), thus once it reaches 0, they all spawn together.


I've also tested it with just;

respawn = 3;
respawndelay = 120;
respawnOnStart = 0;
respawnTemplates[] = {"Wave"};

First person dies, then 10seconds later, the next person dies. First person respawns after waiting 2min, the next after waiting 4min.


Am I missing something? Any thoughts or knowledge on how its supposed to be used would be appreciated!

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Adjusts respawn counter so players spawns together (wave delay is based on respawnDelay)



Not sure what else to tell you. 

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  On 6/16/2017 at 4:31 AM, Midnighters said:



Not sure what else to tell you. 


Unfortunately, simply copy/pasting a link provides no light on the question at hand. If I wanted a link I would have accessed it myself. Have you used the wave respawn template? Again, with the above parameters, I do not see any adjustments to counter time such that players spawn together. Or are you implying there is a waveDelay parameter I need to factor in?


Or does there need to be mass player deaths for this to have any perceived effect?



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  On 6/16/2017 at 5:11 AM, Tonmeister said:


Unfortunately, simply copy/pasting a link provides no light on the question at hand. If I wanted a link I would have accessed it myself. Have you used the wave respawn template? Again, with the above parameters, I do not see any adjustments to counter time such that players spawn together. Or are you implying there is a waveDelay parameter I need to factor in?


Or does there need to be mass player deaths for this to have any perceived effect?



I'm not sure you even looked at what the biki had to say there before posting, or at least to what the post implies.

What I am saying, is your respawnDelay impacts heavily as to how waves or groups are put together. Try changing around the respawnDelay parameter.

I have used the wave respawn template but that was way before the new respawn system, and I'm not sure if the same method applies.

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  On 6/16/2017 at 8:37 AM, Midnighters said:

I'm not sure you even looked at what the biki had to say there before posting, or at least to what the post implies.

What I am saying, is your respawnDelay impacts heavily as to how waves or groups are put together. Try changing around the respawnDelay parameter.

I have used the wave respawn template but that was way before the new respawn system, and I'm not sure if the same method applies.


as to how the wave is put together is something I would like to reveal to better understand how it functions. Unfortunately the biki is quite limited when it comes to divulging that information, and I haven't been able to find any other cases that looks at the behaviour of the wave respawn template.


In terms of changing around the respawn delay parameter, i'm not sure what other effect you are leading to, since i have already provided two cases that demonstrate players dying, using two different respawn delay values, yet the observed effect is the same... that is, they do not spawn together as a group.


In terms of the respawnDelay value and its impact on how the function constructs the wave, what exactly do you mean by that? To what degree does the respawnDelay value determine how a wave is constructed? To me that seems to suggest there is an underlying structure that actively discriminates one value against another value? So what is the effective wave respawn / respawnDelay combination then?


Something is amiss here, either it doesn't work and is broken, or i've misinterpreted its implementation

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  On 6/16/2017 at 9:19 AM, Tonmeister said:

To what degree does the respawnDelay value determine how a wave is constructed?

From BIS_fnc_respawnWave

setplayerrespawntime (_respawnDelay + _respawnDelay - (servertime % _respawnDelay));

Where _respawnDelay is what is set in the description.ext.

Lets say your respawnDelay is 2 minutes( 120 seconds ).

Your first player dies and he happens to die exactly when serverTime == 0. I know right at the beginning but just go with it.

120 + 120 - ( 0 % 120 ) == 240 = 240 + serverTime ( 0 ) == will respawn at serverTime of 240

The next player dies 30 seconds later..

120 + 120 - ( 30 % 120 ) == 210 = 210 + serverTime ( 30 ) == will respawn at serverTime of 240


Now if the serverTime when the first player dies is just before the modulus value then they are going to be split e.g

first player at serverTime 100

120 + 120 - ( 100 % 120 ) == 140 = 140 + serverTime ( 100 ) == serverTime of 240

second 30 seconds later

120 + 120 - ( 130 % 120 ) == 230 = 230 + serverTime ( 130 ) == serverTime of 360


So the respawn time is highly dependant on serverTime batched in multiples of respawnTime.

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great thanks for the info Larrow, and good explanation. seems I had it wrong all along

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Basically you wait entire wave length and spawn wave after. If your wave duration is 300 seconds, you will wait 300 seconds and then spawn on next wave which is a number divisive by 300. That is, probably, to prevent players to die in last seconds of the wave (risk more) just to respawn immediately after. 


Of course, dying immediately on respawn means waiting almost two respawn waves. 


Waiting time is therefore a number between respawnDelay and 2*respawnDelay. 

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